DCM GV to 14582 Cpl Benjamin Brewer 10th Bn Notts
& Derby Regt. DCM L/G 30/3/1916. Killed In Action
7th Aug 1916, listed on the Thiepval Memorial. Born
Cosall, Notts. DCM for conspicuous gallantry during
operations on 2/3/16 North of the Ypres Comines
Canal near the Bluff. When a party brining up supplies
to the front line under heavy shell fire his Sergt was
killed, but he took charge, got supplies through, and then
remained tending his wounded Comrades. Small edge
bumps, GVF
£400 - £450
Death plaque named to 3604 L/Cpl Hezekiah Smith
1/5th Suffolks. Died 15/9/1916, buried Ismailia War
Cemetery. Born Chevington.
£50 - £55
Death Plaque to 10370 Pte Stanley Spalding 8th Bn
Royal Fusiliers. Killed In Action 31/7/1916. Born
Ipswich. Listed on the Thiepval Memorial. (1)
£50 - £55
Death Plaque to 10857 Pte Alfred Henry Gladdis 2nd Bn
Hampshire Regt. Died at Sea 13th August 1915. Born
Atherfields, I.O.W. He Died when the Royal Edward
was torpedoed by U-Boat 14. Listed on the Helles
Memorial. VF (1)
£40 - £45
Death Plaque to 2021 Pte John Alfred Jordan 4th Bn
Suffolks. Died of Wounds 2/5/1915, Born Ipswich,
Buried Ipswich Old Cemetery. (1)
£50 - £55
Death Plaque to 231181 Pte Hugh Victor Southon
Dorset Yeomanry. Died 1/12/1918, buried Alexandria
War Memorial Cemetery. Lived Eastbourne. EF (1)
£40 - £45
Death Plaque to 33617 Gnr George Ernest Bassett 86th
Heavy Bty RGA. Died 16th Oct 1918. Buried Baghdad
War Cemetery. Born Dulwich, Surrey. VF
£40 - £45
Death Plaque to 33953 Pte Bernard Saunders 1st Bn
Essex Regt. Killed In Action 20/11/1917, born
Kegworth, Lincs. Listed on the Cambrai Memorial. GVF
£40 - £45
Death Plaque to 3/8624 Pte Robert Tose 2nd Bn Yorks
Regt. Killed In Action 25th Sept 1915, Born W.
Hartlepool. Listed on the Loos Memorial. GVF
£40 - £45
Death Plaque to 4/6771 Pte William Richard Pollard
2nd Bn Bedfordshire Regt. Died of Wounds 18th June
1915. Born Rickmansworth. Buried Lillers Communal
Cemetery. Polished (1)
£40 - £45
Death plaque to 8166 Pte Frederick Richard Bassett 1st
Bn L.N.Lancs Regt. Killed In Action 11th August 1918.
Born Camberwell, Surrey. Buried Noeux-Les-Mines
Cemetery. VF
£40 - £45
Death Plaque to 8495 Pte Alfred William Saville R.Berks
Regt, Killed In Action 15/3/1915, buried Guards
Cemetery, Windy Corner, Cuinchy. Born Battersea.
Together with his Sons ? 1939-45 Star, Italy Star and
War Medal plus named Casualty Medal Slip to Rfn W
Saville. (4)
£60 - £65
Death Plaque to PLY/16339 William Honey RMLI
HMS Cumberland. Died of Disease 1/10/1918, buried
Bristol Cemetery. Born St Phillips, Bristol. Lot includes
Admiralty Medal letter, and two original photos
£40 - £45
Death Plaque to Walter Thompson VF
£40 - £45
Defence Medal & GVI Special Constabulary Medal to
Bertie Long of West Suffolk Police, lived Lavenham.
Both with named boxes of issue (2)
£30 - £35
Delhi Durbar Medal 1903 (silver) unnamed as issued. VF
£140 - £160
Delhi Durbar Medal 1911 silver, unnamed as issued. EF
£70 - £75
Delhi Durbar Medal 1911 (silver) named to 12356
L.Corp'l F C Bryant 1st Middlesex Regt. GF
£60 - £70
Discharge Certificates for WW1, one named to 119930
Gnr William Samuel Adams RGA, plus two others with
the naming faded (3) a/f
£30 - £35
Distinguished Conduct Medal and 1915 Star Trio to
1038 L/Cpl Frank Liddamore 1/R.W.Kent Regt. Born
Fornham St Genevieve ?, Nr Bury St Edmunds.
Wounded In Action 22/7/1916. DCM L/G 16/5/1916
"For conspicuous gallantry when repairing wire near
Arras on 9th April 1916, the enemy opened rapid fire at
35 yards range causing several casualties Sgt Hammand
and Liddamore under heavy fire rescued a wounded
officer and brought him back to safety. CSM Crossley
was killed helping them. From the Regimental History
....... At Arras in the early morning of 9th April 1916
when it was misty, Capt Gross and Lt Dobie with CSM
Crossley went out to inspect the wire in front of the fire
trench. While they were doing so the enemy suddenly
opened fire. Lt Dobie fell dead into a crater the others
got back except Capt Gross who was left out wounded,
CSM Crossley, Sgt Hammand and L/Cpl Liddamore
crept out under fire and succeeded in dragging Capt
Gross back to the trench. He however died a few minutes
later. Crossley was killed and Liddamore got a bullet
through his clothing". VF (4)
£1400 - £1500
Distinguished Flying Cross dated 1945 in original Royal
Mint Case with Air Secretary's letter to F/O George
Edward Rose (56546) DFC, Appointments and
Promotions. DFC awarded 25/9/1945.(619 Sqdn). nEF
£800 - £900
Divisional cloth badges x14 fixed to old cloth backing.
£80 - £85