Group to L-2417 Pte Edward Angus S. Isworth 21st
Lancers (later L-20311). Medals - 1915 Star Trio, IGS
with Afghanistan NWF 1919 clasp, Defence Medal.
Isworth is confirmed as having been Wounded at
Shabkadar in the 21st Lancers Regimental Journal, The
Vedette. Moreover it was reported the same journal in
1991 - by then renamed the White Lancer and The
Vedette - that the oldest survivor of the Regiment,
Charles Albert Wildman, himself a Casualty at
Shabkadar in Sept 1915, had recently celebrated his
100th birthday - and was a friend of Isworth, 'He
(Wildman) was present during the action in 1915 where
Lieut Col Scriven and Capt Anderson his Commanding
Officer and Sqdnn Ldr, were killed. He recalls setting up
a heliograph on some high ground, promptly being shot
at and having his horse shot from under him, recovering
his rifle, sword and lance and being picked up by a friend
Angus Isworth. He in his turn noticed that his friend was
suffering from a wound to his arm, administered first aid
and returned him to the regimental Aid Post. He was also
wounded himself when a shell from 'M' Battery fell 100
yards short, wounding him in the rear'. Isworths wounds
would appear to have been quite serious, 'C' Squadron
records noting that he was transferred for further
treatment at Pindi as late as Dec 1915. VF-GVF (5)
£500 - £600
Group to Lieut William Ratcliffe RA (LSGC named
25187 Sjt W Ratcliffe RGA, small correction to naming).
Plus three Temperance Medals. GVF (3+3)
£100 - £120
Group to Miss Doreen Rhoda Goldsworthy 3rd Officer
WRNS who served on HMS Mercury. Defence & War
Medal, named box of issue and various original
paperwork (2)
£24 - £26
Group to Miss Edith Mary Mann RRC 1st Class, and Kaisar-I-Hind (GVI), 1939-45 Star, Burma Star and War Medal. Born
West Deeping, Lincolnshire. After completing her training she went to Burma in 1926 to the Dufferin Hospital, Rangoon until
the war started. She joined the British Medical Nursing Service about 1941 with the rank of Lieut Col. RRC L/G 6th June 1946.
With several original items of paperwork, and boxes of issue. (5)
£240 - £260
Group to Sister Augusta Maria Bishop TFNS. Medals - BWM & Victory Medal with Territorial War Medal (only 277 issued).
She served at home and in France from 17th Aug 1914 to 10th March 1920, giving her home address as Upper Bangor, Wales.
Ex Glendinings Auction 16/12/1991. With copied service papers. EF (3)
£150 - £200
Group to Squadron Leader George W. Steer, Cande Division, RAF. Medals mounted as worn MBE (Mily), 1939-45 Star, Africa
Star, Defence & War Medals, GSM QE2 with Arabian Peninsula clasp (Act W.O. G W Steer (654618) RAF), and RAF LSGC
Medal QE2 (type C) (654618 Act F.Sgt G W Steer RAF). A superb original lot with matching miniatures, case for the MBE,
several photos, buttons, paperwork and MBE Certificate, RAF Sidecap, etc etc (qty)
£240 - £260