Military Medal group mounted as worn - MM (3486
SQ:Q.M.Sjt H F Allaby 4/D/Gds), 1914 Star Trio with
clasp & rosette, and MID (3846 Sjt H F Allaby 4/D.Gds)
x regimental number inverted x (Pair named D-3486
A.W.O.CL.2 H F Allaby 4-D.Gds.). Boxed Silver War
Badge No B209305 awarded for Wounds. MM L/G 11
Oct 1916. MID L/G 17/2/1915. It appears he changed
his name from Robert Howarth. Lot includes badges, and
a 1918 diary. EF (4)
£550 - £600
Military Medal GV named 112799 Gnr G H Joy
195/SGE:BY: RGA. MM L/G 12/12/1917, 195 Siege
Battery 6 inch Howitzers. Award likely for 3rd Ypres
Sept/Oct 1917. they were in action at Cambrai in 310
Brigade at Graincourt Nov 21 1917. Normally awards to
RGA Heavy Guns for rescue of Wounded/removing
burning ammo from gunpits. Few light edge bumps,
polished Fine
£200 - £250
Military Medal + Bar group. MM + Bar (148 A.Sjt R
Eason 1/1 Ches: FD: CO: RE.-TF), 1915 Star (148 2-Cpl
R Eason RE), BWM & Victory Medal (148 Sjt R Eason
RE), GV Territorial Force Efficiency Medal (446024 Sjt
R Eason RE). MM L/G 21/10/1916, Bar L/G
12/3/1917. His Medal Card shows "EM" (or emblems)
however no MID can be traced. The Star is in very poor
condition having been found buried in the Garden by his
son. Bar to MM loose. With a small RAOB plaque (5)
£500 - £600
Military, 18 items of paperwork concerning Charles
Henry Perkins R.N. between 1908 to 1945, serving on
H.M.S. Dido, Victorious, Pembroke etc., comprising
service and other records, letters etc, together with further
items from Petty Officer P.H. Hoskins Radio/Radar,
contain in original small suitcase
£40 - £45
Mortar projectiles British 2 inch drill and two American
drill mortar projectiles
£65 - £70
Most Honourable Order of the Bath, Companions Medal
(CB) neck badge (Civil). Silver hallmarked (London 1912)
and gilt. EF
£260 - £270
National Fire Brigades Union Ambulance Badge No. 203
£20 - £25
Naval casualty group - 1915 Star Trio (148209 E J Piper
E.R.A.1, RN) and EDVII Naval LSGC Medal (E J Pipier
E.R.A.1CL, HMS Penguin). Edmund James Piper Died
22/9/1914 when HMS Cressy was sunk by a German
Submarine. On the ChathamMemorial. Born Sheerness,
Kent. VF (4)
£140 - £150
Naval GSM GVI with Malaya clasp (D/SSX.839274 G
A McManus AB RN). GVF few tiny contact marks
£80 - £85
Naval Officers Uniform and trousers, with label 'A Zeff &
Co', dated 29/8/44 and named
£25 - £30
Navy & Army Service 1917 N & A Canteens, Women
£30 - £35
Nelson/Trafalgar 1805 Medallion
£35 - £45
Norfolk Reg WW1 memorial card to 240792 Pte
Frederick John Eke 1st/5th BN Norfolk Reg died 19-4-
1917 remembered Jerusalem cemetery. Born Reepham,
£20 - £22
Norfolks Helmet Plate centres x2 with and without crown
c1881-1914 (2)
£35 - £40
Norfolks Military Medal group - MM GV (15650 L.Cpl J
Grimes 9/Norfolk R), 1915 Star Trio (15650 Pte (Cpl) J
Grimes Norfolk Regt). MM L/G 9/7/1917 with award
most likely for minor action at Hill 70 Loos/Lens Sector
in April/May 1917. Served in 71st Bde 6/Div. GVF (4)
£550 - £600