GB Silver One Hundred Pounds 2015 (7) All "Big Ben"
BU still sealed
£400 - £500
GB Silver one ounce Britannias (18) a date run from 1998
- 2016 (missing 2015) Unc/BU some with slight toning
£250 - £300
GB Silver one ounce Britannias (6) 1998x2, 2001, 03, 05
& 06 Unc/BU a couple with slight toning
£70 - £90
GB Silver Proof 50ps (14) Piedforts 1992/3, 94, 2000, 03,
04, 05, 11 & 2013. Standard 1992/3 x 2 &1998x4. aFDC
- FDC (some with slight toning) boxed as issued
£100 - £150
GB Silver Proof boxed items (12) Five Pence Piedfort
1990 x 2, Five Pence two coin set 1990 x 3, Ten Pence
Piedfort 1992 x 2 & Ten Pence two coin set 1992 x 5.
aFDC - FDC boxed as issued
£50 - £60
GB Silver Proof Crowns (6) 1999 "Diana", 2000
"Millennium", 2000 "Queen Mother" Piedfort x 2, 2002
"Jubilee" & 2007 "Diamond". FDC boxed as issued
£70 - £90
GB Silver Proof Fifty Pences (12), Standard Two coin sets
1997x3, 1998, Piedfort Two coin sets 1997, 1998x2,
Standard single 1994, 97, 2007, Piedforts 1997 & 1998.
All aFDC - FDC boxed as issued but some showing signs
of toning
£60 - £80
GB Silver Proof One Pounds (15) 1984x2, 85, 87, 88, 91,
94, 95x2, 96, 97, 98, 2001, 02 & 2009. FDC boxed as
£120 - £140
GB Silver Proof Twenty Pence Piedforts (4) All 1982
aFDC - FDC (some with slight toning) boxed as issued
£40 - £50
GB Silver Proof Two Pound Piedforts (4) 1994, 98 & 1999
"Hologram" x2. FDC boxed as issued
£80 - £100
GB Silver Proof Two Pounds (11) 1986, 94, 95 (dove) x2
& 1997x2 along with Two coin sets 1989, 1995, 1997/8
x 3. All FDC boxed as issued
£100 - £120
GB Silver Proof Two Pounds (8) Standard 1996x2, 2001,
2005, 2009 "Burns" & 2010 "Nightingale" along with
piedforts 1994 & 1997. FDC boxed as issued
£80 - £100
GB Silver Proof £2s (23) Piedforts 1994. 95 (both types),
96, 97, 98, 2001, 03, 04, 05 (both types), 08x2 both
Olympiad, 2010 & 2015 (Britannia). Standard 1994x2,
95x2 (doves), 96x2 & 2005x2. FDC boxed as issued
£250 - £300
GB Silver Proof £5s / Crowns Two Coin sets (5) 2002/3
x 2, 2005 x 2 & 2005 Piedfort. FDC all boxed as issued
£140 - £160
GB Silver Proof £5s / Crowns (11) 1996, 97, 98, 2000
Millennium x 2 (both types), 2000 Queen Mother, 2001,
2002, 2004, 2006 & 2007. aFDC -FDC all boxed as issued
£140 - £160