Gallantry pair - Distinguished Conduct Medal GV
(201202 Pte J Smith M.M. 2/5 W.York.R.), and Military
Medal GV (201202 Pte J Smith 2/5 W.York.R. - T.F.).
MM L/G 13 March 1918 South Cave. DCM L/G
30/10/1918 citation reads 'For conspicuous gallantry
and devotion to duty. He was constantly walking about
under intense artillery and machine gun fire in the open
in the performance of his duty of keeping up
communication with battalion headquarters and of
keeping touch with units on the flanks. He was eventually
severely wounded in the thigh and legs, but in spite of his
injuries he managed to help to bring in a badly wounded
officer. His endurance and determined courage were a
splendid example to all'. nVF few tiny edge bumps (2)
£600 - £650
Gallipoli Star original old enamelled issued, maker
marked 'B B & Co' to reverse
£40 - £45
Gallipoli Veteran & Crack Shot - comprises mixed lot of
Gallipoli map dated 1908 and 1915 (it is noted A.T.
Green C.S.M. B. Co. 6th Yorks Regt). Plated Tea Caddy
dated 1896 silver shooting medal dated 1908 & silver
Photo Frame with photo showing A.T. Green wearing the
medal + Gallipoli Landing/Evacuation Pipe for
Yorkshire Regt.
£220 - £230
German 1870 Jaeger Unit - bar single court mounted
Regimental Cross Ferdinand Von Toscana (1)
£25 - £30
German 1932 edition of Adolf Hitler's Mine Kampf with
German N.S.D.A.P party flag
£80 - £85
German 1943 dated naval diary with flag and German
Red Cross unused card with envelope
£60 - £65
German a large quantity of damaged & copy third Reich
items, sold A/F
£90 - £95
German a matchbox holder in brass (trench art) with Nazi
Iron Cross and a small Luftwaffe cup
£60 - £65
German Alpine Red Cross breast badge for mountain
trained Red Cross Workers. NEF
£70 - £75
German Army photo album and owners Soldbuch
£90 - £95
German Cholm 1942 Shield with Army backing
£30 - £40