Lockdales Auction 162 26-27 January 2019
54 1393 Aethelred II silver penny, First Hand Type, Spink 1144, obverse reads:- +AEDELRAED REX ANGLOX [both 'AE's'and 'NG' ligulate although 'NG' could be 'I G', first 'D' with thorn, OX with connecting crescent], reverse reads:- +OSFERD M-O DEOTFO [both 'D's with thorn], Thetford Mint, moneyer Osferth, found near Lincoln on 22June.2003 and was recorded in the BNJ 74, 2004, p.215, no.177, ill.pl . 20, Ex. DNW Auction 65, 16.March.2005, lot 102, ill., 7 coins these dies known to cataloguer. Die flaw at obverse 4 o'clock, full, round, well centred, typical East Anglian Bust, slightly rough surfaces, GVF £375 - £425 1394 Aethelred II silver penny, Helmet Issue, Spink 1152, obverse reads:- +EDELRED REX AN [First 'D' with thorn], reverse reads:- +EDPELRIC ON NORDP. Norwich Mint, moneyer Ethwelric [unlisted in J.J.N.?], full, round, well centred, light pecks,dark even tone, GVF (J.C.) £180 - £250 1395 Aethelred II silver penny, Last Small Cross Issue, BUST RIGHT, Spink 1154A, obverse reads:- +AEDELRAED REX ANGX [Both 'AE' and 'NG' ligulate, first 'D' with thorn], reverse reads:- +MANNA M/O DEOTE ['D' with thorn], Thetford Mint, moneyer Manna, with 2 old tickets, Ex J.C.Sadler, Sept. 2016, Ex. Spink Auction 13013, lot 587, Ex. SNC March 1993, 999, possibly Ex. Conte CNG 58, extremely rare, full, round, well centred, peck marked, VF (J.C.) £350 - £800 1396 Aethelred II silver penny, Long Cross Issue, obverse legend:-+AEDELRAED REX ANGLO [Both 'AE's and 'NG' ligulate], reverse legend:- +MANNA MO DEOD [First 'D' with thorn, 'O's with central pellet], Thetford Mint, moneyer Manna, with an old ticket, Ex. Kunker Auction 281, lot 1593, Sept. 2016 and with their card, full, round, well centred one peck mark reverse, VF (J.C.) £180 - £250 1397 Aethelred II silver penny, Long Cross Issue, Spink 1151, obverse reads:- +AEDELRAED REX ANGLO [Both 'AE's and 'NG' ligate, first 'D' with thorn, 'O' with central pellet, reverse reads:- +AELEPINE M/O LEIE ['AE' ligate, 'O' with central pellet], Chester Mint, moneyer Aelewine, Ex. CNG electronic auction, central hairline crack, crinkled, peck marked, round and well centred, AVF (J.C.) £50 - £60 1398 Aethelred II silver penny, Second Hand Issue, Spink 1146, Anglo-Scandinavian imitation, blundered legend looks engraved not produced from official punches, also has pecks, obverse reads:- +POFNI?R?D?EFNOT? barbarous, reverse reads:- +MANINIC M-O NORPI, 'Norwich' Mint, moneyer 'Maninc', 1 41g., Ex. Spink Auction 191, lot 223, Nov. 2007, Ex. Viking lot 1221, this very interestinc coin has 5 old tickets, one of which is incorrect, full, round, lightly crinkled, GF (J.C.) £200 - £250 1399 Aethelred II silver penny, Second Hand Issue, Spink 1146, obverse:- +AEDELRAED REX ANGLOX [Both 'AE's ligulate], reverse reads:- +EADELM M-O LVND, London Mint, moneyer Eadelm, Ex. Bob Thomas, Ex. Lack and Pheatt Collections, Ex. Commander Mack Collection, Ex. Duke of Argyll Collection, with 3 old tickets and photos. one ticket states 'Dr, Gibson 7/-', full, round, well centred, GVF (J.C.) £300 - £400 1400 Aethelstan I King of East Anglia, silver penny, A, bar above Alpha / Plain cross, no pellets in quarters, Spink 950, moneyer Torthelm, J.J.N.440var. this variety with no pellets in reverse quarters is only known from 2 other specimens, by the cataloguer, Spink NC 3/1995, 952 and Seaby's Bulletin 7.1959, 5268 [same dies], with old ticket, edge loss, obverse left side, sharp, rare, GVF (J.C.) £300 - £400 1401 Aethelstan I King of East Anglia, silver penny, Spink 949, Crude bust right / +EA DGAR MONE TA in three lines, with old ticket, purchsed eBay March 2010, found Overton near Andover, Hants., flan crinkled, ragged edge at 5 o'clock, flan split at 6 o'clock, rare, NVF (J.C.) £1250 - £1750 1402 Aethelstan King of all England 924-939, large fragment 60%, obverse:- Diademed bust right, to edge of coin, legend:- [ ]TAN REX, reverse:- +[ ]AR M.O NORPT around small cross pattee, Norwich Mint, moneyer from present knowledge Eadgar or Hrodgar, J.J.N. 675, Spink 1095, purchased eBay March 2007, found Brandon Suffolk, heavy cracks, slightly rough surfaces, dark, rare, clear GF (J.C.) £150 - £200