Ecgberht King of Wessex 802-839, silver penny, early
type 825-c.830, Rochester Mint, obverse:- Diademed
bust, right, legend:- +ECGBEORHT R[E]X, reverse:-
Central cross with hammer ends, legend:- +DVNVN
MO[N]ETA, type unknown to North but is his 578/579,
the BM have 2 both different dies and strangely both
damaged, small chip about 1/5th. missing and a piece of
edge hanging on but rare, GF
£150 - £180
Edward I silver penny, Class 1c, Spink 1382, reads:-
EDW REX, reversed Roman 'N's, a nice neat round
coin, good portrait, small area of weakness on legend
each side, VF/GF
£40 - £45
Edward III silver groat, Fourth Coinage 1351-1377, Pre-
treaty period 1351-1361, London Mint, Class c 1351-
1352, Lombardic 'M', closed 'C' and 'E', 'R' with wedge
tail, Spink 1565, large full flan, well centred, lightly
crinkled, light scuffs, obverse, F
£40 - £45
Edward III silver groat, Fourth Coinage 1351-1377, Pre-
Treaty Period 1352-1361, Series D 1352-1353, 'R' with
normal tail, Lombardic M, closed C and E, Spink 1566,
full and round, F
£40 - £45
Edward III silver groat, York Mint, Fourth Coinage
1351-1377, Pre-Treaty Period 1351-1361, Class E 1354-
1355, Spink 1572, full, round, even dull tone, little weak
areas on legends, VF
£120 - £140
Edward III (2) Penny Third Coinage London Mint, Pre-
Treaty Period with annulet in each quarter of the reverse,
Class C, S.1584, Good Fine, Halfpenny London Mint,
EDWARDVS REX legend S.1557 Good Fine
£75 - £85
Edward the Confessor silver penny, Pyramids Type,
Spink 1184, reverse reads:- +GODRIC ON DETFO
[second 'D' with thorn], Thetford Mint, moneyer Godric,
4 and a cut halfpenny known to the cataloguer, two these
dies [Hunterian and Coats 1175 and CNG Auction 90,
23.5.2012, lot 2411], full, round, well centred, rare, NVF
£300 - £330
Edward the Elder, 899-924, silver penny, Small Cross /
Moneyers name in two lines, Spink 1087, obverse reads:-
+EADVVEARD REX, reverse:- small single pellet top
and bottom, legend divided by 3 x cross pattee'
RAEGENVLF MO ['AE' ligulate, 'M O' with horizontal
bar above], moneyer Raegenulf see J.J.N., p.95, 649,
small neat lettering, single peck mark in obverse field, two
in reverse, very light crinkle, full, round, well centred,
dark toned, VF
£300 - £400
Elagabalus and Julia Maesa, AE 5 assaria of
Marcianopolis, Moesia Inferior, reverse:- Hygieia, Pick
958-959, dark GF
£40 - £45
Elizabeth I silver groats, First Issue, mm. Lis, small bust
1G and shield [from halfgroat punches], Spink 2551A,
small edge split, AF and two others of the second issue
mintmarks Cross-Crosslet anbd Martlet, Spink 2556,
crinkled NF and creased Fair [3]
£65 - £75
Elizabeth I silver halfpenny, Sixth Issue [1582-1600],
mm. Woolpack [1594-1597], Spink 2581, round and
central, tone slightly blotchy, surface slightly rough, GF
£30 - £40
Elizabeth I silver shilling, Second Issue [1560-1561],
mm. Cross-Crosslet, Spink 2555, large flan, light cabinet
tone, VF/GVF
£300 - £350
Elizabeth I silver shilling, Sixth Issue 1582-1600, mm.
Woolpack 1594-1596, Spink 2577, full, round, well
centred, very light graffiti obverse, NF/VF
£40 - £50
Elizabeth I silver sixpence 1563 over 1562, mm. Pheon
[1561-1565], Ex R.Carlyon Britton Collection and with
two old tickets, very small attempted piercing on obverse
head, full and round, a few light scuffs reverse, obverse
centre Fair rest NVF with a ditto but 1564 over 1562,
obverse centre F rest NVF, first from the plague year,
second the year of Shakespeare's birth, both Spink 2561,
interesting pieces historically as are the date overstrikes
£80 - £100
Elizabeth I silver sixpence 1565 mm. Rose over Pheon?
/ Rose, Spink 261, with a die sinkers error in the
monarch's name ELZABETH, with an old ticket which
states 'Unpublished not in B.M. or BNJ', very lightly
crinkled, very rare, centre obverse F rest GF
£100 - £150
Elizabeth I silver sixpences 1561/ Pheon, P/GF, 1566/
Portcullis, P/F, next looks 1566 but cannot be as is mm.
Coronet [1567-1570] must be a flat topped '8', lightly
crinkled NF/F, 1569/ Coronet, a little extreme edge loss
in front of bust, light crease, NF/F all Spink 2562 and
lastly 1583/ A, Spink 2578A, NF [5]
£50 - £70