Military album of approx 124 corner mounted snapshots
by P House RE, Middle East 1920-27, see front of album
for more info
£90 - £100
Military Cloth Insignia, wide range of unsorted material
£25 - £30
Military collection in two albums, compiled by Third
Officer M.T Rice of the Wrens, 1907 onwards inc. family
photos, WW1 photos and letters from US Naval
Command, holidays in Portugal, Spain, the second
covering her service during WWI, letters, documents,
Ships, signals etc. Interesting family history and service
£140 - £150
Military Compass dated 1917 with W/D arrow stamp
and 'B L'. Plus leather case dated 1914 and named to J H
£30 - £35
Military Cross original fitted case, tatty. a/f
£30 - £35
Military Ephemera including documents, newspapers,
political books, orders, pay book, WWI Manuals,
Photographs, Menus, RAF Jubilee Booklet 1968,
Highland Division by Linklater, First Aid in Royal Navy
1958, Alamein Reunion 1950
£20 - £25
Military ephemera/paperwork, booklets, Service Books,
etc etc. Worth a close look (qty)
£30 - £35
Military General Service Medal 1848 with bars
Vittoria/Nivelle/Nive correctly named W. Kortwright
Ens'n Colds'm Gds. William Kortwright (or Kortright)
lived at Fryerning, Near Chelmsford. Medal comes with
large folder full of family research. Information from the
Coldstream Roll states that 'from Ensign in 68th Foot,
promoted to Captain in 93rd Foot 11/9/1817, and
exchanged from ditto 6th Nov. Placed on half pay of the
Regt, on reduction from 25/12/1818, exchanged from
ditto 25/2/1819. Exchanged to ditto 10/11/1825 with
Lord Hotham'. (Ex Sotheby July 1991). VF
£2200 - £2300
Military job lot - shell case engraved 'Souvenir from BUS
1919', Wilkinson '07 bayonet (no scabbard), WW2 Home
Front Helmet, and a German fireplace stove stand with
Swastika symbol, and two reference books (6) Buyer
£35 - £40
Military Medal group to 25318 Pte Percy White
4/Worcester Regt (Sjt on Pair). Medals - MM and 1915
Star Trio. MM L/G 6/1/1917 served with 88th Brigade,
29th Div, MM likely for the action at Hilt and Grease
Trenches. Lot includes two original photo postcards
supplied by the family. EF (4)
£380 - £400
Military Medal GV named to S-15680 Pte R F
Archibald 2/Gord: Hdrs. MM L/G 28/1/1918. Award
for Battle of Passchendaele Ridge October 1917, served
20/Brigade 7th Div. MM most likely for 4th October,
Battle of Broodseinde, advance of the Blue Line towards
Noordemdhoek. 70 Causalities only and objectives
secured. Very light contact marks GVF (1)
£280 - £320
Military Medal GVI 9405322 Cpl. E.W.Edwards,
R.Tank R.), 1939- 45 Star, Africa Star, Italy Star,
Defence and War Medal. For Greek Civil War Cpl (later
L/Sgt) Edward Wallace Edwards, Royal Tank Corps,
served with 50th Royal Tank Regiment as a tank
crew/commander through the North Africa and Italy
campaigns. Cpl Edwards was awarded the MM and was
in the campaign against the Communists in the Greek
Civil War. The MM was London Gazette 10.05.1945.
The recommendation, like so many for the Greek Civil
War, has not been released by the MOD but it does
appear in the book '50th Royal Tank Regiment, The
Complete History' by Stephen D. Hamilton which states
that on New Years Eve 1944: - "At Athens on the night
of 31st Dec/1st January 1944 an attack by the ELAS was
made against one of the most forward post of C
Squadron's sector, under the Command of Corporal
Edwards. Despite a determined assault the post held firm
and suffered no casualties, though inflicting a number on
the ELAS. The next morning Corporal Edwards realised
that the enemy had occupied the house across the road
from his post. Taking two men with him, Edwards
attacked the position, breaking into the house they
discovered that the ELAS had 'mouse holed' from the
rear of the building and were preparing to put the house
into a state of defence. Determined to clear the position
Edwards pressed home his attack. Subsequently two
ELAS were killed and a third wounded. Due to Corporal
Edwards' aggressive leadership, arms and ammunition
had been captured and the ELAS never again attempted
to occupy a house near his position". A 1962 newspaper
clipping also comes with the group detailing some of
Edwards' exploits in the Desert. Including stating that
L/Sgt Edwards was a pre-war regular and has been
seriously wounded by burns when his tank was hit. On
recovering from his wounds he acted as Montgomery's
driver. GVF (6)
£1800 - £2000