Group and vast amount of original photos, documents, etc to Lt-Col Hugh Leonard William
Sixsmith RAMC. Medals mounted as worn MBE (Military), 1939-45 Star, Africa Star + 8th Army
clasp, Italy Star, War Medal and Service Medal of The Order of St John (DR.H.L.W.Sixsmith).
Awarded the MBE (Mily) L/G 18/2/1943, and then the OBE (Mily) L/G 23/3/1944 (West
Horsley, Surrey) for gallant and distinguished services in Sicily. Lot includes bother Certificates for
medals, a metal 'A.D.M.S.' sign, officers side cap, a large quantity of original military paperwork
linked to the 8th Army, newspapers, photos inc medical interest, sketches, several books on WW2
that were given to the Lt Col. (some written by his brother Major General E K G Sixsmith). A
superb research lot (qty)
£250 - £300
Group mounted as worn - BWM& Victory Medal (90 Pte
R G Braund Devon Regt), Territorial War Medal (90 Sjt
R G Braund Devon Regt), IGS with Afghanistan
N.W.F.1919 clasp (200006 Pte R G Braund Devon R),
and GV Territorial Force Efficiency Medal with bar and
2x rosettes (200006 Pte R G Braund 4/Devon R). Lived
Exeter (5)
£180 - £200
Group mounted as worn - BWM & Victory Medal
(RMA.14818 GR. P H Ives), 1935 Jubilee Medal, and
GV Naval LSGCM (CH.23848 P H Ives. SG T. RM).
Lot includes original service records, born Middlesboro.
Later living at Cley Next Sea, Norfolk. The lot includes a
box full of items relating to his service in the Royal
Marines. Plus large framed certificate (qty) Buyer collects
£140 - £150
Group mounted as worn - CSM GVI with bars
Palestine/Cyprus (5334649 Cpl J Harrowing
R.Berks.R.), France & Germany Star, Defence & War
Medals, Regular Army GVI LSGCM (5344649
W.O.CL.1. J Harrowing Wilts). Toned (5) (See in this
auction his fathers MC group)
£180 - £220
Group mounted as worn to 1438209 Gnr A Hoggart RA.
1939-45 Star, France & Germany Star, Defence & War
Medal, GVI Territorial Efficiency Medal + 2x ID Tags.
With loose Africa/Italy and War Medals (8)
£40 - £45
Group to 1471337 Cpl W C Ward A.C.C. with named
box of issue, lived Watford. 1939-45 Star, Africa Star,
Italy Star, Defence & War Medals, GVI Efficiency Medal
with Territorial bar. (6)
£40 - £45
Group to mounted as worn BWM & Victory Medal
named 3983 Pte H Hall Cambridge Regt with Defence &
War Medals (his sons ?) Killed In Action 31 July 1917 as
326552 1st Bn Cambs Regt. On the Ypres Memorial.
Lived Bury St Edmunds. Missing a 1915 Star. VF (4)
£100 - £110