Ancient & Hammered Coins
Aethelred II silver penny, CRUX Type, Spink 1148,
obverse reads:- +AEDELRAED REX ANGLOX [both
'AE's and 'NG' ligulate], reverse reads:- +EADMUND
M-O NOD, Norwich Mint [very unusual rendering, see
SCBI Copenhagen, 1007], moneyer Eadmund, with an
old ticket by J.Mann, crinkled and pecked, minute pin
holes on one area of extreme edge, GF
£225 - £250
Aethelred II silver penny, Helmet Issue, obverse reads:-
+AEDELRAEDREXANGL [first 'D' with thorn, both
'AE,s' and 'NG' ligulate], reverse reads:-
+EREPI.NEMO DE followed by triple stop, ['D' with thorn],
Thetford Mint, moneyer Derewine [the present
rendering unusual and rare], with an extra pellet in the
mint quarter of the reverse, Spink 1152var., W.J.Conte
had the only other coin known to me from this reverse
die [Triton VI, 14-15/1/2003, lot 1337], this having had
a further pellet added in the quarter below the mint
quarter, with a ticket by J.Mann, full, round, central,
single Viking peck mark each side, GVF
£350 - £375
Aethelred II silver penny, Helmet Type, Spink 1152,
obverse reads:- +AEDELRAEDREXANG [both 'AE's'
and 'NG' ligulate, first 'D' with thorn], reverse reads:-
+SPETINC MOO LVND ['ND' ligulate, first 'O' of
horseshoe form], London Mint, moneyer presumably
Spraclinc [unusual rendering], same dies as SCBI
Copenhagen, 943, with old ticket by J.Mann, lightly
crinkled and pecked, full, round, central, NVF
£225 - £250
Aethelred II silver penny, Last Small Cross Type, Spink
1154 [but without end 'RX' ligulate], obverse legend:-
+AEDELRAED REX AN [both 'AE's' ligulate, first 'D'
with thorn], reverse reads:- +LEOFPINE O LVND,
London Mint, moneyer Leofwine, with old ticket by
J.Mann, pin hole of light on extreme edge, very lightly
crinkled and pecked, NVF
£225 - £250
Aethelred II silver penny, Long Cross Type, Spink 1151,
obverse legend:- +AEDELRED REX ANGLO ['AE'and
'NG' ligulate], reverse reads:- +OD:GRIM MOO LINC
['D' with thorn, O's with pellet centre, first 'O' in MOO
of horseshoe form, extra pellet also in that quarter of the
reverse, Lincoln Mint, moneyer Outhgrim, same dies as
Mossop pl.XIV, 18, hairline crack at 10 o'clock obverse,
with old ticket by J.Mann, lightly crinkled, VF
£225 - £250
Aethelred II silver penny, Long Cross Type, Spink 1151,
obverse reads:- +AEDELRAED REX ANGLOX ['AE's
both ligulate, first 'D' with thorn, 'O' with central pellet],
reverse reads:- +LEOFNOD M!O LVND ['D' with
thorn, 'O's with central pellet], London Mint, moneyer
Leofnoth, with old ticket by J.Mann, lightly crinkled and
pecked, full, round, well centred, NVF
£225 - £250
Ancient British Celtic gold stater of the Trinovantes, Late
Whaddon Chase type, with large pellet beneath horse,
see ABC 2338 note, this piece looks struck from an Early
Whaddon Chase obverse die of the Catuvellauni, ABC
2433, portions still visible, oval flan, VF
£300 - £350
Ancient British Celtic gold stater of the Trinovantes, Late
Whaddon Chase type, with large pellet beneath horse,
see ABC 2338, VF
£300 - £350
Ancient British, Celtic billon uninscribed stater, Spink
367, oval flan, one die slightly off centre, GF/VF
£60 - £65
Ancient British, Celtic uninscribed silver unit of the
Dobunni, ABC 2036, Spink under 377, slightly oval flan
and slightly rough surfaces, GF
£40 - £45
Augustus silver tetradrachm of Syria: Seleucis and Pieria,
Antiochia ad Orontem, obverse:- Laureate bust right,
reverse:- City Goddess seated right on rock, holding palm
branch, Orontes, river-god swimming right, two
monograms in right field and further legend in field
before head, Sear 106, good metal, NVF
£90 - £110
Blue folder with four trays of Roman Imperial pieces,
mostly bronze but a few silver, starting with Domitian,
c.50 pieces, mostly in collectable condition [50]
£60 - £80
Caracalla silver denarius, Rome Mint 213 A.D., reverse
reads:- MARTI PROPVGNATORI, Mars striding left,
holding trophy and spear, Sear 6819, with old ticket,
good metal, GVF
£20 - £25
Celtic silver units x 3, base silver stater x 1, denarii of
Hadrian x 2, mid-third century base Roman, all from the
same hoard x 6, English hammered silver minors x 3,
Indian chukrams silver x 3 gold x1, plus 3 others F to VF
£60 - £80
Charles I copper farthing, Maltravers Type 2 mm. both
sides, Double Rose, with inner circles, Spink 3198, nice
piece with old even copper tone, GVF
£30 - £40
Charles I gold unite, Tower Mint under the King [1625-
1642], Group B, second bust, with ruff, mantle and
armour, mm. Castle [1627-1628], Spink 2687, full,
round, well centred, a very few very small weak areas, VF
£1200 - £1400