Germany, Saxony silver thaler of JohannGeorg I [1615-
1656] dated 25 Juny 1630 of theCentennial of Augsburg
Confession, obverse holding sword in one hand as
Krause p.734, 413, VF/GVF
£280 -£320
Geta as Caesar. Silver Denarius, Ladicea mint 199 AD.
Reverse reads :- Spei perpetvae. Spes advancing left,
holding flower. Sear 7202. Crispportait. EF/NEF.
£65 -£85
Gordian III Sestertius. Rome mint 241 - 243 AD.
Reverse :- iovi statori, Jupiter standing facing, head right,
holding thunderbolt and sceptre. Sear 8710.Well struck.
GVFor botter.
£90 -£120
Gratian AE2, Aquileia mint, 378 - 383 AD. Reverse
reads :- Reparatio Reipub, smaq in exergue, Gratian
holding victory in left hand and raising knockling female
with right hand. Ric 30 (a).Goodpatina. VF.
£30 -£40
Group of Ancient pieces, Roman Imperial sestertii and
sestertii sized colonial pieces x 6, other smaller pieces x 4,
a forgery of a silver Ptolemaic tetradrachm, an english
Edward I, London silver penny and an Irish Edward I
silver halfpenny of Waterford, pellet before 'EDW R',
Poor toF [13]
£40 -£50
Group of bronze ancients, Greek, Greek Imperial,
Roman Imperial andGreek Imperial, F toVF [15]
£40 -£50
Hadrian gold aureus, Rome Mint 123A.D., reverse
reads:- PMTR PCOS III, Roma seated left on cuirass,
holding Victory and spear, with shield at base, bow and
quiver behind, full, round, good metal, very light scuffs
reverse undermagnification, EF/GVF
£1000 -£1500
Hadrian sestertius, Rome Mint 123 A.D., reverse:-
Moneta, Sear 3611, slightly rough surfaces, clear portrait
GF together with a ditto but of Antoninus Pius, Rome
Mint 155-156 A.D., reverse:- Four lines within oak-
wreath, TR POT / XIX / COS IIII / S C, Sear 4250,
GF [2]
£40 -£50
Hadrian Sestertius. Rome mint 136 AD. Reverse :- SC.
Diana standing left holding bow. Sear 3645. Nice bust.
£40 -£60
Harold I silver cut-halfpenny, Fleur-de-Lis Issue, Spink
1165, obverse reads:- +HAROL[DRECX:], reverse
reads:- [+AEBRIH]TONGIP:, Ipswich Mint, moneyer
Aegelbriht, Ex J.C.Sadler and David Kightley
Collections, purchased at aLondonCoinFair fromMike
Vosper and almost certainly an English detector find,
Sadler inhisVol. II, pp. 84-85 records 5 and one cut-half
of this type by thismoneyer, 3 and the cut-half these dies,
post publication a further specimen these dies has been
traced hence 4 and the present cut-half, are in total
known, present coinSadler's Fig.586, very rare, VF
£150 -£180
Henry I silver penny Type 15, Quadriltateral on Cross
Fleury, Spink 1276, obverse reads:- ]hENRI[, reverse
reads:- [ ]E?N[ ]BALT or SALT?O[ ] ie an unrecorded
moneyer, full flan, lightly crinkled with a few small edge
chips, part flat on legends, F
£125 -£160
Henry I Silver Penny, Quadrilateral on Cross Fleury
Type. Spink 1276. Reverse reads ; 'LEFRED:ON:LVN:',
Londonmint, Moneyer Lefred. BMC 255 Struck with a
goodportrait (VF) Better for issue
£350 -£400
Henry II silver penny Cross-Crosslets or 'Tealby' Issue
Class A, obverse reads:- +hENRI REX [ ], reverse
reads:- +[ ]LWIN.ON.LV[ ]E, London Mint, moneyer
Alwin, Spink 1337, probably near as struck, both dies off
centre, dark even tone, F
£70 -£80
Henry II silver penny Cross-Crosslets or 'Tealby' Issue,
looks to be Bust A, Spink 1337, reverse reads:-
+PICOT:O[ ] almost certainly of Norwich, moneyer
Picot who struck Classes A,B and C, with old packet,
slightly angular flan, half-flat rest sharply struck,GVF
£100 -£130
Henry II silver penny, Cross-Crosslets or Tealby Type,
Class C [c.1163-c.1167], reverse reads:- +S[ ]ED:,
possibly ThetfordMint, moneyer Siwate, the only mints
with moneyer's names starting 'S' being London,
Gloucester, Hereford, Lincoln, Northampton and
Thetford, full but irregular flan, part flat, portrait visible,
£75 -£100
Henry II silver penny, Cross and Crosslets of 'Tealby'
Issue, Class F, obverse reads:- [+h]ENRICREX, reverse
reads:- +RICAR[D].ON.CAN, Canterbury Mint,
moneyer Ricard, with old ticket, angular flan and a nice
even strike for the issue,GF/NVF
£80 -£120