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A free standing Badger, no case

£20 - £30


A free standing Green Parrot with yellow

face and wing spots, wings shot with red,

blue and black, this bird wearing a zinc?

identity ring reading DKB sideways 04

0615 then 95 sideways 0136, this set with

wings open on a dead log, no case

£50 - £80


A free standing Green Parrot with yellow

face and wing spots, wings shot with red,

blue and black, this set on a dead log with

wings open, no case

£50 - £80


A glass dome c.2' high x c.9'' across [not

the circumference] and standing on a

blackend wooden stand with small bun

feet, depicting a moss and weed covered

stump, with two exotic foreign birds,

possibly South American, on the ground

within the folliage is an egg which looks

like an English Moorhens

£40 - £60


A Grey Heron, set standing in reeds,

painted sky and mud ground, housed in

case with glass ends and top [one side

pane cracked at bottom], approx. size 2'7''

x 1'6 1/2'' wide x 11'' deep, the front pane

has a gilt line c.1'' in from the outer edge

£60 - £80


A hawk, possibly a Goshawk? standing on

a tree stump, mounted on a wooden

block, no case

£50 - £80