Charles I silver shilling, Tower Mint under the King
[1625-1642], mm. Portcullis [1633-1634], Group D,
Fourth Bust, Type 3.1, Spink 2789, GF/NVF
£55 - £65
Charles I silver sixpence, Tower Mint under the King
1625-1642, mm. Crown [1635-1636], Group D, Type
3a, Spink 2813, nice round flan, well centred, a few weak
letters, NVF
£80 - £100
Cnut silver penny, Short Cross Type, Spink 1159,
obverse reads:- +CNVT REX:,, reverse reads:-
+DVRSTAN ON STAN ['D' with thorn], Stamford
Mint, moneyer Thurstan, full, round, well centred,
£280 - £300
Cnut silver penny, Short Cross Type, Spink 1159,
obverse reads:- +CNVT R[E]CX A., reverse reads:-
GODRIC ON COLEC [leading edge of the first 'O' over
an upright], full, round, well centred, rare mint, GVF/EF
£320 - £340
Cnut silver penny, Short Cross Type, Spink 1159,
obverse reads:- +CNVT..REC:. reverse reads:-
+BRVNGAR ON LV:, London Mint, moneyer
Brungar, a well centred, sharply struck piece, EF
£280 - £300
Cnut silver penny, Short Cross Type, Spink 1159,
obverse reads:- +CNV.TREX:, reverse reads:-
+DVRGRIN ON EOF ['D' with thorn], York Mint,
moneyer Thurgrin, full, round, well centred, EF/NEF
£280 - £300
Cnut silver penny, Short Cross Type, Spink 1159,
obverse reads:- +CNV..TRECX:, reverse:- +ETSIGE
ON DOFRAN, Dover Mint, moneyer Eadsige, full,
round, well centred, very lightly crinkled, scarce mint,
£300 - £320
Commonwealth silver halfgroat, Spink 3221, very light
scuffs, F together with a silver penny of the same era,
Spink 3222, holed, with cabinet patina, F [2]
£40 - £50
Contemporary plated forgery, anonymous, c.81 B.C.,
possibly an emergency issue under Sulla [the normal
populous would not have had the technology to produce
let alone plate a coin] hence could have been produced
at a 'moving' mint, Diademed head of Venus / Double
cornucopiae, Sear 303, oval flan, reverse off centre,
scarce, NVF/GF, together with a silver quinarius of
Cn.Cornelius Lentulus, c. 88 B.C., Laureate head of
Jupiter / Victory and trophy, Sear 255, a little 'cabinet
blue', VF/NVF [2]
£45 - £55
Crown Charles I, Exeter Mint dated issue 1643 S.3055
mintmark Castle Good Fine and bold with an attractive
and even grey tone
£700 - £750
Diocletian billon follis, Heraclea Mint 294 A.D., reverse
reads:- GENIO POPVLI ROMANI, Genius standing
left, mint officina in exergue HTA, Sear 12787, dark,
slightly rough surfaces, NVF
£12 - £18
Double Crown James I Second Coinage Fourth Bust
S.2622 mintmark Coronet Good Fine with graffiti
behind the bust and an edge clip at 9 o'clock
£550 - £600
Eadmund, 939-946, silver penny, Small Cross /
Moneyers name in two lines, Spink 1105, obverse reads:-
+EADMVND REX EB [the 'V' is an upsidedown 'A']
the EB could signfy York Mint [see. J.J.N., p.104, note
71], an annulet in field below initial cross, reverse reads:-
INGELGAR MO [horizontal bar over the 'RM'],
moneyer Ingelgar divided by three cross pattee', trefoil of
pellets top and bottom, nice flat flan, full, round, well
centred, very small piece of edge gone at obverse 5
o'clock, VF
£250 - £300