Pistol: A boxlock percussion pocket pistol circa 1840.
Barrel 3". Bag shaped walnut grip. Action works on first
& second cock. Worn overall with surface rust. Should
restore well.
£40 - £50
Pistol: A fine German percussion duelling / belt pistol by
Franz Ulrich of Obendorf. One of a pair, this one
numbered '2'. Crisp action on 1st & 2nd cock. Wedge
retained walnut (?) stock with finely chequered grip.
Ebony buttcap. Octagonal barrel 8.5" with rear notch
sight. Top flat marked 'F. Ulrich Obandorf'. Dovetail
foresight steel furniture. Bore 30mm. With rammer. A
good quality pistol. Silver escutcheon to stock.
£350 - £400
Pistol: A flintlock pocket pistol. Sideplate signed:
'PURCELL' (?) Turn off barrel 2.5". Ring neck cock
centrally mounted with rear slide safety. Plain bag shaped
grips. Lock in working order on 1st & 2nd cock. Worn &
stained overall with some very light pitting .
£180 - £200
Pistol: A good E.I.C. Flintlock Cavalry pistol with long
stirrup hammer 1811- 1818. Barrel 9" smooth bored and
of carbine bore (normally 17 bore - .66"). Lock, flat plate
with bevelled edges dated '1813'. Flat ring necked cock
lockplate with EIC Lion & Crown over 2. Walnut stock
with EIC mark and part stockmakers initials 'J.B.'? A hole
in the stock has been filled (size of sixpence). Brass
furniture, trigger guard engraved 'N.N.V.' (possibly
proof marks 'C.P. & V' to barrel proved at London
Gunmakers Company Whitehall. Lock in very good
working order and condition. Crisp on 1st & 2nd cock. A
fine example of this Napoleonic pistol.
£1400 - £1500
Pistol: A massive Indian percussion horse pistol. Musket
lock marked 'TOWER'. Barrel 12" approx 8 bore.
Fullstock with brass furniture. Steel ramrod. Lock in
working order. Musket sideplate. Repair to stock.
£60 - £70
Pistol: A mid 19th Century single shot percussion pistol
circa 1840. Octagonal Damascus twist barrel with proof
mark. Large bore (circa 12 bore). Barrel 5". Bag shaped
plain grip with silver escutcheon. Sideplate with
Acanthus scrolling. Nipple replaced. Overall condition is
sound and better with some restoration. Lock worked
well on 1st & 2nd cock. A decent Victorian 'overcoat'
£80 - £90
Pistol: A rare and good .56 cal New Land Pattern
flintlock pistol from the reign of William IV (1830-1837).
Stepped and bolted lock (bolt a/f). Barrel 9". Flat ring
neck cock. Lockplate marked Crown & 'W.R.' Proof
Crown over 'M' & Cross Swords. Brass furniture, flat
sideplate. Good walnut stock with makers stamp 'JB'. long
captive rammer. Action crisp on 1st & 2nd cock. Brass
furniture. T/Guard marked 'D.Y.C.' (Devon, Dorset,
Durham? Yeomanry Cavalry). A fine example of this rare
pistol. Note: Unusual buttcap - lacks 'ears'.
£1400 - £1500
Pistol: A Turkish flintlock pistol. Full stocked with inlaid
wire decoration. Rough cast brass furniture. Lacks touch
hole. Decorative item.
£30 - £35
Revolver very nice cased Deane & son cased percussion
19th century revolver with full blue finish in its original
case with powder flask bullet mould and cap tin these
possibly replaced with Deane & son London label inside
the lid
£750 - £800
Revolver: A Colt Model 1860 Army Revolver SN:
85,401 (matching) dates to early 1863. Barrel 8" with
New York address. Rebated 6 shot cylinder, cal: .44
smooth grey patina (no cylinder scene) Action in good
working order. Cut for shoulder stock. Good one piece
polished walnut grips (mirror chip to left hand toe) Brass
T/Guard. Inspectors stamps to some parts. A good
example of this iconic U.S. Civil War pistol. No licence
£750 - £850
Revolver: A good 6 shot, bar hammer transitional
revolver. Octagonal barrel 5.25" retaining much original
blue. Action and backstrap (silver) attractively engraved
with Acanthus scrolls. English proofs. Fine walnut grips.
In crisp fine working order. This is a fine revolver in
collector's grade condition. Viewing recommended.
£400 - £500
Revolver: A good double action Pinfire 9mm, Belgian
revolver. Barrel 4.5". Sidegate loading, side ejector.
Good chequered two piece, polished wooden grips. In
good working order and condition. A nice untouched
£180 - £200
Rifle: A German miniature blank firing model rifle with
miniature pin fire type blanks. Rifle 13.5cm long. In a
plastic case. Circa 1960s (?). In working order Unusual &
£20 - £25
Rifle: A Model: 1873 Belgian Albini Braendlin 11mm
(obsolete calibre) service rifle. Back action lock. Military
Fullstock. In v.g.w.order and condition (rear sight
replaced). Rifle in service with the Belgian Army 1867-
1918. Used as a second line infantry rifle in WW1.
£390 - £400
Shotgun: A single barrelled 10 bore pinfire sporting
shotgun. Back action lock marked 'HOLLAND' A good
quality gun. Barrel 30". Sidehammer lock. Chequered
walnut stock (loss to fore-end & horn finial chipped)
Damascus barrel. Address 'Holland New Bond St
London.' An attractive sporting gun.
£350 - £400
Superb QE2 Wilkinson Sword in near mint condition,
blade numbered '125042'. With scabbard and pommel,
plus belt
£350 - £400
Swiss c1880's Crossbow. Large heavy construction. Brass
furniture. Iron parts with light pitting. Groove for the
quarrel to lie in. An interesting piece (Buyer collects)
£100 - £150