Lambert & Butler, collection of 5 complete sets contained
in a modern album, sets are Motor Cycles, Motor Cars
(green back & 2nd series), Motor Index Marks & Pirates
& Highwaymen mainly G - VG cat value £500
£70 - £80
Lambert & Butler, complete set in pages, The Thames
from Lechlade to London (small numerals) G - VG cat
value £325
£70 - £80
Lambert & Butler, Wireless Telegraphy, complete set in
pages, G - VG cat value £125
£20 - £22
Large biscuit tin containing quantity of cards in original
packets & loose, not checked for sets, mixed condition,
needs viewing
£80 - £90
Large collection of cards contained in vintage albums,
approx 42 complete sets & 3 part sets, better noted, worth
viewing, mixed condition, cat value £2100
£120 - £130
Large collection of sets, parts sets & odds contained in 12
large margarine cartons within a large box & various
albums, sets not checked, mixed condition & viewing
recommended, high cat value
£90 - £100
Large crate containing quantity of cards, mainly in
albums, many stuck in but several only corner mounted
including better Brooke Bond Canadian issues, needs
sorting through!
£60 - £70
Lea, Modern Miniatures, part set 46/50 EXC cat value
£40 - £42
Liebig, box containing approx 55 complete sets, mainly
1990 & earlier, an interesting lot in better than the
average condition for these older sets cat value approx
£200 - £220
Ogden, 124 odd cards in pages, all horse racing related,
some duplication, mixed condition, majority G - VG, said
to catalogue £300
£46 - £50
Ogden, 9 complete sets in pages, Famous Dirt Track
Riders, British Birds & their Eggs, Coronation Procession,
Flags & Funnels of Leading Steamship Lines, Prominent
Racehorses of 1933, Broadcasting, How to Swim,
Leaders of Men & Ocean Greyhounds G - VG cat value
£190 - £200
Ogden, Boys Scouts, part sets & odds, 2nd series (blue)
45/50, includes both end numbers, 3rd series blue 29/50,
includes both end numbers, 4th series 22/50 & 3 cards
3rd series (green) mixed condition, many G - VG cat
value £400
£100 - £110
Ogden, collection of sets all relating to Horse Racing, sets
are Jockeys and Owners Colours, Owners Racing
Colours & Jockeys (green back & blue back), Prominent
Racehorses of 1933, Race Horses, Steeplechase
Celebrities, Derby Entrants (1926, 1928 & 1929) Turf
Personalities & Jockeys 1930, mixed condition mainly G
-VG, all in modern pages, a good lot, cat value £1225
£180 - £200
Ogden, Guinea Gold & Tabs, comprehensive collection
contained in modern albums, over 1000 cards with
cricket interest noted, (few retouched cards noted) a very
nice lot & worth viewing, mainly VG (2)
£500 - £550
Ogden, Ocean Greyhounds, complete set VG - EXC cat
value £50
£20 - £24
Ogden, Orders of Chivalry, complete set in pages, G -
VG cat value £175
£24 - £26
Ogden, special album containing approx 72 large size &
93 standard size Guinea Gold issues, G - VG
£30 - £40
Ogden, Victoria Cross Heroes 18 cards, mixed condition
P - F cat value £288
£20 - £24
Plastic crate containing large quantity of cards in various
tins, boxes, packets, etc appears to be many sets but sets
not checked, mixed condition with many G - VG, well
worth a look through, high cat value
£90 - £100
Player's, British Butterflies L size, complete set VG - EXC
cat value £112
£30 - £34
Player's, Dogs by Wardle (full length) series of 25 L size
cards, mainly VG cat value £60
£20 - £24
Player's, Old Sporting Prints, complete set G - VG cat
value £115
£20 - £24
Player's, Racing Yachts, complete set VG - EXC cat value
£20 - £24
Player's, Wild Animals of the World (wide, no Ltd.)
complete set, mixed condition, mainly G or better cat
value £120
£36 - £40
Reddings Tea, Warriors of the World complete set 1 - 48,
in pages EXC cat value £96
£36 - £40
Ruddell, complete set in pages, Songs that will live
forever, VG or better cat value £200
£50 - £60
Shoebox of Large Size Cigarette Card odds (qty)
£30 - £35
Shoebox packed of loose Cigarette Card odds (qty)
£30 - £35
Silk & Blanket issues, very nice collection, includes
League Colours, Will's - Birds & Animals, American
Tobacco - Miniature Indian Blankets (various sizes),
national flags, Arms, Medals, etc interesting lot, well
worth viewing cat value £500+
£120 - £130
Silks, small collection in pages, various manufacturers &
sizes, approx 172 in total, mixed condition, better noted
£30 - £40
Small collection in pages, comprises 3 complete sets ,
Churchman - British Film Stars, Oxo - Bull Series &
Sweetule - Football Club Nicknames, part set Birds -
Happy Families 32/48, odds Ogden - Club Badges x 8,
Carreras - Lace Motifs x 5, Moustafa - Leo Chambers
Dogs Heads x 14 & Will's Overseas issue - Animals &
Birds (with series title) x 11, mainly G - VG or better, nice
lot cat value £336
£36 - £40
Small collection of part sets & type cards with some rarer
cards noted, approx 64 cards, mixed condition, cat value
£30 - £40
Smith's, Advertisement card, Glasgow Smoking Mixture
Tin, F - G, a rare card cat value £240
£50 - £60
Soccer Bubble Gum, complete set Soccer Teams no.1
Series , in pages EXC cat value £120
£50 - £60