Royal Navy WW2 seaman's 1941 diary full of entry's with
HMS Fisgard cigarette case
£35 - £40
Russian WW2 pattern pineapple hand grenade complete
with detonator and filling plug
£30 - £35
Second China War Medal 1861 with Fatshan 1857 clasp,
unnamed as issued. VF
£120 - £130
Service Dress and Battledress Uniforms of Captain
J.L.Mitchell, Royal Engineers. The Service Dress jacket
and trousers were made by Bernard Wetherill in October
1944. It retains all its original insignia; a full set of Royal
Engineers buttons, collar badges and Captains pips. The
Battledress is Canadian made. The Blouse in April 1944
and the Trousers in 1943. The Blouse has its original
insignia; Royal Engineers shoulder titles, Captains metal
pips and, unusually, Officers bronze collar badges. A nice,
original grouping, all worn during the war (4 parts)
£95 - £100
Shaftsbury Training Ship silver Medal presented to
Robert Akers on 9th July 1895
£60 - £65
Shell cases with heads four of including WW2 German
£45 - £50
Silver 18 piastres of Cyprus of Victoria, 1901, engraved
on a flattened obverse, outer edge Pte. J. Mc.NINCH
FRANCE, centre top 19024, below 14.H.L.I. with
central thistle and leaves, probably this soldier was of the
14th. Highland Light Infrantry Batt, 29024 [71st.?]
interesting and needs more research, all the engraved
letters are shaded, the piece is holed each side, just above
centre and possibly used as an extra dog tag?
£40 - £50
Silver Royal Warwickshire Home Guard (missing top of
£30 - £35
Silver War Badges - B321134 Pte Alfred Groom RAMC,
and 263553 Pte W J Beere Ox & Bucks L.I. (2)
£25 - £30
Southern Provinces Mounted Rifles Silver Rifle Spoon
hallmarked JF Birmingham, 1935
£20 - £25
Spinks Arnhem 50th Anniversary Medal 1994. In Spink
& Son fitted case.
£20 - £25
St John Ambulance Brigade 1911 Coronation Medal (Pte
A Durrant). VF
£40 - £45
Suffolk brass sweetheart badge - Loyal Suffolk Hussars
£20 - £25
Suffolk Hussars group photo at training camp
£20 - £25
Suffolk Reg badges including Officers bronze with both
lugs scarce brass example Royal Suffolk Hussars Suffolk
territorial no slide and normal Suffolk badge
£80 - £85
Suffolk Reg Japanese POW officers diaries documents
etc., relating to Major Harry Cotton of the Suffolk Reg
October 1941 to October 1945 comers with a folder of
translation and research very scarce group of documents
as diaries were not normally allowed to be kept as a POW
£500 - £520
Suffolk Reg swagger stick
£25 - £30
Suffolk Reg WW1 prisoner of war committee Princes St
Ipswich card with 1918 POW welcome home 1918 letter
both in frame
£30 - £35
Suffolk Regiment BWM and VM to 5049 Pte. E. Shipton.
Both medals have ribbons, VF (2)
£45 - £55
Suffolk Regiment original framed print – 12th Regiment.
Printed in 1848, this print is taken from a copy of Richard
Cannon’s Historical Record of His Majesty’s 12th
Regiment. (Buyer collects)
£15 - £20
Suffolk WW1 BWM & Victory medals with good
selection of WW1 service documents ID tag postcards
WW2 Home Guard Service certificate etc., to 44728 Pte
R W Bass 11th Suffolk Reg lived Rushden
Cambridgeshire nice complete group
£150 - £160
Suffragette interest - WW1 BWM & Victory Medal (C. L.
Melly, B.R.C. & St J.J.), and boxed Defence Medal
named to Miss C L Melly. Clare Louise Melly lived at
The Close, Church Road, Nuneaton. Later living
Kenneth Crescent, London. Her father noted as Edward
F. Melly is believed to be The Managing Director of Griff
Collieries Co Ltd, and Member of the Council. Lot also
includes named ID Tag 'AMAC 142.2', plus five various
Nursing Badges, and four Suffragette badges 'Womens
Suffrage', 'National Council of Women' and National
Union of Womens Suffrage Societies', etc. Ideal research
lot (qty)
£1000 - £1200
Suffragette related - 2x brass & enamel badges for
National Womens Citizens Association & Women
Citizens Association, Derby
£50 - £55
Suffragette related (possibly) - The front of the small
Medal reads "1532" which could relate to the majority
vote for Ian Malcolm, ( Conservative) on 3rd December
1910 in Croydon. The back of this medal reads "Croydon
for Valour 3.12.10" includes some research
£90 - £95
Sweetheart and other military lapel badges, better noted
£24 - £26
Sweetheart Badge Rhodesian African Rifles unmarked
£20 - £25
Sweetheart badges (2x silver & 2x brass) (4)
£30 - £35
Sweetheart Badge, Royal Air Force unmarked gold &
silver (prob 9ct ) Weight 4gms.
£60 - £65
Sweetheart silver RAF badge - unusual design
£25 - £30
Territorial Force Efficiency Medal GV (484 F.Sjt H
Johnson Berks Yeo), and GV (crowned) Special
Constabulary Medal (Herbert Johnson). Born Blewbury,
Berkshire, and worked as a self employed Blacksmith. (no
overseas service). VF (2) Scarce
£110 - £120
The Desert Rats - an unusual silver coloured pin badge
£40 - £45
Tibet Medal 1905 (bronze) no bar (239 Cooly Bahadur
Rai S & T Corps). GVF
£90 - £100
Titles - all metal types inc Duke of Wellington, OTC
Clifton, Brecknock, T/28/London, etc etc (10) all
£25 - £30
Trench art WW1 mantel clock with two shell fuses on the
top unusual item
£40 - £45
Tribute badge - French Red Cross 1914-15, bronze, back
of box reads "Glorious are the wounds received in the
cause of justice and liberty".
£40 - £45