Group: Egypt Medal undated Reverse with bar El-Teb-
Tamaai plus Khedives Star dated Egypt 1884 to 1020
Pte. J. Holbrook 3. K.R. Rif. C. John Holbrook medal
verified to Roll (2)
£240 - £260
Group: Egypt Medal undated Reverse with bar El-Teb
plus Khedive Star dated Egypt 1884 to T. Sambrooke
Pte. R.M. Thomas Sambrooke served 12 Coy. R.M.L.I.
Plymouth Division he was born Swansea Feb 1863 and
served many periods of his career in the Cells, to Shore
in 1894. 86 El-Teb bars to R.M/R.N. (2)
£240 - £260
Group: Egypt Medal undated Reverse with bar
Gemaizah 1888 plus Khedives Star undated to 2343 Pte.
J. Downey 2/K.O. Sco. Bord. John Graham Downey
was Born 1855 in Unthank, Cumbria. comes with
research. (2)
£240 - £260
Group: Egypt Medal undated Reverse with bar Suakin
1885 plus Khedives Star dated Egypt 1884-6 to P.J.
Darrah Writer 2 Cl H.M.S. Dolphin, Patrick Darrah was
born Kilbush, Clare 24/03/1860 and medal is confirmed
to Roll. (2)
£240 - £260
Group: Egypt Medal undated Reverse with bar Tamaai
plus Khedives Star Egypt 1884 to D. Gallacher Pte. R.M.
HMS Briton, David Gallacher born 20/12/1858 served
R.M.L.I. Plymouth Division enlisted 20/12/1876 served
with the Marines until transferring to the R.F.R. in 1902.
£240 - £260
Group: Egypt Medal undated Reverse with Bar The Nile
1884-85 plus Khedives Star dated Egypt 1884-6 to 244
Pte. R. Naylor 2/ D. of Corn. L.I. Enlisted under the
name of Charles Nailor but known as and medal named
to Richard Naylor Duke of Cornwall Light Infantry.
Tried for absence in 1893 and sentenced to 28 days. (2)
£240 - £260
Group: Egypt Medal undated Reverse with bars
Gemaizah 1888 and Toski 1889 plus Khedives Star
undated to 2566 Pte. W. Stonier 20th Hussars William
Stonier was born 23/10/1865 at Burntwood, Stafford.
All bars verified. (2)
£240 - £260
Group: Egypt Medal undated Reverse with bars Suakin
1885 and Tofrek to H.T. Burchell Pte. R.M.L.I. Plus
Khedives Star 1884-6, Harry Thomas Burchell was born
Romford 11/05/1864 and served Chatham Division
R.M.L.I. He died 10/05/1947 in Weymouth, Dorset. (2)
£240 - £260
Group: Egypt Medal undated Reverse with bars The
Nile 1884-85 and Abu Klea plus Khedives Star dated
Egypt 1884-6 to 2305 Pte. T. Curtis 5th (Royal Irish)
Lancers. Thomas Curtis was born 1863 at St. Peters,
Southampton. Group comes with copy papers. (2)
£260 - £270
GSM 1947 (India) clasp Goa 1961 named to Bombay
Engineering Regiment. With ribbon Mint in bag of issue.
Instituted on 22 December 1962, this clasp was awarded
for services in the reunification with India of the remnant
Portuguese colonies along India's
£20 - £25
GSM 1947 (India) clasp Mizo Hills named to Bombay
Engineering Regiment. With Ribbon Mint in bag of
issue. Instituted on 16th July 1970, with effect from 28
February 1966 for 180 days (90 days for temporary
inductees) of service Operation 'Orchid' or in north-
eastern India in the Mizo Hills area.
£20 - £25
GSMGVI with Malaya clasp, named to 22148026 Pte D
Hopkins RAOC.
£40 - £45
GSM GVI with Palestine clasp, named to 512369 LAC J
E E Erwin RAF.
£60 - £65
GSM QE2 with Canal Zone clasp to T/22396791 Dvr J
W Sheridan RASC. With box of issue
£140 - £150
GSM QE2 with Cyprus clasp named W/395591 Pte M
Frahill WRAC. EF and scarce
£120 - £130
GSM QE2 with Cyprus clasp to 23308282 Cpl M G Bill
RAOC with box of issue
£40 - £45
GSM QE2 with Cyprus clasp to 5056632 LAC A.P.
Moore RAF
£40 - £45
GSM QE2 with Malaya clasp named W/395188 Pte P
Jones WRAC. Scarce. VF with a couple of edge nicks
£120 - £130
GSM QE2 with Malaya clasp to 23217318 Cpl C W
Pearce RAOC
£40 - £45
Guernsey Evening Post - Orders of the Commandant of
The German Forces Upon The Occupation of the Island
1st July 1940
£30 - £40
Hat badge 77th Foot pre 1881 pork pie hat badge
numeral - solid brass
£50 - £60
Hats - inc 2x Solar toppe one with a Suffolks badge, plus
3x berets, and two pairs of puttees (7)
£40 - £50
Hat: a 19th Century Naval Bi-Corn hat in its japanned
carrying case with initials 'W.T.V.' Hat by W.J. Cronin,
53 Russel Street, Southsea. Leather sweatband. Gold
bullion wine decoration. Minor wear to felt. Overall very
good condition for age.
£80 - £85
Helmets and Caps, inc World war 2 police, Russian etc
plus various cap badges, webbing etc (Quantity, buyer
£40 - £45
Helmet: A 1938 dated Air Raid Warden's steel helmet
with liner and chinstrap with stencilled W to front. Good
condition, some wear to paint.
£30 - £35
Herefordshire items inc a T/Herefordshire shoulder title,
cloth shoulder titles x4, a Hereford school medallion, a
Herefordshire Regt brooched button mounted in a
Laurel Wreath, plus a Herefordshire Cap Badge (qty)
£20 - £25
HMS Achilles and HM Submarines interest photograph
album, mostly just pre WW2 and suddenly stops for the
war, owner was serving on HMS Nigeria later in the war,
includes airgraph letters etc
£140 - £150
Home guard and WW2 interest, inc webbing,
paperwork, home guard cloth badges (Quantity, Buyer
£35 - £40
Hungarian ww2 stick grenade, deactivated with
matching practice grenade
£45 - £50
Imperial German Miniature Baden Medal group on
chain (4)
£70 - £75
Imperial German Miniature Medal group on chain (5)
£35 - £40