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Brooke Bond, good stock of sets, part sets & odds

contained in 3 modern albums, 1 contains earlier

standard size cards (Out into Space (with), Incredible

Creatures (stickers) & Chimps (TacTik), 1 with double

cards & 1 with Canadian issues mainly VG or better, high

cat value & worth a look BUYER COLLECTS

£150 - £200


Brooke Bond, International Soccer Stars 1998, 1x

complete set, 1x set with no 18 missing, includes 63 spare

cards. GC (qty)

£20 - £25


Brown shoebox of Football cards mixed lot of Trade &

Cigarette card, some A & B C Gum, Boys Magazine, etc

etc. High cat value (qty) F-G

£50 - £60


Brown shoebox of mixed Trade Cards inc Lyons Maid

Famous People set in sleeves, Thomson Famous Ships

x12, Thomson 8x Cricket Crests, small group of A & B C

includes a Secret Decoder (The Champions ?) etc (qty)

£30 - £35


Cadet Sweets, complete set Doctor Who and the Daleks,

in pages, EXC cat value £175

£30 - £35


Cadet Sweets, Famous Explorers, complete set cut from

packets, in pages G - VG cat value £198

£40 - £50


Carrera's, excellent collection contained in 3 modern

albums, mainly part sets & odds, some full sets noted &

many part sets needing only a few cards to complete,

issues include Actresses & their Pets, Alice in Wonderland

(square & round corners), Amusing Tricks, Christie

Comedy Girls, Famous Airmen & Airwomen, Famous

Naval Men, Figures of Fiction, Highwaymen, Horses &

Hounds (all 3 sizes), Kings & Queens (L), Races Historic

& Modern (all 3 sizes), Raemakers War Cartoons

(Carreras), Types of London, Women on War Work, etc

together with cut & uncut Turf slides frommany different

series approx 1600 cards (some duplication) mainly VG

or better cat value £3100

£400 - £450


Carreras, Turf slides, Famous Film Stars, complete uncut

set in pages, G - VG cat value £170

£50 - £60


Carton no.1 with sets, part sets and odds better noted,

fine condition

£48 - £50


Carton no.2 with sets, part sets and odds better noted,

fine condition

£48 - £50


Carton no.3 with sets, part sets and odds better noted,

fine condition

£48 - £50


Carton no.4 with sets, part sets and odds better noted,

fine condition

£48 - £50


Carton of Ogdens sets, part sets and odds, better noted,

fine condition

£120 - £130


Churchman, excellent collection of mainly part sets &

odds, some full sets noted & many part sets only needing

a few cards to complete, issues include Army Badges of

Rank, A Tour Round the World, Boy Scouts (various

series), Dogs & Fowls, Eastern Proverbs (L), Empire

Railways, Famous Railway Trains (both sizes), Fish &

Bait, Frisky (+ instructions), Medals, Men of the Moment

in Sport, Phil May Sketches (both backs), Regimental

Colours & Cap Badges, Silhouettes of Warships, Sporting

Celebrities, Sports & Games in Many Lands, Wild

Animals, etc contained in 4 modern albums, mainly VG

or better approx 2500 cards (some duplication) cat value


£1100 - £1200


Collection in pages of various issues, includes Kensitas

silks, Anglo Railway Trains & Crests & various XL trade

issues of cinema stars, approx 200 cards, mixed condition

£20 - £24


Collection of 14 complete sets of Film Stars, includes

issues from Phillips. Carreras, Wills, Players & Gallaher

mainly G - VG cat value £550

£55 - £65


Collection of 17 complete sets contained in modern

album, manufacturers include Phillips, Churchman,

Lambert & Butler, Gallaher & Carreras, mainly VG cat

value £1096

£120 - £130


Collection of 17 complete sets of sporting interest, sets

include Ogden, Prominent Cricketers of 1938 &

Captains of Association Football Clubs & Colours,

mainly G - VG cat value £1350

£130 - £150


Collection of 18 complete sets contained in modern

album, sets are Will's - Nelson series, Kings & Queens,

Lighthouses, Player's - Characters from Fiction,

Championship Golf Courses, Churchman - Frisky,

Landmarks in Railway Progress, Lambert & Butler -

Motor Cards (grey), Ogden - British Birds & their Eggs,

Royal Mail, Jockeys & Owners Colours, Football

Caricatures, Actors Natural & Character Studies, Derby

Entrants 1926, Owners Racing Colours & Jockeys (blue

back), Prominent Racehorses, Lea - Ships of the World,

mainly G - VG or better, cat value £2880, well worth


£350 - £400


Collection of 19 complete sets & 1 part set of cards issued

by Will's, various Arms series mainly G - VG cat value

approx £1100

£100 - £120


Collection of 23 complete sets contained in 2 modern

albums, more unusual issues, includes Players (overseas),

British American Tobacco, Nicholls, Morris, Mitchell,

Lea, Hignett, Hill, Drapkin, Cohen Weenen, Ardath,

Anstie, etc G - VG cat value £2277 a nice lot and worth

a look

£250 - £260


Collection of 23 various trade card complete sets, 19

different issuers (no Brooke Bond) includes Barratt,

Lyons, Kelloggs, Cow & Gate, etc mainly G - VG cat

value £900

£90 - £100


Collection of 30 complete sets issued by Player's (17) &

Gallaher (13) mainly G - VG cat value £1200

£110 - £120


Collection of approx 60 complete sets + a few part sets,

contained in 9 modern albums & 5 small corner mounted

albums, issuers include Player's, Will's, Lambert & Butler,

Churchman, Pattreiouex, Ardath, Carreras, Ogden, etc

mixed condition, majority G - VG cat value approx


£200 - £220


Collection of cards contained in pages, approx 215 cards,

some with high cat value, mixed condition, viewing


£20 - £24


Collection of Turf slides contained in pages, many

different series including sport, approx 750 cards, mixed

condition, needs viewing

£20 - £24


Comic inserts, The Hornet Gallery of Sport No 2 Fold

out Poster, Picture Album of Boys of All Nations not

complete and Lion + Champion Album of Soccer Star

Fleetway 1967 missing 2 out of 110. Mixed condition


£20 - £25


Crate containing accumulation of cards, mainly sorted,

in various boxes, sets, part sets & odds noted, mixed

condition but many G - VG, needs viewing, Buyer


£70 - £80


Crate containing quantity of cards in pages, a tin, albums

& packets, a very mixed selection, needs viewing

£100 - £110


Crate + 2 boxes of cards, some in plastic & some framed

but majority unsorted loose, 1,000's of cards, mixed

condition & just right for sorting in the long evenings to


£80 - £100


Curver crate containing assortment of cards in pages,

some within modern albums, sets, part sets & odds noted,

mixed condition with many G - VG or better, Buyer


£70 - £80


D C Thomson, 12x Sheets Top Teams and Top Players

(Hornet), with The Football Pocket Pull Out (Wizard) My

Own Souvenirs (Hornet).

£20 - £22


D C Thomson, Comic Inserts Football Club Colours

(Rover) Top Footballers of 1964 (Rover/Wizard)

Bernard Briggs Album (68) complete (the Hornet) The

Football Special (Victor) part complete (qty)

£24 - £26