Severus Alexander silver denarius, Rome Mint 226 A.D.,
reverse reads:- PAX AVG, Pax advancing left, holding
branch and sceptre, with old ticket, good metal, NEF
£20 - £25
Severus Alexander, silver denarius, Rome Mint 222
A.D., reverse:- Salus seated left, feeding snake arising
from altar, Sear 7894, VF
£20 - £25
Sharifs of Morocco silver dirhem, wt.1.23g., uncertain
mint and date, with a ticket by Dr.Vezin, seems not to be
in cat. needs more research, light scuffs, scarce, GF
£20 - £25
Shilling Edward VI 1549 Southwark Mint, Bust 4,
S.2466B, mintmark Y, 5.01 grammes, NVF/GF for
wear, unevenly toned, as often, with some weaker areas
£525 - £575
Shilling Edward VI Fine Silver Issue S.2482 mintmark
Tun, Good Fine with some weakness in the centre
£170 - £190
Shilling Philip and Mary 1554 English titles only, with
mark of value S.2501 VG or better the portraits very
£280 - £300
Shillings Edward VI Fine Silver Issues (2) S.2482
mintmark Tun VG with some old long scratches,
mintmark y VG/NF creased
£100 - £120
Sixpence Philip and Mary 1554 Full titles S.2505 Good
Fine with some scratches and weaker areas
£450 - £500
Small bag of Roman Imperial, all look genuine and
include a denarius of Trajan, a sestertius of Antoninus
Pius and a follis of Galerius as Caesar under Diocletian
and 5 others, NF to NVF [8]
£35 - £45
Stater Gallo-Belgic c.150-c.50BC Obverse: Laureate
Head left, Reverse: horse left S.2 VG Rare
£650 - £750
Stephen silver penny, Cross Pommee or Awbridge Type,
BMC 7, Spink 1282, sadly flat on almost all the legend,
centres = portrait visible, centre of reverse visible, these
£75 - £95
Testoon Henry VIII Southwark Mint S.2367 mintmark
E on reverse, the obverse mintmark not visible, 7.64
grammes, About Fine with a flan crack on the edge at 1
o'clock, good portrait for the grade with most of the facial
features visible
£1400 - £1600
Titus as Caesar under Vespasian 69-79 A.d. silver
denarius [regular series], Rome Mint 78-79 A.D.,
Laureate bust, right / Annona enthroned, left holding
sack of corn-ears on lap, Sear 2436, GVF
£100 - £120
Titus silver denarius, Rome Mint 77-79 A.D., therefore
struck under Vespasian, reverse:- Sow left with three little
piglets also left, on ground line, below which IMP XIII,
Sear - , RSC, Vol.2, p.55, 104, full, round, well centred,
scarce, GVF
£250 - £275
Trajan 98-117 A.D., bronze of c.27mm. of Antioch ad
Orontem, obverse:- Laureate and draped bust, right /
Large S C within laurel wreath B'D' below, Cf.
G.I.C.1078, of unusually good style, with an old Seaby
ticket dated 1971 by David Sear, priced at £6, GVF
£50 - £60