Lockdales Auction 155 19-20 May 2018
57 1359 John silver penny, Short Cross, Class 5, reverse reads:- [+]ABEL.O[N.LVND], reverse off centre, lightly crinkled, part flat, rest VF, with a ditto but Henry III, Long Cross with sceptre, reverse reading:- RENAVD ON LVND, lightly crinkled, NVF and lastly a ditto but no sceptre, reverse reading:- TOMAS ON NORh [Northampton Mint], F/NVF, first Ex. dealer Fakenham Market c.1990, second and third Ex. M W Catalogue c.1995 [3] £60 - £70 1360 Julia Domna silver denarii, first reverse:- Pietas, Sear 6600, VF/NVF with a dittobut reverse:- Juno, Sear 6589, VF/NVF and lastly a ditto, reverse:- Vesta, Sear 6614, VF/NVF, all good metal [3] £45 - £55 1361 Julia Domna silver denarii, first reverse:- Vesta, legend:- VESTAE SANCTAE, Sear 6614, GVF/VF, with a ditto, GVF/F and lastly a ditto, VF, all good metal [3] £55 - £65 1362 Julian II billon double-mariorina, Heraclea Mint 362 A.D.mm. = HERACL followed by officina lettwer 'B', Bull right, two stars above, Sear 19155, with an old ticket, dark toned, VF £40 - £60 1363 Julian II silver siliqua, Constantia/Arles Mint 361-361 A.D., reverse:- VOT X MVLT XX within wreath, Sear 19126, VF with a ditto but of Theodosius I, reverse reads:- VRBS ROMA, Roma seated on throne, mm., not clear, see Sear p.404, light edge damage, extra metal in some places, rough surfaces, NVF [2] £40 - £50 1364 Lucius Verus with Marcus Aurelius brass sestertius, Rome Mint 163-164 A.D., reverse:- Verus seated left, on platform, right hand extended, two soldiers standing behind him, an officer standing in front, holding rod, standing below platform Sohaemus, raising right hand to his head, legend below:- REX ARMEN DAT, verified by Dr. Vezin, RIC III, p.322. 1370, rare, GF/F £60 - £100 1365 Marcus Aurelius as Caesar copper as, Rome Mint 148 AD. Reverse reads HO-NOS (in field) TR POT II COS II S C. Honos togate standing facing, head right. Sear 4830, nicer than usual GVF £140 - £160 1366 Marcus Aurelius brass sestertius, Rome Mint 172 A.D., reverse legend:- IMP VI COS I I I S C, Victory standing right, resting round shield on tree stump an inscribing VIC GER upon it, Sear 4978, VF £50 - £60 1367 Maximinus II as Augustus, 310-313 A.D., billon follis of the London Mint, reverse:- Genius standing left, star in right field, PLN in exergue, Sear 14856, nice even colour, GVF £40 - £45 1368 Maximus I silver denarius Rome Mint 235-236 AD, reverse reads SALVS AVGVSTI, Salus enthroned left feeding snake arising from altar, Sear 8316, about Mint State. £80 - £100 1369 Mixed Ancient Coins x53 mostly bronze. £160 - £180 1370 Naples & Sicily silver carlino of Ferdinandus of Aragon 1458-1494, Gnecchi 3546, attractive piece, VF £100 - £130 1371 Nero sestertius [Paduan medallion] of the famous view of the Harbour of Ostia, struck Rome Mint 64 A.D., this original issue pictured 8 ships in the harbour, the present 7, GVF £120 - £140 1372 Nerva silver denarius, Rome Mint Dec. 98 A.D., reverse reads:- IMP II COS IIII P P, Libertas standing left, Sear 3028, scuffed each side, a little polished, GF/F with a ditto but Trajan, Rome Mint 107 A.D.. legend:- COS V P P S P Q R OPTIMO PRINC, Victory standing left holding wreath and palm, Sear 3129, VF [2] £40 - £60 1373 Nerva silver denarius, Rome Mint, Jan.-Sept., 97 A.D., obverse reads:- IMP NERVA CAES AVG P M TR POT I I, reverse reads:- COS I I I PATER PATRIAE, Priestly emblems, Sear 3023, looks to be a detector find, a few light marks under magnification, well centred and of good metal, uncleaned, VF £170 - £200 1374 Numerian, billon antoninianus, Lugdunum Mint 283 A.D., reverse:- Mars to right carrying spear and trophy, officina mark C in lower right field, Sear 12247, silver wash almost complete, EF £40 - £50 1375 Otacilia Severa bronze as, Rome Mint 244-247 AD, reverse CONCORDIA AVGGVST SC, Concordia seated left holding double cornucopia and patera, Sear 9178, pitted GVF £40 - £50