A good 1821 Pattern Artillery Officers sword. Blade 33".
Engraved to the '1st GLOUCESTER VOLUNTEER
ARTILLERY' and the officers initials 'A.D.S.'. Ricasso
marked to 'HOWSON & SONS, 305 LEXINGTON
ST. LONDON W'. Good wire bound fish skin grip.
Triple bar hilt in its leather field service scabbard (frog
strap slightly a/f). Some age staining overall. A 'sleeper'
in good untouched condition.
£150 - £160
A good French percussion rifle converted from flintlock.
Tang marked 'T-bis' and dated 1822. Fixed rearsight.
Excellent woodwork. Crisp action. Brass barrel bands.
Barrel 36". Brass furniture. Barrel dated 1832. Very good
working order & condition.
£200 - £250
A good P'53 Enfield .577 British percussion service rifle.
Standard lock with Crown & 'V.R.' to tail and '1857' &
British inspection mark. Stand barrel 39" with 3 bands.
Good walnut stock with circular WD stamp & ^ Arrow.
Standard brass furniture, buttstock tang regimentally
marked 'I.C 594'. Proofs & inspection marks to breech.
Original ramrod with inspection mark. Crisp action on
1st & 2nd cock plus nipple chain. Good working order
and condition.
£390 - £410
A good USM1 Carbine knife bayonet. Blade approx 7".
Blued blade & mounts. Of superior construction with
ribbed plastic composition grips secured by two screws.
Complete with its brown faux wood plastic scabbard. A
variation used for European allies (?). Very good
condition overall.
£40 - £50
A good U.S Model M5 bayonet for the M1 Garand rifle.
Pommel top marked 'HTK M/63'. Black plastic grips in
its brown plastic scabbard also marked crown over HTK.
Wear commensurate with service use.
£40 - £50
A good WW1 P'07 bayonet by Enfield. Formerly a
hooked quillon version dated January 1912 (?). Quillon
removed but no oil hole in pommel. Excellent grips and
clean blade with correct markings. A good collectors
£50 - £60
A rare Victorian, fine quality, Bowie knife by top maker
ricasso. The 7.5" clipped back Bowie blade folds into the
handle to form a 4" blade utility knife, supplemented with
a corkscrew fitted to the chequered grip. When fully
extended the knife locks into position via a lug which
engages with a recess in the blade. The blade is released
by an oval silver button in the grip. The knife is contained
in a full length tapered leather scabbard with silver (?)
chape (some stitching a/f but chape & collar are in good
condition). A belt loop and 'D' ring are present for
attachment to a (military ?) belt.
£250 - £300
A rare WW2 2nd Pattern Wilkinson sword F.S. knife with
the owners name etched by Wilkinson in a banner on the
blade. Knife is a standard 2nd pattern with brass grip
with light hatching. Ricasso is marked 'The F.S. Fighting
Knife' in a panel. The reverse is marked 'Wilkinson
Sword', London'. In a banner along the blade is marked
'WARREN K. HORNE 18157516 PFC'. Warren K.
Horne enlisted in the U.S. Infantry at Sam Antonio on
26.9.1942. He was born in 1923 in Texas. The knife was
a private purchase from the Wilkinson Sword Company
in 1943. This would indicate he was sent overseas to
London for the Normandy landings in 1944. In its leather
scabbard with later retaining loop.
£500 - £550
A scarce 1st Pattern F.S. knife by Wilkinson sword. Blade
6.25". Square ricasso with Wilkinson Sword logo. The
reverse with 'THE F-S FIGHTING KNIFE'. The grip is
nickel plated with coarse knurling. The blade has some
small dark patches and the blade may well have been
repointed. The scabbard has a nickel chape and shows
service wear as does the knife itself. Crossguard has
correct 'wavy S' pattern. A decent WW2 early F.S. knife
that has seen service use.
£400 - £450
A scarce Austrian Werndl Model 1867 11mm (obsolete
calibre) carbine, made between 1867-1874. Only 11,000
manufactured. Rotating drum action, large side mounted
hammer. Woodwork with museum/unit tag attached.
The Werndl rifles and carbines were wildly used by rear
echelon troops in WW1.
£300 - £350
A scarce P'07 bayonet with hooked fighting quillon.
Pommel marked 10 A.S.H. 901 (10th Bn. Argyll &
Sutheland Highlanders). Blade 17th Ricasso marked
'G.R. 1907, 11:12'. (made November 1912) and with WD
arrow, inspection marks & bend test cross. A good clean
& straight blade, dark oiled walnut grips (minor bruising).
In its rare original 1st Pattern scabbard with button
chape (minor repair). some service wear overall.
£350 - £400
A scarce WW2 Fighting Knife d/edged blade 6.9". Blade
marked 'John Blyde CLINTLOCK WORKS.
SHEFFIELD' with Saturn/Genius logo (see P.137 of
R.Flooks F/S knife book) Turned wood grips 5". In its
original WW" scabbard.
£100 - £120
A Spanish M1969 CETME Bayonet for the Model 58
Assault Rifle. Chequered plastic grips & bob type blade
9". In its steel mounted plastic scabbard with integral belt
frog. Good condition. Not often encountered.
£25 - £30
A Swedish Model 1896 all steel bayonet in excellent
condition in its blued steel scabbard. Profuse military
markings. Excellent blade. A good example.
£20 - £25
A USAF Pilots survival knife in its leather scabbard with
sharpening stone. Made by the Camillus Cutlery Co. in
1984. In good used condition.
£25 - £30
A U.S Navy MK3 Model O combat knife in its plastic
composite scabbard. Bowie bladed knife 6" with saw
back. USN marks to compo grip & scabbard.
£20 - £25
A well executed statuette of an 'Old Contemptible' to
commemorate 'The Great War 1914-1918'. Accurate
equipment. Height 11" approx.
£40 - £50
A WW1 Butcher bayonet by W. Holler. Solingen and
dated for 1915. In its steel scabbard. A good example
with good grips and a clean blade. Minor dents to
£50 - £60
A WW1 German Model 1916 original helmet shell from
the Somme. Found many years ago and painted '180
Regiment Thiepval. July 1st 1916' Nicely done, an
attractive original souvenir from the Somme.
£70 - £80
A WW1/2 Gurka Kukri traditional blade marked
'F.COY 2/8 G.R. 706' (F Company 2/8 Bn Gurka Rifles
No.706) Blade 13" approx. (Minor pitting to blade) In its
leather scabbard. Wooden grip (old stress/age crack)
Decent original item.
£50 - £60
A WW2 Bowie Knife blade 6" by William Rogers of
Sheffield. A good quality knife with brass cross guard,
rivets and walnut grip.
£20 - £25
A WW2 U.S. M3 fighting knife in its US M8 scabbard
made by B.M. Co. Leather washer grip. Rock Island
Arsenal flaming grenade stamp to pommel. Clean blade
7" approx underneath of crossguard stamped 'U.S. M3
UTICA. a good collectors example of this iconic WW2
fighting knife.
£80 - £100
A .577/450 Martini-Heavy Zulu War Carbine. Action
marked CROWN over 'V.R'. underneath 'BSA &
over 1876. Early long striker indicator Numerous WD
and Government inspection marks. Walnut fullstock with
'WD ENFIELD' rounded. Brass marker disc dated
March 1894 & shows issue to a Volunteer Garrison
Artillery Unit. Sold out of service marks to woodwork &
action. This rifle was originally a Zulu War Martini later
converted to Carbine length for artillery use. A good
example with full set of swivels and ramrod. Knox form
cut as normal. Good working order & condition. A
£350 - £400