An excellent Gras Model 1874/80 carbine in 11mm obsolete calibre. These carbines saw extensive use with the French and Greek
armies. They were widely used by Arabs in the desert, slavers in the Persian Gulf and gun runners in Trinidad. This is a fine example
in good working order & condition. Dark red stock & polished brass furniture complete with its sword bayonet.
£400 - £450
An Imperial German Pickel haube for Prussian ? ranks.
Some crazing to leather, minor restoration work in
places. A decent example.
£200 - £250
An interesting and early P.53 British Service Rifle .577
found in an attic. Standard lock with Crown & 'VR' and
'1858 TOWER'. Good walnut stock with Pimlico
storekeepers mark dated 1861. Standard 3 band Enfield,
barrel 39" secured by 3 bands with spring retainers.
Action crisp on 1st & 2nd cock. Walnut stock with makers
name 'T. GODDARD'. This rifle is a 'sleeper' and will
clean & restore into an excellent piece. No losses or
damage. Viewing recommended.
£380 - £400
An interesting Belgian .320 (obsolete calibre) pocket
revolver given to his wife by a soldier serving in Belgian
in 1916. The 2" barrel neatly engraved: 'MY DARLING,
APRIL 1916 FROM GORDON' and the frame: 'IF I
GUARD YOU TWICE AS SAFE'. The revolver in
w/order with trigger spring a/f. Nickel finish is worn.
Plain 2 piece wooden grips. A unique souvenir of the
Great War. Obsolete calibre. No licence required. In its
relined pistol case.
£350 - £400
An Israeli 'K-BAR' fighting knife. Bowie blade 7" with
broad fuller Star of David stamped to the ricasso leather
washer grip. A fine looking knife in its leather scabbard.
Dates 1950s. Good overall condition and scarce.
£30 - £35
An Italian WW2 MSVN (Pugio) army combat knife.
Spear point S/E blade 8". Wooden grip with 3 rivets. In
its blued steel scabbard with integral belt clip. Very good
original condition. Circa 1942.
£85 - £90
An original Victorian Badge of the 24th Regiment of
Foot circa 1870-1880 (Zulu War etc). A large badge with
central '24' and 'Honisoit Qui Mal. Y. PENSE'
surmounted by a Victorian Crown. Badge length is 3.5"
and 1.75" wide. Two large screw lugs to reverse. Badge
in good original condition.
£40 - £50
An unused USMC KA-BAR Combat knife. Bowie blade
7". Ricasso marked 'USMC'. Leather grip. In its leather
scabbard with KA-BAR & USMC stamps. An
outstanding piece. Collector grade condition.
£50 - £60
Cutlass: An outstanding European 19th Century Naval
Cutlass of the French classic 1833 Pattern. Massive &
heavy hatch point blade 29". 1833 Pattern all steel bowl
and grip. In its excellent brass mounted leather scabbard.
The whole in collectors grade condition. It would take a
very strong arm to wield this sword !. A superb item and
£300 - £350
Imperial German Model 1871/84 knife bayonet in its
steel mounted leather scabbard (Stitching a/f). Blade 10"
ricasso marked 'V.G. Schilling Suhl'. A scarce bayonet
(light charring to grips from muzzle flash). Some wear.
Blade dated 1894 with inspection stamps.
£50 - £60
Imperial German Model 1898 bayonet, second pattern
with 2 piece grips. Excellent bright polished blade 20.75"
ricasso with makers name 'P.D. Luneschloss Solingen'
and dated 1906. Excellent grip. In its iron mounted
leather scabbard (stitching good). Some service wear. A
good example of this WW1 standard pattern bayonet.
£100 - £120
Knives: British Model 'D' Army Survival Knives 1) A
good Model 'D' British Army Survival knife. Large heavy
blade 7", marked '1278214' and WD Arrow. In its heavy
duty leather scabbard v.g.c. 2) A different pattern of
blade Model 'D' sharpened profile S/E blade, unmarked.
Wooden grip stamped '1278214 H (in a diamond) B2'
v.g.c. *note knife 1 grip secured by two bolts, knife 2 by
three copper rivets. (2)
£40 - £50
RAF WW2 Servicing Commando Knife by W & S.B.
Sheffield. Single edged Bowie type clipped back blade.
Leather washer grip with the smooth staghorn pommel
with the name 'A.R. Catfos' carved into it. The knife is
contained in commando knife leather scabbard with
blackened brass chape. These knives saw service with
RAF personnel (2125 purchased Flook page 231) in N.
Africa, Italy, D.Day of the Far East. Worn but good
condition. Scabbard not standard but of the period.
£100 - £120
Telescope: A fine Victorian Captains all brass pocket
telescope. Outside of the barrel engraved 'CAPT JOHN
JAMES HMS DEFIANCE 1885', Brass endcap and
sliding cover for the eyepiece. Good optics and
magnification. A lovely naval piece with a named
provenance. A collector's item in collector grade
£100 - £120
from other properties:
1842 Pattern privately made Lovels percussion musket a
superb gun in lovely condition made for the commercial
market as there is no provision for bayonet lug
£700 - £750
1885 pattern cavalry troopers sword dated /87 made in
Solingen regimental marked on scabbard and hilt Y LCT
£190 - £200
18th century Brown Bess volunteer flintlock short musket
with military proof marks to the barrel lock engraved
Meredith two makers with this name one in London
1810-1840 the other Chester c 1790
£700 - £750
18th century flint lock box lock pocket pistol by archer of
London with screw barrel slab safety catch with nice
patina very nice gun
£330 - £340
18th century flintlock volunteer Padget Pattern military
£280 - £290
18th century officers flint lock pistol converted to
percussion drum & nipple made by Ashton of
£330 - £340
18th/19th officers pistol by Lacy & co converted from
flint lock to percussion, nice clean gun
£500 - £520