Lockdales Auction 155 19-20 May 2018
54 1307 Diocletian billon antoninianus, LugdunumMint 290-293 A.D., obverse has interesting bust left, wearing crested helmet, reverse legend:- PAX AVGG, in exergue 'A', Pax standing left, holding Victory on globe and sceptre, Sear 12687, VF £30 - £35 1308 Diocletian follis, reverse:- Genius, Heraclea Mint? A.D.294? [correct obverse reading], GF with a ditto but of Maxmian, First Reign 286-305, reverse:- Moneta, Sisca Mint 301-302, Sear 13302, with hint of silvering, GVF and lastly a ditto but of Galerius as Caesar, reverse:- Genius, Antioch Mint 299-300 A.D., Sear 14379, just the slightest hint of silvering, VF [3] £60 - £70 1309 Diva Faustina Senior, silver denarius, struck by Antoninus Pius, reverse:- Vesta, NVF/GF, with a ditto but Faustina Junior, reverse:- Spes, Sear 4702, GF, and lastly Julia Domna, reverse:- Vesta, Sear 6614, GF, all good metal [3] £45 - £55 1310 Domitian silver tetradrachm, Antioch Mint 88-89 AD, Obverse laureate head right. / Rev. Eagle standing right on thunderbolt, wings spread, palm branch before. H= regnal year 8 in upper right field. Sear GIC 871, GVF £160 - £180 1311 Edward I silver farthing, reads:- CIVITAS LONDON, with inner circles, cracked, F, with a ditto, obverse reads:- +E R ANGLIE, no inner circle, bust to the edge, reverse:- LONDONICE[NSIS}, with inner circle, Fair/NVF and lastly a ditto with oval flan, obverse legend ends:- REX A, F/VF [3] £40 - £50 1312 Edward I silver penny of London, nice neat coin and portrait, VF with a ditto but given to Edward II and of Canterbury, with an old ticket and packet, cracked, NVF and lastly a holed Mary groat reading VERITAS, Spink 2492, lightly crinkled, NF/NVF [3] £30 - £40 1313 Edward I silver penny of London, reads:- EDWAR, Class 10, small with some cabinet tone, GF/NVF together with a ditto but of Edward III, Third or Florin Coinage, Class 2 reads:- EDWA and has Lombardic 'N's, a small area of flatness each side, NVF [2] £40 - £50 1314 Edward II silver penny, Class 14, crown with tall central fleur, smiling face, struck at Canterbury, well centred, light scuffs, GF/NVF, with another Edwardian penny of London, small, scuffs, GF and lastly a silver halfpenny, Edward II or III, obverse reads:-+EWARDVS REX [seems to omit 'D'], F/NVF [3] £50 - £60 1315 Edward III gold quarter noble, Transitional treaty period, 1361-1369, Spink 1501, many varieties, present piece with large pellet at centre of reverse with annulets in the quarters, flan probably lightly clipped, GVF £600 - £650 1316 Edward III gold quarter noble, Transitional treaty period, 1361-1369, Spink 1501, many varieties, present piece with large pellet at centre of reverse with annulets in the quarters, full flan, GVF £750 - £800 1317 Edward III gold quarter noble, Transitional treaty period, 1361-1369, Spink 1501, many varieties, present piece with large pellet at centre of reverse with large pellets in the quarters, VF £525 - £575 1318 Edward III silver groat of London, Series C or D [tail of 'R' not certain] Lombardic 'M's, 'C' and 'E' closed, mm. Cross 1, flan slightly irregular, GF/NVF with a James VI of Scorland, half-merk of 1602, Spink 5498, full, round, lightly crinkled, NF/Fair [2] £40 - £50 1319 Edward VI silver shilling, Fine Issue 1551-1553, mm. Y, Spink 2482, large full round flan, well centred, light crinkle, GF/GVF £140 - £180 1320 Edward VI silver shilling, Fine Silver Issue, mm. Tun, Spink 2482, full, round, well centred, NVF £60 - £80 1321 Edwardian silver pennies, two, one with a very strange crown with right hand side nearly upright and left towards horizontal, both Canterbury Mint, NVF and GF/NVF, with a Henry VI silver penny, Annulet Issue of London, Spink 1844, NVF and lastly a Henry VII silver halfpenny of London, crown with single arch, last 2 Ex. Old Coin Shop Norwich, GF/NVF [4] £50 - £60 1322 Elagabalus brass dupondius Rome Mint 220-221 AD, Obverse his radiate bust right wearing sacred horn. / Rev. reads LIBERTAS AVG SC, Libertas standing left holding pileus and rod. Sear 7584, seldom offered, especially with horn, nVF £80 - £90 1323 Elizabeth I silver sixpence, Third-Fourth Issue 1561- 1577, mm. Ermine 1572-1573 and possibly 1572, has been bent as a love token, Fair/F with a ditto but mm. Coronet 1567-1570 and dated 1567, crinkled, F/GF, together with a silver penny of Edward I, reverse reading:- VILLA BRISTOLLIE, Bristol Mint, possbly Class 3c, VF [3] £40 - £50 1324 Elizabeth I silver threefarthings, Fifth Issue 1578-1582, mm. Greek Cross 1578-1579, Spink 2576, overall small marks under magnification, portrait clear, scarce, GF/F £50 - £60 1325 Elizabeth I silver threepence, 1567, mm. Coronet, Spink 2566, F, with a silver groat, mm. Cross-Crosslet 1560- 1561, Spink 2556, lightly crinkled, Fair/GFand lastly a silver sixpence 1567, mm. Lion, Spink 2562, F/GF [3] £50 - £60