Day 1, Room 1, 9.30am
Medals & Militaria
17th/21st Lancers NCO's Arm Insignia for CPL's to
W.O.1, large skull badge which was mounted on the
saddle cloth horse harness, and a Blue & yellow device to
support plume on the Lance Cap for Officers (3)
£25 - £30
17th/21st Lancers No 1 Dress with Cap for W/O CL1
and upwards. Cap made by Herbert Johnson. Jacket with
buttons and collars, chain mail shoulders, and cloth 21L
badge to sleeve
£50 - £60
1914-15 star a rare original unnamed example GVF
£45 - £55
1914-1918 rare "Specimen" Victory medal, stamped
"Specimen" on rim, GVF
£55 - £65
1914 Pattern Leather ammunition pouch. This is the
second pattern with two fastening straps. In used
condition with all straps and buckles intact
£80 - £90
1914 star a rare original unnamed example, GVF
£65 - £75
1914 Star and original Mons Bar Trio (7238 Pte C
Muschamp 1/Shrops L.I.) and Service Medal of the
Order of St John (18993 Div Supt Charles H.
Muschamp. Monmouth Div 1938). Clasp confirmed on
MIC. GVF (4)
£140 - £150
1914 Star Trio to T-29684 Dvr A G Vernon ASC (3)
£60 - £65
1914 Star Trio with original Aug-Nov clasp (CH.8393
Pte C H Hanson R.M.Brigade), (RMLI on Pair), and GV
Naval LSGCM (CH.8393 C H Hanson, Private, RMLI).
With copy service records and much research, Charles
Henry Hanson was born at Hackney, London. Wounded
in Action 30/4/1915 in the foot by shrapnel. Served
Dunkirk and at the Defence of Antwerp. EF (4)
£300 - £350
1914 Star Trio with original Aug-Nov clasp (L-10223 Pte
A E Johnson 4/Midd'x Regt). Confirmed to MIC.
Mounted as worn. Polished (3)
£100 - £110
1914 Star Trio with original Mons clasp to 67463 Gnr G
Doulon RFA (pair named 67463 Sjt G Donlon RA).
Medal Card confirms medals and clasp, served 38th Bde.
GVF (3)
£100 - £120
1914 Star (with Aug-Nov clasp) BWM & Victory Medal
plus Death Plaque and Casualty Scroll to CH6950 Pte
Thomas Howe RMLI. Died 4/12/1918 aged 44 serving
on HMS President III. Buried Abney Park Cemetery,
born Wandsworth, London. Plus a BWM & Victory
Medal to 3069 Pte R Reynolds 17th London Regt.
Housed in two large modern frames
£200 - £250
1914 Star, BWM (70874 Gnr W E Thake RFA) served
with 22nd Bde, and KGVI Special Constabulary Medal
(Walter E. Thake) Kent Police. GVF (3)
£70 - £75
1915 Star and Victory Medal to 11871 Pte J Doughty
K.O.Sco.Bord. Served with 2nd Bn (2)
£28 - £30
1915 Star named T.S.2908 J W long TR RNR. With
copy service papers, born Brisbane, Australia (1)
£25 - £30
1915 Star to 2873 Pte A Sinclair A & S Highlanders. A
sports medal to C.Q.M.S. T Williams MM 90th Field
Coy RE. and a Fake Canadian Memorial Cross (3)
£24 - £26
1915 Star to 4159 Pte L Craig Manchester Regt. Killed
In Action 13/2/1917 with the 12th Bn. Born Ardwick,
Manchester. On the Thiepval Memorial. (1)
£40 - £45
1915 Star to J.12193 Norman Birch AB RN. Died
11/11/1917 on HMS "M15" RN, sunk by German
Submarine UC-38. On the Portsmouth Memorial. Lived
Altrincham, Cheshire. VF (1)
£44 - £46
1915 Star to S-1020 Pte G G Robson Rif Brigade. Killed
In Action 3rd Sept 1916 with the 11th Bn. Born Barry,
Glam. On the Thiepval Memorial. (1)
£34 - £36
1915 Star Trio and Death Plaque to 19433 Pte Frank
Gallagher L.N.Lan Regt. Killed In Action with the 6th
Bn on 9/2/1917. Born Bolton. On the Basra Memorial.
VF (4)
£240 - £260
1915 Star Trio Lieut P A Tharp R.W. Kent R. (pair
named Capt P A Tharp). Went to Gallipoli July 1915.
His address is given as Queen Elizabeth's School,
Cranbrook, Kent. GVF (3)
£240 - £250
1915 Star Trio mounted as worn to KW-765 Henry
Curtis AB RNVR. Killed In Action 27/8/1915 serving
with Drake Bn RN Div. Buried Pink Farm Cemetery,
Helles. Born Conisboro. Medals tarnished nVF (3)
£100 - £110
1915 Star Trio mounted as worn (9582 Pte W Arkwright
R.Lanc.R. (3)
£50 - £55
1915 Star Trio to 16-1223 Pte W Illingworth W.York
Regt. VF small edge bump to Victory Medal (3)
£50 - £55