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Collection of 30 complete sets & 1 part set contained in

original large Players slot in albums, sets from Players,

Ogden's (Australian Test Cricketers), Wills, etc mixed

condition, needs viewing cat value £1100+

£100 - £120


Collection of 31 complete sets contained in 3 modern

albums, sets include Ogden - Applied Electricity, Dogs,

Sights of London, Modes of Conveyance, Cathedrals &

Abbeys, Marvels of Motion x 2, Carreras - Famous Men,

History of Army Uniforms, History of Naval Uniforms,

BAT - London Ceremonials, Ardath - Who is This,

Famous Film Stars, Gallaher - Famous Footballers (green

back & brown back), Mitchell - A Gallery of 1934, A

Gallery of 1935, Wonderful Century, etc mixed

condition with many G - VG or better ca

£250 - £280


Collection of 32 complete sets contained in 2 modern

albums, sets include Lloyd - Zoo Series, Types of Horses,

Boguslavsky - Winners on the Turf (standard size),

Ogden - Football Club Captains, Prominent Cricketers

of 1938, Lambert & Butler - Horsemanship, The Royal

Family at Home & Abroad, Hignett - Panama Canal,

B.A.T. - Nautch Girl (Tiger back), Lea - Film Stars (1st &

2nd series), Miniatures (gold border & 51-100), Will's -

Stage & Film Stars (Four Aces back), Dancing Girls (27)

(Scissors back), Morri

£270 - £300


Collection of 32 complete sets contained in 3 modern

albums, sets include Anstie - Peoples of Europe, Will's -

Nelson Series, Famous British Authors, British Cigarette

Co Ltd - Chinese Trades, Macnaughton Jenkins -

Various Uses of Rubber, Westminster Tobacco -

Dancing Girls (P - F), Phillips - Red Indians, Churchman

- History & Development of the British Empire, Smith -

Dogs (Klondyke back), Ogden - Prominent Racehorses of

1933, Turf Personalities, Derby Entrants 1926 (P-F),

Cope - The World's Police etc

£280 - £300


Collection of 35 complete sets contained in 3 modern

albums, sets include B.A.T. - Beauties Tobacco Leaf back

PC inset, I.T.C. Canada, Famous English Actresses,

Boguslavsky - Conan Doyle Characters (black back),

Carreras - Figures of Fiction, Popular Footballers,

Christie Comedy Girls, Edwards Ringer & Bigg -

Prehistoric Animals, Churchman - Frisky, East Suffolk

Churches (black front), Famous Railway Trains (standard

size), Lea - War Pictures, Will's - Army Life (Scissors),

Vanity Fair 1st series, Ardath

£250 - £270


Collection of 38 complete sets contained in 4 modern

albums, sets include Lea - Famous Film stars, Miniatures

(no border), Hignett - Celebrated Old Inns, Life in Pond

& Stream, Historical London, Mitchell - Scotland's Story,

Army Ribbons & Buttons, Morris - Motor Series, Ogden

- Birds of Brilliant Plumage (PC inset), Trainers &

Owners Colours (1st & 2nd series), Broadcasting,

Coronation Procession, Carreras - Raemakers War

Cartoons, Abdulla - Screen Stars, Simonets - Picture

Series, Salmon & Gluckstein

£320 - £350


Collection of 39 complete sets contained in 3 modern

albums, sets include Wills - Cinema Stars (all 3 series),

Mining, Famous Inventions, Chinese Beauties (Pirate),

Phillips - Motor Cars at a Glance, How to make your

own Wireless Set, Popular Superstitions, Société Job -

Cinema Stars (M size unnumbered), Lea - Chairman

War Portraits, English Birds, Fish, Carreras - Footballers

(small titles), Richmond Cavendish - Chinese Actors &

Actresses, Lambert & Butler - Merchant Ships of the

World, Lloyd - Old Inns,

£260 - £300


Collection of 39 complete sets contained in 4 modern

albums, sets include Mitchell - Angling, Famous Scots,

Carreras - Famous Footballers, Film Stars by Desmond,

Sinclair - Well Known Footballers (Scottish), Ardath -

Photocards, Midland Football Teams, Hill - Caricatures

of Famous Cricketers (L), Film Star & Celebrity Dancers,

Ogden - Poultry (2nd series), Lloyd - Old Inns,

Pattreiouex - Coastwise (standard size), Beautiful

Scotland (standard size), mixed condition G - VG or

better cat value £2300+

£230 - £250


Collection of 44 complete sets contained in 3 modern

albums, sets include Anstie - Racing Series (1-25 & 26-

50), Churchman - East Suffolk Churches (sepia), West

Suffolk Churches, Eastern Proverbs (1st & 2nd series

standard size),Well Known Ties (2nd series), Davies -

Boxing, Edwards Ringer & Bigg - Musical Instruments,

Mitchell - A Model Army, Phillips - First Aid, Adkin - A

Royal Favourite (P-F), Lambert & Butler - World's

Locomotives (additional series), Will's - Victoria Cross

Heroes (Speciality), Recr

£270 - £300


Collection of 46 complete sets contained in 4 modern

albums, cigarette & trade issues, issuers include Players,

Phillips, Ogden, Gallaher, Wills, Mitchell, Churchman,

Cartledge, Boguslavsky, Lea, etc mixed condition, but

many G - VG cat value £1950

£200 - £250


Collection of 49 complete sets contained in 4 modern

albums, cigarette & trade issues, issuers include Gallaher,

Mitchell, Lloyd, Carreras, Players, UK Tobacco, Wills,

Phillips, Lambert & Butler, Churchman, etc mixed

condition, but many G - VG cat value £1950

£200 - £250


Collection of 59 complete sets contained in 4 modern

albums, cigarette & trade issues, issuers include Wills,

Players, Abdulla, Gallaher, Phillips, Ogden, Churchman,

Lambert & Butler, etc mixed condition, but many G -

VG cat value £2000+

£200 - £250


Collection of approx 168 complete sets of trade issues &

cigar cards, contained in 10 modern albums, issuers

include Oxo, Boys Realm, Nelson Lee, The Scout, Boys

Magazine, A.B.C., Kelloggs, Como, Properts, Bassett,

Lingford, Reddings, Lyons, Phillips Tea, Chums,

Charter Tea, Kane, Church & Dwight, C.W.S., etc

mainly G - VG with some better, cat value £3300+,

worth viewing BUYER COLLECTS

£280 - £300


Collection of complete tea card sets, Typhoo & Brooke

Bond (including overseas issues & variety cards)

contained in 5 modern albums, approx 68 sets, mainly G

- VG cat value £1400+

£120 - £150


Collection of full sets contained in 3 modern albums, sets

from Hill & Westminster Tobacco, sets include Actresses

Continental (7 wonders back) P - G, Celebrities of Sport

(Hill back), Music Hall Celebrities Past & Present

(standard size) approx 32 sets mainly G - VG except as

noted above cat value £1300+

£150 - £170


Collection of full sets contained in 4 modern albums, sets

from Ardath. Ching, C.W.S., Cope & Lea sets include

Dog Studies, Our Empire, Proverbs, Stamps Rare &

Interesting, Swimming Diving & Life Saving, Who is

This, Boy Scout Badges, English Roses, Butterflies &

Moths (silk all 3 sizes), Film Stars (2nd series), Girls from

the Shows & Miniatures (51-100) approx 51 sets mainly

G - VG cat value £2200+

£220 - £250


Collection of mainly part sets & odds contained in 13

modern albums, all from Ogden, Churchman, Players &

Wills, many high catalogue items noted including Ogden

- Beauties, "BOCCA", "HOL" & P/C inset, Shakespeare

Series (unnumbered), Churchman - Boer War Celebrities

& Actresses, Famous Golfers, Footballers (coloured),

Players - England's Naval Heroes, Everyday Phrases,

Famous Authors & Poets, Gallery of Beauty, Old

England's Defenders, Wills - Seaside Resorts, Ships,

Soldiers & Sailors, Soldiers of the Wor

£150 - £200


Collection of part sets & odds contained in 12 modern

albums, cigarette issuers A - Y, many high catalogue

value items noted including Archer - Beauties "CHOAB"

(brown), Biggs - Colonial Troops, Clarke - Sporting

Terms, Well Known Sayings, C.W.S. - Boy Scout Series,

Parrot Series, Davies - Army Life, Major Drapkin's -

How to Keep Fit, Drapkin Millhoff - Boer War

Celebrities, Colonial Troops, Duncan - Scottish Gems,

Scottish Clans Arms of Chiefs (green), Types of British

Soldiers, Edwards Ringer & Bigg -

£150 - £200


Collection of part sets & odds contained in 13 modern

albums, all from Phillips, Cavanders, Carreras, Gallaher,

Ardath, Hill & Lambert & Butler, many high catalogue

value items noted including Hill - Fragments from

France (coloured), Lambert & Butler, Actresses

"BLARM", Jockeys (with frame), Coronation Robes,

Gallaher - Beauties (with & without P/C inset), Phillips -

Indian Series, Novelty Series, Territorial Series, General

Interest Series, Animal Series, Beautiful Women (IF &

W.1. series), Beauties (numb

£150 - £200


Collection of part sets & odds contained in 9 albums,

trade issuers A - D (no Brooke Bond) & L - Z, well worth

a look, interesting lot in variable condition, better issues


£50 - £60


Cope's Golfers, 5 cards only, narrow cards numbered

5,6, 13, 18 & 31 only P - F but still very scarce cards, cat

value £425

£40 - £50


Cope's, Dicken's Gallery (Back listed), 1900, complete

(50), cat £575 EX.

£250 - £260


Cope, Boats of the World set 1912 cat £750 (removed

from old album) F-G a/f

£60 - £65