Distinguished Conduct Medal group - DCM (5403
B.S.Mjr J Powell 5/D.A.C.RFA), 1914 Star with clasp
(5403 Sjt J Powell RFA), BWM & Victory Medal + MID
(5403 W.O.CL.2. J Powell RA), Defence Medal, GV
Special Constabulary Medal with bars LS1941 & LS
1944 (John Powell). DCM L/G 22/9/1916 citation reads
'For conspicuous gallantry. When an ammunition dump
became ignited by shell fire, he assisted the officer in
charge to remove ammunition under very dangerous
circumstances. Although blown away some distance by a
violent explosion, he returned to the dump, and, amid
continual explosions, helped to carry away wounded'.
MID L/G 30/5/1918. Born Knowle, Birmingham. Plus
photos. With research. VF (6)
£600 - £650
Distinguished Conduct Medal Winners colour portrait
(glazed a/f) along with a WW1 officers peaked Royal
Artillery Cap (2)
£140 - £160
Durham L.I. 32105 Pte. Norman Clayton Small Book &
Papers + 2x Soldiers Conversation Books English-
Russian & English-German
£25 - £30
East Surrey Regimental Journals, 11 issues between 1933-
1937, each with Photographs, Reports, adverts, and
Regimental information, interesting insight to the army
between the wars
£25 - £30
Efficiency Medal GV with Territorial clasp named
6607163 Sjt S G Johnson 9-London Regt. With box of
issue. VF
£80 - £85
ERVII Colonial Volunteer Long Service medal to Pte H
Keeble D.E.O.V Rifles
£85 - £90
Fire Brigade lot - comprising 5 badges, 7x buttons, photo
dated 16.6.40, Tag - TGD 762110 + 2x A.F.S. Brassards.
£25 - £30
Framed collection of metal and cloth titles, good range
(approx 59) Buyer collects
£50 - £55
France Legion d'Honneur in GOLD, c1820-1830. Tiny
enamel chips to white. Scarce early medal
£300 - £350
French Second Empire, Brass Fireman's (Casque de
Pompier) helmet. High brass comb with 2nd Empire
Eagle badge and the legend 'POMPIERS DE
COURTERANGES'. Helmet is the 1855 Pattern (2nd
Empire) with its original brass chin scales. Please note the
liner is absent. A lovely old, highly decorative brass
helmet from the mid 19th century. In good original
£80 - £85
French WW1 Embroidered Collar Badges, 150th
Infantry Regiment, 156th Grenadier Regiment, 25th,
61st and 163rd Artillery Regiments plus 2 other badges
£30 - £40