Julian II bronze of c.28mm., AntiochMint, reverse:- Bull
standing right, on groundline, two stars above, legend
SECVRITAS REIPVB, in exergue ANTA followed by
palm?, Old Sear 4072, even dark colour, nice portrait,
£95 -£110
Kushan Kingdom bronze coin 10.04g of Vasu Deva,
190-231 A.D. VF with smooth green patina (nice grade
for type).
£25 -£30
Late Roman bronzes, first 3 a little more 'collectable',
Allectus, London Mint, NVF, Jovian, NVF, Crispus,
NVF, the remaining 13 are not listed but most have
packet details and most are better than these normally
turnup [16]
£50 -£60
Late Roman Imperial bronzes but grade much better
than normal, with their old packets, Aurelian, Carus,
Constantine I x 4, Licinius I, Constans, Magnentius,
Julian II, Valentinian I, Valens and Gratian, mostly VF
andbetter [13]
£75 -£95
LateRoman Imperial bronzes, Fair toNVF [35]
£30 -£40
Licinius I follis. London mint 310 - 312 AD. Reverse :-
Genio pop rum. Genuis standing left star in right field.
PLN in exergue. Sear 15182.Well struck. EF.
£30 -£40
Lucilla silver denarius, Concordia, Sear 5480, GF, Julia
Domna ditto, Pietas, Sear 6600, VF, ditto, Vesta, Sear
6611, GVF and lastly JuliaMaesa, ditto, Pudicitia, Sear
7756,GVF/VF [4]
£50 -£70
Lucilla Silver Denarius. Rome mint 164 - 166 AD.
Reverse :- Concordia. Concordia seated left, chair-back
is a statuette of spes! Sear 5479. Pleasing. VF.
£45 -£55
Magna Urbica. (W. of Carinus). Billon Antoninanus.
Rome mint 284 - 285 AD. Reverse reads :- Venvs
Victrix, Venus standing left holding helmet and sceptre.
Sear 12424. Some light reverse pitting.NEF rare.
£200 -£250
Mark Antony silver denarius of the legionary series,
possibly struck at Patrae in 32-31 B.C., Sear 1479,
reverse possibly reads LEGX[I I] as there is just ahint of
two uprights after the 'X', light 'bankers marks' on
obverse, goodmetal,GF
£60 -£80
Maximian Billon follis. London mint 303 - 305 AD.
Reverse reads :- Gehio popvli romani, Genius standing
left. Sear 13237.GVF
£25 -£35
Maximinus I sestertius,RomeMint 236-238A.D., reverse
reads:- SALVSAVGVSTI SC, Salus seated left, feeding
snake arising from basket, Sear 8338, nice portrait, even
£75 -£85
Maximinus I Silver Denarius, Romemint 236 - 238AD.
Reverse reads :- Victoria Germ, victory standing left.
Holding wreath and palm, German captive at foot. Sear
£60 -£70
Milan, Silver Denaro 1039-1125 and Billon Denaro,
SecondRepublic 1447-1450. Reverse -Mitred bust of St
Ambrosias (GVF/NVF) (2)
£35 -£45
Nero. Billon Tetradraciams of Alexandra (Egypt).
Reverse :- bust of Serapis, year 10 (63 - 64AD) and bust
of Alexandria year 12 (65 - 66 AD). Sear no' 2001 and
2004. F
£30 -£50
Nerva silver denarius, RomeMint January-September 97
A.D., reverse:- Clasped right hands, Sear 3020, good
metal VF
£60 -£80
Otacilia Severa, Silver Antoninianus. Rome mint 245 -
247 AD. Reverse reads :- Ivno conservat, Juno standing
left, holding patera and sceptre. Sear 9152, almost as
struck. LustrousGEF.
£40 -£50
Paduan copies of Roman sestertii, the first the famous
Caligula reverse:- depicting his three sisters, Sear 1800,
with old ticket, NVF, second a concoction of Vitellius,
reverse:- Temple with statues at each end and standing
deity within, F and lastly of Vespasian, reverse:- as of
Titus the Colosseum, a strange mixture as Vespasian
began the building in 71A.D. and it was completed in the
reignof Titus in80A.D., withold ticket, VF [3]
£35 -£45
Philip and Mary shillling, with mark of value and date
1554 each side of obverse crown, clipped to sixpence size,
iemost of legend gone, probably Spink 2500 [from slight
burnish on reverse edge the piecewas probably cut down
for jewellery], portraits visible, F
£40 -£50
Philip andMary silver shilling 1554, full titles, withmark
of value, Spink 2500, full and round, F/GF
£180 -£220
Philip I Bronze Sestortius. Rome mint 244 - 245 AD.
Reverse reads :- Victoria avg SC, victory advancing left
holdingwreath andpalm. Sear 9021. A few small striking
slits and reverse with slightly rough surfaces. Portrait of
good style.GVF/VF.
£55 -£65
Philip I Silver Antoninianus, Ahtioch mint? 244 - 245
AD. Reverse reads :- Spes Felicitatis Orbis, spes
advancing left holding flower and raising skirt. Sear
8967. EF/GVF scarce.
£40 -£50
Philip II asCaesar SilverAntoninianus. Romemint 245 -
246 AD. Reverse reads :- Principi Ivveht, Philip II
standing left, holding globe and resting on spear. Sear
9240. Virtually as struck.
£40 -£50
Postumus bronze sestertius, Cologne Mint 260 A.D.,
reverse:- Victory advancing left, holding wreath and
palm [seems no seated captive at feet] small but thick
flan, wt, 12.7g., style somewhat barbarous withmistakes
in the legend, sestertii are scarce at this period, clear, F
£20 -£30
Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy III, Euergetes,
246-221 B.C., bronze of c.42mm., obverse:- Diademed
head of Zeus Ammon, right, reverse:- Eagle standing on
thunderbolt, wings closed, left, before a cornucopiae,
between legs, 'XP' monogram, Sear 7814,GF/F
£45 -£60