Lockdales Auction 162 26-27 January 2019
34 935 Bayonets: 1) Bayonet: Belgian FAL M1965 Export bayonet in its steel scabbard. Very good condition. 2) Bayonet: Siamese Model 1896 Mauser bayonet in its blued steel scabbard vgc. A good pair. (2) £35 - £40 936 Bayonets: 1) French Model 1842 made at Chateller ault in 1861. 2) French Model 1874 Gras bayonet made at St Etienne. June 1876. Unknown socket bayonet. No scabbards. (3) £25 - £30 937 Bayonets: 1) French Model 1874 Gras Bayonet made at St Etienne in January 1878. In its blued steel scabbard (chape button missing) Blade tip rounded. Overall g.c. 2) French Model 1866 Chasspot Bayonet. No scabbard. Sound condition, no markings. (2) £20 - £25 938 Bayonets: 1) German WW2 'Erstaz' all steel. Blade 14" in its pitted steel scabbard with leather frog (Press stud absent). 2) Turkish M1935 in WW1 Ersatz steel scabbard. Both in worn condition. (2) £50 - £60 939 Bayonets: 1) Pattern 1888 MKI Bayonet in its MKI steel mounted scabbard (chape with sellotape binding) Worn but sound condition. 2) U.S. P.17 by Remington in a Home Guard steel mounted leather scabbard. The whole in very good condition. (2) £40 - £50 940 Bayonets: 1) U.S. M5 knife bayonet in US M8 A1 plastic scabbard with inspectors mark 'P.W.H.' vgc. 2) U.S. M1 Garand bayonet. Blade 10". In its plastic scabbard. Ricasso marked '9.09' & 'K.S.' Stiff in scabbard. vgc overall. (2) £40 - £50 941 Bayonets: 1) WW1 French Lebel Model 1886 Epee bayonet in its steel scabbard. With hook quillon. 2) Model 1890 Gendarmerie bayonet, blade shortened & quillon shortened. (Blade 15.75") Blade stamped 'O & P'. (2) £40 - £50 942 Bayonets: 1) Yugoslav Model 1924 in its steel scabbard. Ricasso marked 'NPEAY3EHE' & '44'. 2) SA80 Bayonet in Canvas scabbard. (mismatched?). (2) £25 - £30 943 Bayonets: French Model 1866 Sabre bayonets without scabbards. One made at Tulle in 1868 the other no visible markings. One in good condition the other pitted. (2) a/f £20 - £25 944 Bayonet: a British Pattern 1856 sword bayonet for Volunteers. Ricasso marked 'A & A.S.' and 'S'. Chequered leather grips. Clean blade 22.5". In its steel locket numbered '197' and a replaced chape. '260/246' to leather work. £35 - £40 945 Bayonet: A good Lovell's Pattern 'Brown Bess' pattern bayonet. Flat triangular fullered bayonet by 'Shill'. Top flat marked 'G3' & 'AH' '63' & sold out of service mark. Makers name 'S. Hill'. A good clean example with clear markings. No scabbard. £50 - £60 946 Bayonet: A P'07 WW1 SMLE dated Jan 1915. Surface rust to blade pommel & scabbard mounts. Will restore well. Blade stiff in scabbard. a/f £20 - £25 947 Bayonet: A scarce Peabody-Martini socket bayonet in its brass mounted leather scabbard. Tri form blade 20" scabbard of square form. The whole in vgc. £35 - £40 948 Bayonet: Czech V2 -24 'High Ears' modified by the German Army for use in WW2. Reverse edge blade 12" marked 'CSZ E'. Blade in good condition. Scabbard & mounts with surface rust. Will clean up well. £25 - £30 949 Bayonet: French Model 1866 Chasspot Sabre bayonet. Top of blade marked in script 'St Etienne Mai 1871'. Dirty condition with some surface rust. Good blade. Should clean up well. a/f £20 - £25 950 Bayonet: scarce Chasspot Model 1866 Sabre Bayonet by British maker 'Reeves' of Birmingham: so marked to top of blade which is in vgc. In its steel scabbard. An above average example. £35 - £40 951 Bayonet: US WW2 M1 Bayonet in its US plastic scabbard. Blade 9.5" marked on ricasso 'A.F.H. & U.S'. with flaming grenade. A very good clean example. £35 - £40 952 Belgium 19th century double barrel percussion shot gun £130 - £150 953 Belgium 19th century pin fire pocket revolver with Liege proof mark nice clean gun with some original nickel plating in good working condition £120 - £140 954 British Army Pattern clasp knife for issue to cavalry, artillery & ASC units. Blade S/Edged 3.5" marked '*+ England' & 'G.R'. 'Rogers & Sons, 8 Norfolk St. Sheffield. England'. Three functions including stone remover from horses hooves & short knife blade. Spike with W/D arrow mark. Copper lanyard loop. Chequered scales. All in vgc with service wear but no damage. £35 - £40 955 British Bayonets: 1) No 4 MKII Spike in steel scabbard with frog. 2) No 9 Bowie Bayonet in its steel scabbard. Scabbard springs a/f. 3) LIA3 SLR Bayonet in its steel scabbard. In very good condition. (3) £50 - £60 956 Brown Bess socket bayonet in relic condition found on the Waterloo battlefield in 2005 mounted on board for display (Buyer collects) £45 - £55 957 Burmese Palace Sword, c18th century, with ornate brass handles (44 inches long) £200 - £250 958 Burmese Palace Sword, c18th century, with ornate brass handles (44 inches long) £200 - £250 959 Chinese Executioner's sword, c18th century, tip of blade missing (38.5 inches long) £200 - £250 960 Chinese Executioner's sword, unusual giant type, c19th century (64 inches long) (Buyer arranges collection) £600 - £650 961 Clasp knives, two WW2 and one WW1 examples with two whistles. £45 - £55 962 Collection of various old Swords all lacking their scabbards bar one. All rusty and in poor condition. Sold as Seen (Buyer collects) (8) £80 - £100 963 Collection of various Swords & Bayonets inc French chassepot bayonet, old copy Samurai sword, German WW1 Sawback bayonet, heavy Russian ? Pioneers short sword, Persian Shamshir style sword with horn grips, Persian heavy short sword, etc. Buyer collects (6) a/f £200 - £250 964 Constabulary carbine 1842 pattern with VR tower 1843 lock and various stock markings £400 - £450 965 Copy German Hitler Youth and Police daggers (2) £40 - £45 966 Copy German SA and Luftwaffe daggers, and a Persian Dagger (3) £50 - £55 967 Copy German SS daggers (3) £60 - £70