Henry VII silver groat, Facing Bust Issue, mm.
Greyhounds head [1502-1504], Type IIIc, crown with
one plain and one jewelled arch, Spink 2199, originally
an even strike, now with a little weakness here and there,
quite nice portrait NVF
£100 - £130
Henry VII silver groat, Facing Bust Issue, Type IIIa, Bust
as IIa, mm. Cinquefoil [1489-1493], nothing at neck,
crown with two outer jewelled arches, Spink 2198 with a
ditto but Type IIIb, Spink 2198A, mm. escallop [1493-
1495], nothing at neck, realistic hair, jewelled crown,
these pieces were found with the Richard III and Edward
IV groats in the present sale, part of a small hoard, both
of London, first bent F second piece missing, obverse 12
to 2 o'clock, first scarce, GF [2]
£150 - £175
Henry VII silver groat, Profile Issue, Regular style, Spink
2258, mm. Pheon/Cross-Crosslet, [1505-1509] and
[1504-1505], full, round, well centred, dark, GF
£120 - £140
Henry VII silver halfgroat, Canterbury Mint, King and
Archbishop Morton jointly, Type IIIc, mm. Tun, no
stops, Spink 2211, well struck up and central, GF
£45 - £55
Henry VII silver penny, Sovereign Type, York Mint,
Archbishop Rotherham, single pillar to throne, reverse
reads:- CIVITAS EBORACI, keys below shield, Spink
2236, GF
£40 - £45
Henry VIII gold Crown of the Double Rose, h K both
sides, mm. Arrow, Spink 2274, very small piece missing
from extreme edge, obverse 4 o'clock and has very small
mount 'nip' at top, this hardly visible, full, round, well
centred and a sharp strike, rare, GVF
£2000 - £2500
Henry VIII Irish debased sixpenny groat, Spink 6484,
£80 - £90
Henry VIII silver groat, Second Coinage [1526-1544],
Laker Bust A3, Lombardic/Lombardic lettering, saltires
in reverse cross ends, mm. Rose, Spink 2337C, found
King's Field, Tarston, Nr. Needham Market, Suffolk, full
and round, reverse slightly off centre, dark tone, patchy
on the reverse, obverse very lightly scuffed, GF
£130 - £150
Henry VIII silver groat, Second Coinage [1526-1544],
Laker Bust D, Lombardic/Lombardic lettering, salitires
in reverse cross ends, mm. lis, Spink 2337E, found near
Needham Market, Suffolk, originally a full round flan,
now a little extreme edge loss at obverse 1 to 2 o'clock,
lightly crinkled, dark uneven tone, F
£50 - £60
Henry VIII silver groat, struck under Edward VI [1547-
1551], Tower Mint, Bust 5, mm. arrow, Spink 2403, full,
round, well centred, tone slightly blotchy as is common
with issues of this period, with above average portrait,
£100 - £140
Henry VIII silver halfgroat, Second Coinage [1526-
1544], Canterbury Mint, Archbishop Cranmer, 'T' 'C'
beside shield mm. Catherine Wheel [1533-1544], Spink
2345, full, round, well centred and a nice sharp strike,
very light scuffs under magnification, nice portrait,
£80 - £100
Henry VIII silver halfgroat, Third Coinage, 1544-1547,
Canterbury Mint, Spink 2378, full, round, reverse
slightly off centre, found Peartree Meadow, Nr Needham
Market, Suffolk, with an old ticket which states 'TN 435',
legend a little flat in places but centres better than normal
for this issue, including the portrait, NVF
£120 - £150
Henry VI, First Reign [1422-1461] contemporary
forgery of a gold noble, approximately one third survives
and it copy's the Annulet Issue of 1422-1427, the
fragment is a metal detector find and is sold with full
£40 - £60
Honorius silver siliqua, Milan Mint 395-402A.D.,
reverse:- Roma seated left, holding Victory and
transverse spear, in exergue MDPS, Old Sear 4250, RIC
1228, round and well centred, nicely toned, good metal
£75 - £95
James I silver shilling, First Coinage [1603-1604], reads:-
EXVRGAT, mm. Thistle, First Bust, square cut beard,
full round, well centred, light marks under magnification,
centres struck up, VF
£230 - £260
James I silver shilling, Second Coinage [1604-1619],
mm. Lis, Third Bust, beard cut square, Spink 2654, full,
round, well centred, centre obverse weak, light marks
under magnification, NF/F
£60 - £70
James I silver shilling, Third Coinage [1619-1625], Sixth
Bust, mm. Thistle [1621-1623], Spink 2668, full, round
and well centred, GF/VF
£120 - £140
James I silver sixpence, Second Coinage [1604-1617]
mm. Coronet [1607-1609], dated 1607 [with open 'O'],
Fourth Bust, Spink 2658, full, round, well centred, a little
weakness each side, GF
£70 - £80