Box containing large quantity of cigarette cards & Brooke
Bond cards, sets, parts sets & odds noted, in tins, packets,
albums & loose, worth a look through! (qty)
£40 - £50
Box containing tin of cigarette card sets together with
other sets in albums, also included are a few banknotes
and a large album containing early greetings cards etc,
sets are G-VG (qty)
£26 - £30
Boxfile of various foreign Trade cards inc Darboven,
Schlinck, etc etc. Worth a closer look (qty)
£40 - £45
Boy Scouts Signalling, 2 different complete sets of foreign
origin, one of 30 cards & the other of 40 cards, mainly
EXC a good clean lot
£30 - £40
British American Tobacco - Sports & Games in Many
Lands, complete set, mainly VG or better (including
no.25 Baseball U.S.A.) cat value £175
£80 - £100
Brooke Bond (Canada or U.S.A.) Wild Flowers of North
America, printers proof cards x 9, rare cards, VG or
£100 - £120
Brooke Bond (Canada) collection of 8 complete sets in
pages, being Tropical Birds (top line black), Songbirds of
North America (Red Rose/Blue Ribbon), Birds of North
America, Wildflowers of North America, Butterflies of
North America, Animals of North America (Rolland &
Roland) & Canadian American Songbirds VG - EXC cat
value £599
£80 - £90
Buchner (USA) American Scenes with a Policeman, part
set 35/60 + 1 duplicate, contained in pages, mixed
condition, viewing recommended, very scarce seldom
seen cards cat value £2700
£1200 - £1300
Cards of interest, Actresses & Beauties, 7 cards being
Churchman - Beauties CERF, Archer - Beauties
CHAOB (brown), Taddy - Famous Actors / Actresses,
Davies - Beauties & Hall - Actresses x2 mixed condition
cat value £300
£20 - £24
Cards of interest, Actresses & Beauties, 8 cards being
Churchman - Beauties FECKSA x 2 & CHAOB x1,
Gallaher - Beauties P/C inset, Adkin - Pretty Girl x 1,
Lambert & Butler - Actresses BLARM x 2 & 2 Sweet
Caporal photographic actresses, mixed condition,
viewing recommended cat value £400
£20 - £24
Cards of interest, Hill - Actresses FROGA x1,
Continental Cigarette - Charming Portraits x 1, Hudden
- Beauties (Crown Seal) x 1, Smith - Advertisement Card
x 1, Ogden - Beauties HOL x 1, Kriegsfeld - Phrases &
Advertisements x 1, Player - Gallery of Beauty x 1, & BAT
- Beauties x1 mixed condition, viewing recommended cat
value £600+
£40 - £50
Cards of interest, small collection of 6, being Pascall -
Specialities (card no.1), Reddish Maid - International
Footballers of Today, Mellins - Diamond Jubilee Coins,
Thorne - Royalty x 2 & Will's Household Hints (no.43
error card) interesting lot mixed condition, viewing
recommended cat value £100+
£10 - £16
Carreras Turf slides, box containing approx 180 uncut
singles & 50 uncut doubles from various series, mixed
condition, mainly G - VG (uncut slides are hard to find,
hence double catalogue price of cut cards!) a nice lot,
worth viewing
£50 - £60
Chix, complete set Footballers Portrait & Action
contained in pages mainly VG - EXC cat value £90
£30 - £34
Churchman - Frisky, complete set together with
instructions, all VG or better, a very nice set, cat value
£90 - £100
Churchman, complete set, Sporting Celebrities (includes
7 golfers!) EXC cat value £220
£180 - £200
Cigarette Card sets, part sets & odds contained in pages
in large ring binders, at least 19 complete sets noted with
a cat value of £600+, very mixed condition with some of
the odds only P - F, viewing recommended (qty) (2
£50 - £60
Collection contained in 4x modern albums, all trade
issues, approx 79 complete sets, of which 41 are Brooke
Bond & 38 other issuers, mixed condition, mainly G - VG
or better
£34 - £40
Collection contained in 9x modern albums, contains
approx 111 complete sets being 52 from Will's, 34 from
Player & 25 from other various manufacturers, mixed
condition, mainly G - VG cat value £3175 BUYER
£250 - £300
Collection of 10 complete & 1 part set (1 card missing)
contained in pages, sets are from Boguslavsky,
Churchman, Ogden, Players & Will's, mainly VG cat
value £760
£70 - £80
Collection of 11 complete sets in pages, being
Churchman - Famous Railway Trains (standard size),
Carreras - Famous Film Stars, Popular Personalities,
Famous Cricketers (Turf) & Footballers (Turf), Players -
Golf & Straight Line Caricatures, Phillips - In the Public
Eye, Stares of the Screen, Personalities of Today & Hill -
Puzzle Series, mixed condition, mainly G - VG cat value
£120 - £130
Collection of 52 complete sets contained in 4x modern
albums & separate pages, all issued by Player's, set titles
are in the range of A - L and include A Nature Calendar,
Life on board Man of War, etc mixed condition, mainly
G - VG (slight duplication) cat value £2434
£250 - £260
Collection of 6 interesting & rare cards contained in a
page, cards are Taddy - Actresses with Flowers no.6 F-G,
Osborne - Naval & Military Phrases (no border), G, Jones
- Nautical Terms x 2, P-F & Hill - Fragments from
France, (Buff x1), G & (Black & White x 1), G-VG, cat
value £363 a nice lot
£70 - £80
Collection of 7 complete sets & 1 part set contained in a
modern album & loose pages, sets are Will's - Racehorses
& Jockeys, Famous British Authors, Old Inns (1st & 2nd
series), Player - Life on board a Man of War, Cope - Toy
Models Country Fair & Game of Poker & part set Will's -
Old Furniture (1st series) 23/25, mixed condition many
G - VG cat value £500
£60 - £70
Collection of 70 complete sets contained in 6x modern
albums, sets are from Will's (A - F) x 23, Churchman x 29
& various other manufacturers (A - C) x18, includes
Adkin, Character Sketches (green back), etc mixed
condition, slight duplication cat value £2523
£250 - £260