Lockdales Auction 155 19-20 May 2018
100 2411 Various stamps in albums, foreign, silver jubilee, Royal thematics etc (qty) £24 - £26 2412 Vatican covers and cards collection in a box. (Buyer collects) £30 - £35 2413 West Germany 1949-61 display collection on leaves- mint/used & covers. Much valuable material here. (qty) £250 - £270 2414 West Germany display collection on leaves in two boxes- mint used, covers 1971-8. (Buyer collects) £100 - £120 2415 West Germany well written-up collection 1979- 90 mint/used and covers. (qty) £80 - £85 2416 West Germany well written-up collection in three albums 1965-70 - mint/used and covers. (qty) £100 - £120 2417 West Germany written-up collection 1973-89 on leaves- mint/used/covers. (qty) £50 - £60 2418 World - a large plastic tub of various material, on stocksheets, loose, in packets, etc. Worth a closer look (qty) Buyer collects £60 - £70 2419 World - large flat box of various material on stockcards, packets, covers, etc. Better noted. Worth a rummage (Buyer collects) £150 - £200 2420 World - large plastic tub of various material in several albums/stockbooks. Worth a rummage (qty) Buyer collects £40 - £50 2421 World - mixed collection of mixed world Booklets (qty) £25 - £30 2422 World box of album leaves including some individual one-country lots. (Buyer collects) £50 - £60 2423 World box of album leaves & stockcards with useful seen. (Buyer collects) £50 - £60 2424 World box of stamps on album leaves and stockcards inc useful Turkey etc. (Buyer collects) £30 - £35 2425 World collections in several old albums/stockbooks, much European and a little Commonwealth noted. Worth closer inspection (qty) Buyer collects £80 - £85 2426 World Ex dealer lot of stamps on cards etc etc. (Buyer collects) £30 - £35 2427 World heavily duplicated foreign lot in albums & stockcards. Useful lot. (Buyer collects) £40 - £45 2428 World heavy lot in stockbooks - Much France. (Buyer collects) £40 - £45 2429 World in tins, loose and on cards in a box. Worth a careful look. (Buyer collects) £30 - £35 2430 World large box of stamps on leaves, on stockcards, covers etc etc. Many 1000’s and worth a good look. Heavy. (Buyer collects) £50 - £60 2431 World material in old blue Triumph Album, plus a quantity on & off paper in shoebox (qty) £24 - £26 2432 World off paper range loose in many packets, some GB noted. Worth a rummage (qty) Buyer collects £30 - £35 2433 World on cards, in envelopes, covers etc heavy lot. (Buyer collects) £30 - £35 2434 World on paper, on cards, covers etc. 1000’s heavy lot. (Buyer collects) £30 - £35 2435 World range in 13x albums, several small but many well filled, general mix, mostly used (Buyer collects) £50 - £55 2436 World range in binders, albums, loose. Mostly Europe inc Portugal Yearbooks, Danish FDC's etc etc (qty) Buyer collects £40 - £45 2437 World range in large box, in albums, loose in small boxes, packets. Much sorting (Buyer collects) £40 - £45 2438 World range in large plastic green tub, housed in albums, stockbooks, leaves, a tin and in packets. Lots of sorting potential (qty) Buyer collects £70 - £75 2439 World range on hagners in brown binder, good selection cat £1600+ (qty) £30 - £35 2440 World ride ranges of covers in a shoebox inc pre-stamp France etc etc. Worth a good look. (qty) £30 - £35 2441 World stamps in albums & stockbook in a large box. Large quantity - neat lot. (Buyer collects) £50 - £60 2442 World stamps on album leaves + covers in a box. Worth a good look. (Buyer collects) £30 - £35 2443 World vast duplicated lot in stock sheets. (Buyer collects) £40 - £45 2444 Zaire 1980 Tropical Fish, 200k and 250k complete sheets cat £50 used £20 - £25 Covers 2445 25th Anniversary of the Coronation of H.M.Queen Elizabeth II 1978 Silver Medallic First Day Covers. (2) £20 - £25 2446 America Bicentennial Covers collection in special album £20 - £22 2447 American Bicentennial 1976 Silver Medallic First Day Cover. (1) £20 - £25 2448 Benham's Silk Postcard 1st Day Covers Complete collection - Royal Wedding 1981 to Christmas 1991 - 91 complete sets + 1 Duplicate Set. £50 - £55 2449 Benham large size silk FDC's, loose and in small album, nice range (qty) £30 - £35 2450 Benham Silk covers, long format, and booklet pane FDC's, in blue malvern album (approx 40) £20 - £25 2451 Box of GB FDC's in albums x5, some early 1960's noted (qty) Buyer collects £35 - £40 2452 Box of GB FDC's, housed in albums and loose (qty) £25 - £30 2453 Box of various World Commercial Covers, good variety (qty) Buyer collects £20 - £25 2454 British Commonwealth FDC's in albums x3, plus loose. Countries inc Rhodesia/Zimbabwe, RSA & Nigeria etc. Clean lot (qty) £25 - £30 2455 Carton with range, including early 20th century accumulation to a Countess, a battered suitcase with Japanese interest mainly with stamps removed, and others £20 - £25 2456 Chile 1867 Cover bearing 10c ‘Colon’ issue, Valpariso fancy cancel and Backstamped AREQUIPA (Peru). Fine item of postal history. £100 - £120 2457 Christmas 1977 Silver Medallic First Day Covers (2) £20 - £25 2458 Collection of scarcer GB FDC's, inc 1965 Churchill with Churchill p/m, 1953 Coronation, Battle of Britain with Biggin Hill p/m, etc. Needs viewing (approx 15) £70 - £80 2459 Covers, collection of approx 114 mainly Aviation overs, in two modern albums, 1960’s-1980’s, inc. UK, Foreign, Civil & Military, Ist Flights, WWII Anniversaries, Silks, Navy, Escaping Society etc. £35 - £40 2460 Covers, collection of approx 138 FDC’s 1965 - 1981, in two modern albums. £25 - £30