Lot 645
Lot 646
Carl Zeiss refectometer, housed in the
original case, No 25927
£40 - £60
Curta miniature universal calculator,
Model 1 in original protective case and
with its very necessary instruction manual
£250 - £350
Early 20th Century walnut bracket clock,
the lancet case with a white enamel dial,
rarabic hours, twin train movement
striking on a gong, 38cm high
£80 - £100
Edwardian oak wall Aneroid Barometer,
the silvered face with weather changes
and Rise & Fall, in a rope twist circular
frame. Mappin & Webb, Oxford St.,
London. Barometer 19cm diam., frame
28cm diam.
£40 - £50
F Butt Chester miniature longcase clock,
with a swan neck pediment above a
square glazed hood, chip carved trunk,
single train movement, 38cm high
£150 - £250
Lot 647
Lot 649