Liverpool Scottish E. Co., Art Nouveau silver Spoon
hallmarked" H.D.W Birmingham, 1906". Weight
£40 - £45
London Irish rifles ww2 casualty 1939-45 star Africa star
war medals with memorial scroll to 7022287 Rifleman
John Arnold Griffin 2nd bn London Irish rifles , Royal
Ulster rifles k in a 11-1-1943 commemorated Medjez-el-
bab memorial comes with research
£70 - £75
Loyal Suffolk Hussars badges, cloth, buttons, mounted in
small frame
£30 - £35
Medal mounting bars, large amount
£20 - £25
Medal of the Order of The British Empire (name erased).
Ribbon of the Civil Division Institute June 1917
discontinued 1922 less than 2000 medals awarded .
Cased in an attractive fitted leatherette case
£150 - £160
Medal Ribbons on bars and removed from uniform
including air crew, Europe and mentioned in dispatches.
Mostly British with some USA (Quantity)
£30 - £40
Memorial plaque to 8003 Pte Robert Thomas Gibson
brown Northumberland fusiliers k in A 15-9-1916 buried
Dantzig alley cemetery
£60 - £65
Mercantile Marine war medal, unusual name, Wilhelm
Pope. GVF
£30 - £35
Middlesex Regiment 19th Battn., K. Company,
unmarked silver badge - probably Victorian and
probably for shooting. Appears to be gold fronted
£30 - £35
Militaria - WW1 Mary Tin (empty), Northumberland
Fus Cap badge, a Curtis and Harveys Gunpowder Tin,
USA Civil War gaming cup + dice and badge, plus a
named piece of metal sword scabbard 'Prosser maker to
the King and HRH the Duke of Cumberland (qty)
£40 - £45
Militaria job lot, inc mine atk l3 fzd covers, webbing, tank
drivers window, a French WW1 helmet etc (Buyer
£25 - £30
Militaria too inc, Morse keypad with lamp, spikes, etc
Crystal monitor type 2 cased, Type 06A compass, Type
06 cased compass by Hughes and Son (Buyer collects)
£30 - £35
Militaria: 37 Pattern steel helmet. WW2 Entrenching
tool and web cover, 1918 dated 1903 Springfield Ammo
belt 37/Patttern belts, straps, pouches & Thompson
sling. Lot. Viewing essential. All very good condition.
(Buyer collects)
£40 - £50
Militaria: A fine pair of Trench Art shell cases made into
decorated vases. Bases marked '75 D.E.C.' and dated for
the 1916 (French .75mm?) Pinched type nicely done and
£40 - £50
Militaria: A large box containing 1911 Auto Holster (2)
ammo pouches, Sam Brown, 98K Bayonet frog etc etc.
Viewing essential. A good lot. (Buyer collects)
£30 - £40
Militaria: A scarce Great War Artillery Dial Sight for an
18PDR (?) Field gun. Marked 'Dial Sight No7 MKII
R&J. Beck LTD 1914'. A relic of the early battle of the
Great War notably Moris le Cateau, The Marne etc.
These had to be removed if the gun was abandoned.
£70 - £80
Militaria: An interesting display board from a private
museum with a number of relics excavated from the
spitfire of V.H Ekins Sgt Pilot 111 & 501 Squadrons and
a Messerschmitt excavated by the London Air Museum.
£40 - £50
Militaria: MG34/42/53. Anti Aircraft leg for Lafayette
tripod. Good condition.
£70 - £80
Militaria: Three uniform jackets: 1) Mess jacket of the
R.W Fus (?) minor moth. 2) Sgts battledress of the Essex
regt. 3) Khaki jacket for 1964 Pattern. Suit No2 Size 27.
£30 - £40
Militaria: WW2 German breadstraps as follows: 1) 1942
Luftwaffe. 2) Early Nazi Wehrmacht. 3) Mid war Nazi
Wehrmacht. 4) Afrika Corps Tropical Breadstrap. All in
very good condition. (4)
£20 - £25
Military and other ephemera belonging to 15925 Louis
Bourne RGA, including his Small Book, various
handbooks, documents, etc. Born Cheltenham. (qty)
£24 - £26
Military Button collection on cards, wide range inc early
£25 - £30
Military Cap badge collection on cards, plus collars,
metal titles and WW1 pin badges (qty) worth a look
£70 - £80
Military Medal Geo V, 14/15 Star, BWM. 13256 Cpl
W.T. Rich 10/Bn. Devon Regt. MM. L/G 10.4.18 for
Salonika (only 840 MMs for Salonica/Macedonia
Campaign WW1). Awarded for Conspicuous Gallantry
& Devotion & duty during the raid on AKINDZALI
Village on 29.1.18. With some details from the MM Roll
(Bate & Williamson). (3)
£400 - £450
Military Medal Geo. V. 2513 Sjt T.J. McDonald 1st Bn
Northumberland Fusiliers 9th Bde. 3rd Division. MM
L/Gaz: 18.6.17. Sch. No. 84462 MM awarded for the
9th Brigade attack on the village of Tilloy and the
defensive work known as the 'HARP' along with the 4/R.
Fus. 12/w. Yorks & 13th Liverpool R. on 9.4.17. Battle
of Anas. Award won with Private Fenwick & L/Cpl
England both 1/N.Fus. Details from the MM Roll. (Bate
& Williamson). Sold with research by HJW including the
schedule Number Roll. (1)
£270 - £280
Military photos 26 ww1 & ww1 portraits including para
£25 - £30
Military related framed and unframed photos, maps,
posters, etc (Approx 29, covering WW1, WW2, etc)
£80 - £100
Military side hats collection, seven including RAF Army
German varies dress hats etc
£150 - £160
Military soft hats, inc Scottish, United Nations, mountain
troop snow ski hat (7 in total)
£35 - £40
Military travelling folding knife, fork and spoon set,
Victorian era with ivory handles, in old leather case
£30 - £35