Emerson (P. H.). Wild life on a tidal
water. The adventures of a house-boat
and her crew, published Sampson Low,
Marston, Searle and Rivington, 1890,
thirty engraved plates (complete),
folding map, recent green quarter calf,
Limited edition 33/500
£200 - £300
Sykes (Alan). A four page typed letter to
'Harold' (Sykes brother), dated April
2nd 1916, with interesting content
relating to S.S. Boynton and the
government, signed 'Alan Sykes',
contained in original enevelope
£50 - £70
Postcard Album, circa early to mid 20th
century, containing approx.seventy
postcards, mainly relating to castles,
churches and cathedrals, 34cm x
19.5cm approx.
£30 - £50
Two Indian photographs mounted on
one sheet, 'R.H.A. Messhouse at
Sealkote' and 'Ancient temple at
Parisnugger, Ulwur', possibly by
J.Roberts, plus another photograph
mounted on reverse
£60 - £80
RAF related. A Photograph album
containing approximately forty-five
black and white photographs, circa
1928, relating to the bombing of Taiz
etc., 25.3cm x 32.1cm
£200 - £300
Roman Catholic interest. Missale
Romanum 1865 Prague, Missale
Romanum 1905 with orginal gilt
frontispiece, Missale Defunctorum 1851
Vienna. All leather bound with gilt
£50 - £80