British Commemorative Medallion, silver d.27mm:
Waterloo Bridge Opened 1817 (see edge inscription) by
Wyon, Eimer no. 1091, toned EF
£30 - £40
British Commemorative Medallion, silver d.33mm:
Coronation of William IV 1831 by W. Wyon, the official
Royal Mint issue, Eimer no. 1251, toned EF, a few
surface marks.
£60 - £80
British commemorative silver medallion of c.50mm.,
Henry VIII supreme head of the Church of England,
1545, Cf. Eimer 26b, looks to be a quality electrotype
copy, EF
£40 - £50
Coin covers in a stacker box, a good variety with many
different themes
£60 - £70
Coin covers, a large collection housed in twelve albums,
a good variety with silver issues noted.
£325 - £375
Coin/Medal cabinet, top 19 1/2'' x 18'', with window
slope of 13 1/2 '' [this section for display] and with keys,
cabinet depth 26 1/4'', floor hight 38'', containing 8
draws of 16 1/2'' x 16''x 2'' deep, all lined with blue baze,
that of the draws a little glue effected, mostly of
mahogany, draw bottoms of thin ply, legs, plain at back,
tall cabriole at front, all fitments brass, generally in good
£175 - £225
Collection of 12 silver proof medallions (approx 10g
each) from the "Golden Wedding" set produced by
Westminster. Each piece having different reverses of the
Queen and Prince Philip. FDC in hard plastic capsules
and housed in a "Westminster" box
£50 - £60
Collection of various medallions and badges inc Gaunt
Medallion 'M.H.A.C. I.L. Johnstone 1924, WW2 XXX
Corps Medal, Bell Medal, Nelsons Foudroyant Copper
Medal, Queen Mary Needlework Guild Officials badge
(WW1), Bedford PT College silver badge, plus various
tokens and a 1911 shilling (qty)
£20 - £25
Commemorative Medallions (5) including New Royal
Exchange large Victorian white metal medal 1842 by
Hyams VF-GVF, King George V Coronation 1911
official bronze issue EF, Lusitania propaganda medal
WWI, etc.
£50 - £60
Contemporary Forgery Georgian Copper Halfpenny
dated 1771, interesting crude interpretation of the design,
thin flan, off-centre, VG
£30 - £40
Engraved Love Token, a Georgian copper halfpenny
smoothed and engraved on reverse: 'Molly Downall
Upholland, Feby. 5th 1782' (Molly Downhall, of
Upholland, Lancashire?)
£60 - £70
Exonumia, a selection of 4 items including a cased bronze
life saving medal 1931, a white metal Middlesex George
V Jubilee medal 1935 EF, a Sunday School attendance
double medal early 20thC, and a modern copy of a
French order.
£20 - £30
Fantasy Coins (15) private 'retro patterns' of English
19th-20thC monarchs, various metals including silver.
£30 - £40
Fishing Medal, enameled hallmarked 9ct gold fob 14.7g,
'Warrington Anglers Association Championship
Competition 1908, WILLIAM DENNETT, Rd309577',
with an old case.
£220 - £240
GB & Empire Tokens (7): Melbourne, Australia Annand
Smith & Co. Penny KM# Tn 16.2 VG, Worcester
Halfpenny of Richard Bedoes Worcs no. 128 Fair, and
various 18thC Halfpennies of England and Scotland Fair
to GVF
£60 - £80
Guernsey Token: Auguste Bulteau, Caves de Bordeaux,
uniface brass d.31mm, GVF, scarce.
£60 - £70
Hop Tokens (3) Henry Freeland 1, 1.2 and 6.0 'B' (bushel)
tokens, early lead pieces, GF
£20 - £30
Hop Tokens (4) Henry Richardson of Church House,
Brede, Sussex: 1, 12, 30 and 60 'B' (bushel) tokens in cast
brass, VF
£20 - £30
Ireland brass coin weight 1683: 'THE STANDARD OF
XVII D', 26g GF
£40 - £50