GB - KGV 1934 re engraved 10/- value superb used
£20 - £22
GB - KGVI 1939 10/- Arms Dark Blue unmounted Mint
with creamy gum
£50 - £55
GB - large box of material in various albums, mint & used.
Worth closer inspection (qty) Buyer collects
£50 - £55
GB - large box of various material in albums and
stockbooks, plus loose, modern mint and stamp booklets
noted. Worth closer inspection (qty) Buyer collects
£70 - £75
GB - large box packed with material in various old albums
and stockbooks, better noted (qty)
£80 - £85
GB - large box packed with Presentation Packs, plus a few
Smilers Sheets and Booklets. circa 1970's to c2010. Much
material loose and in binders. Well worth viewing (qty)
Buyer collects
£340 - £360
GB - large original collection of mostly GB housed in
various albums, on leaves, in packets, etc. Better noted inc
1840 Penny Black, RSW £1 1948 various phosphor
issues, etc Plus FDC's, Booklets and some British
Commonwealth (qty) Buyer collects. Worth viewing
£150 - £200
GB - large original unmounted mint & fine used QE2
collection in stockbooks x4 with stamps upto mid 2000's,
including Booklets, M/Sheets, Commemoratives,
Definitives, High Values in traffic light gutter pairs, and
albums x2. High FV. Must Be viewed (buyer collects)
£500 - £600
GB - Norwich Postal History, study on leaves pre-stamp,
line engraved, and later. Circa 18th straight line strikes,
Norwich cross on corners (2), 'too late', local offices,
sorting carriage etc, plus book The Norwich Post Office
by V. Sussex. Interesting lot (qty)
£50 - £55
GB - old time collection on Windsor Leaves, in a
Triumph binder. Lots of material Victoria to early 1970's,
plus some early FDC's (qty)
£40 - £45
GB - old time dealers stock of KGVI ultramarine 10/-
fine used and used (approx 60) plus 4x QE2 booklets (qty)
£30 - £35
GB - QE2 1955 Waterlow £1 value lightly MM
£20 - £22
GB - QE2 high values. Large quantity of partly sorted
Castle high vals in box (thousands). Needs sorting and
checking for varieties (qty)
£35 - £40
GB - QE2 mint collection on hagners in box, c1953 to
1980, plus a few Booklets (qty)
£35 - £40
GB - quantity of fine to very fine used QE2
Commemoratives. Many sets high value definitive, far
less common than mint; mostly circular date stamped
£20 - £25
GB - QV 1840 1d Black and 1841 2d blue in Westminster
folder, spacefiller quality
£20 - £22
GB - QV 1841 2d blue pair on entire
£40 - £45
GB - QV 1854-57 page of used 1d Reds inc interesting
shifted perf, cat £725+ (qty)
£35 - £40
GB - QV 1858 2d blues and 1870 1½d range on page cat
£25 - £30
GB - QV 1858 Penny Red Plate Number collection of
150x used in stockbook, Westminster Collection (ex 77
and 225)
£60 - £65
GB - QV 1880/1 set range of mint and used some very
fine on page, cat £644
£50 - £55
GB - QV 1883 2/6d superb used cat £160
£20 - £25
GB - QV 1883 5/- superb used cat £250
£30 - £35
GB - QV 1883/4 lilac and green set, Good to Fine Used,
good green colours, inc 9d value VFU, cat £1700+
£100 - £120
GB - QV, 1 1/2d. pl.3, 1870, SG52, 6d. 1855 wmk. 20,
SG 70, 3d. 1865 pl.4, SG 92, 3d. 1868 pl. 5, SG 103 and
3d. 1870 pl. 6 SG 103 used, small faults, cat. £560
£50 - £55
GB - QV, 2d. pl. 14, 1858-1879, SG 47, 4d. 1857, SG
66a, 6d. with hyphen, pl. 6, SG 104, 2 1/2d. pl.7, 1877,
SG 141, 2 1/2d. pl.19, 1880, SG 142 and 2 1/2d. pl.22,
1881, SG 157, used, small faults, cat. £478
£35 - £40
GB - QV, 3d. rose, pl. 21, SG 158, 4d. grey-brown, pl.17,
SG 160, 6d. on 6d., pl.18, SG 162, 1 1/2d. Venetian red,
SG 167, 2d. pale rose, SG 168 and 2d.rose, SG 168a x 2,
used, small faults, cat. £750
£60 - £65
GB - QV, 4d. 1855, SG 66a, 6d. 1855, SG 70, 6d. 1865
pl.5, SG 97, 1/- 1865 pl.4, SG 101, 2 1/2d. pl.13 1878,
SG 141 and 2 1/2d. pl.23 1881, SG 157, used, small
faults, cat. £745
£60 - £65
GB - QV, 4d. pl.12, 1870, SG 94, 4d. pl. 13, 1872, SG
94, 4d. pl.14, 1873, SG 94, 2 1/2d. pl.22, 1881, SG 157,
2 1/2d. pl.23, 1881, SG 157, used, small faults, cat. £340
£35 - £40
GB - QV, 6d. no hyphen 1855, SG 70, 6d. on 6d. 1880
SG 162, 6d with hyphen pl. 6 1867, SG 104, 3d. 1868
pl.5 SG 103 and 4d. 1877, pl.15, SG 153, used, small
faults, cat. £785
£70 - £75
GB - QV, 6d. no hyphen, 1855, SG 70, 6d. with hyphen,
pl.6, SG 104, 3d. pl.5 1868, SG 103, 1 1/2d. pl.3, 1870,
SG 51, 6d. pl.15 1876, SG 147 and 2 1/2d. pl.23 1881,
SG 157, used, small faults, cat. £505
£40 - £45
GB - QV, 6d. pl.6 with hyphen, 1867 SG 96, 3d. pl.9,
1872, SG 103, 6d. no hyphen, 1870, pl.9, SG 109 and 4d.
pl.18, 1882, SG 160, used, small faults, cat. £455
£40 - £45
GB - range of 10x better Presentation Packs 2000-2006
FV £30+ (10)
£30 - £35
GB - range of 5x self adhesive stamp booklets 2001 Punch
and Judy to 2004 (5)
£20 - £25
GB - Stanley Gibbons printed album 1840 - 1970
collection, noted Penny Black, sparse surface-printed with
QV 2/6d (2), 5s, 10s, 1883 complete to 1s, 1887 complete
to 1s, EDVII to 5s, Seahorses to 10s (2), GV1 to £1 (2),
QE2 to £1 (4), 1960s phosphor commemoratives, early
PD sets (qty)
£350 - £400
GB - stockbook full of commemorative sets in corner
blocks of four with cylinder numbers. FV £170+ (qty)
£90 - £100
GB - super collection of GB Queen Victoria 'perfins'
covering surface printed issues of 1855-1891, the Jubilee
issues etc. with values to 10/-. Generally good condition
with a high catalogue value. (qty)
£120 - £130
GB - superb collection of Prestige Booklet Panes housed
in albums, c1969 to 2000. High face value (2)
£140 - £160
GB - Victoria used high values inc SG127 Plate 2 5/- pale
rose, 2/6d, 5s, 10s SG178/180/183, total cat £2435 (4)
£40 - £45
GB - Victorian Penny Black 1840 Plate 5 (F-G) four good
to large margins, slight scuff 'O' of One, tiny corner crease
S/W. Good used. Cat £350
£25 - £30
GB - Victorian Penny Black 1840 (H-G) housed in special
black folder, used
£30 - £35
GB - Victorian Penny Intense Black 1840 Plate 6 (M-I)
three margins, but part of stamp above, light corner
crease S/E. Good used cat £375
£25 - £30
GB - WW1 Field Service postcards used, including scarce
1914 postal stat 1d type (x9) and Active Service 'honour'
envelopes x6, etc (total 19 items)
£20 - £22
GB 1840 1d Penny Black x2 (M-J and M-K) identified as
likely Plate 3, 3 margins, vertical filing crease through left
stamp, no tears, on wrapper entire to Thirsk Yorkshire
red MX
£130 - £140
GB 1840 1d Penny Black (C-D) identified as likely Plate
6, 4 margins, no tears thins or creases, brown MX
£55 - £60
GB 1840 1d Penny Black (E-F) identified as likely Plate 3,
3 margins, no tears or creases, on letter entire to Hexham
Northumberland, red MX, back stamped July 1840
£80 - £85