Ancient & Hammered Coins
Abbasid Caliphate, Al Mansur 754-775 A.D.silver
dirhems of Madinat Ai Salam {Bagdad], VF [2]
£40 - £50
Aethelred II silver penny, Long Cross Type, Spink 1151,
obverse reads:- AEDELRAED REX ANGL [first 'D'
with thorn, both 'AE's' ligulate as is 'NG'], reverse reads:-
+PVLFPINE M.O LVND, London Mint, moneyer
Wulfwine, full, round, well centred, very lightly crinkled,
£250 - £300
Aethelstan, 924-939, silver penny, Small Cross /
Moneyers name in two lines, Spink 1089, obverse reads:-
+EDELSTAN REX, reverse reads:- EADMVND MO
[horizontal bar over 'MO'] divided by three cross pattee'
and trefoil of pellets top and bottom, moneyer Eadmund,
flat flan, well centred, extreme edge gone, 12 to 3 o'clock
obverse, otherwise VF
£250 - £300
Alfred the Great, King of Wessex 871-899 silver penny,
Second Coinage c.875-c.880, J.J.N. 629-631, Spink
1058, obverse:- Diademed bust, right, reverse:- Long
cross-pattee with lozenge centre, no pellets in the angles,
obverse legend:- +AELFRED REX SA [SAX], reverse
legend:- BERHVLF M[ON]ETA, Berhulf a moneyer
not known to J.J.North. The coin, complete when found
was broken by the finder, hence a 'thumb' shaped piece
is missing from the edge, 95% of the pieces were
recovered, hence perhaps could be reunited, black and a
rare piece, EF
£1200 - £1500
An interesting case of 12 museum replicas of Ancient
Greek coins, marked 'Museum Service', including a copy
of Seaby Greek Coins and Their Values 1966.
£25 - £35
Ancient British Celtic base gold stater, Norfolk Wolf
Type, Spink 31, reverse:- Wolf left with bird on hind
quarters, found West Suffolk, F/VF
£250 - £275
Ancient British Celtic silver unit of the Iceni, early
uninscribed, obverse:- Head right with waxed hair,
reverse:- Horse galloping, right, Spink 434, small area of
'iron like' deposit, reverse, VF
£40 - £45
Ancient British, Celtic gold quarter stater of Cunobelin
of the Trinovantes and Catuvellauni, Biga Type, Spink
290, obverse:- CAMVL on panel, reverse:- Two horses
galloping left, wheel below, branch above, both dies very
slightly off centre, GVF/NEF
£400 - £500
Ancient Egyptian Cat (mummy wrap?). (35mm tall) a/f
£30 - £40
Ancient Greek silver didrachm of Neapolis [Naples],
320-300 B.C., obverse:- Head of Parthenope right of fine
style, reverse:- Man-headed bull, walking rightcrowned
by Nike flying above, C.f. Sear 307, GVF
£180 - £220
Ancient Greek silver tetrobol of Histiaia, Euboia, 340-
330 B.C., obverse:- Head of nymph Histiaia, right,
reverse:- Nymph Histiaia seated right on stern of galley,
ornamented with a wing, holding naval standard, bunch
of grapes in left field, Sear 2495, GVF together with a
barbarous radiate the obverse die of which looks almost
official, the features of the Emeror, Victorianus? not quite
right, reverse depicts a typical stick figure, well off centre,
VF [2]
£40 - £50
Ancient & Hammered, a large amount of low grade
Roman bronze minors, and a collection of English and
Scottish hammered coins and jetons, well worth a look.
£80 - £120
Anglo-Gallic, Richard I The Lionheart, silver denier of
Poitou [1189-1199], obverse:- +RICARDVS REX
around cross pattee, reverse reads:- PIC/TAVIE/NSIS
in three lines, Elias 8 much better than usual, VF
£50 - £60
Antoninus Pius sestertius, Rome Mint 145 A.D. reverse:-
Antoninus Pius distributing largesse to Roman citizens,
Sear 4187, RIC III, 774, scarce and interesting type,
£150 - £170