Military Cross group - MC (engraved Lieut J Harrowing
Dorset Regt Attd Tank Corps), BWM & Victory Medal
(2.Lieut J Harrowing), Defence Medal, and silver Cricket
medal (Bastick Cup 1894 J Harrowing Wooburn Green).
Lot also includes original photo, small wooden tank, and
a tankard engraved '2nd (Bucks) Cadet Bn Ox & Bucks
L.I. Presented to Major J A H Harrowing MC on the
occasion of his retirement 31st Dec 1950 from the
Officers of B.D. & E Companies for Loyal & Devoted
Service'. MC Citation reads 'For gallantry and devotion
to duty throughout the operations Aug 8-10, 1918. On
August 8, when carrying up Stokes Mortars and Bombs
to the final objective, he passed another tank similarly
engaged, broken down with mechanical trouble. He at
once got out of his own tank and, in spite of enemy sniping
and shell fire, transferred the mortars and bombs of the
broken down tank to a small cart, which he towed behind
him to the dumping point near Cayeux. For this he was
warmly commended by the 2nd Canadian Infantry
Brigade. On August 9 he again went into action near
Beaufort. On this occasion the infantry were badly held
up by heavy machine gum and rifle fire. He at once took
his tank forward and inflicted very heavy casualties on the
enemy and enabled our infantry to advance. Later,
spotting an anti-tank gun, he immediately attacked it,
completely demoralising the crew, who at once bolted.
This officer has on all occasions set a splendid example to
his men, showing exceptional keenness and devotion to
duty'. (also in this auction is his Sons Berkshires group)
£700 - £750
Military General Service Medal with bars Martinique,
Busaco, Albuhera, Ciudad Rodrigo, Badajoz,
Salamanca, Vittoria, Pyrenees, Toulouse, named M.
Hattersley, 7th Foot. Pte Matthew Hattersley was a
former Cutler from Sheffield, originally serving with the
28th Dragoons. Born 1784, died 1856. With copy service
records and Muster extracts. Bars confirmed to roll. VF
tiny edge bump. (Ex Sotherby June 1984).
£2400 - £2600
Military interest books/booklets - The Story of the 55th
Division 1916-1919. War Record of the 1/4th Bn Ox &
Bucks L.I. by Major Pickford. British Bombs and Fuzes
by the US Navy etc (5)
£20 - £25
Military Medal group - MM (98901 Sjt J Last B.103/Bde
RFA), 1915 Star Trio + Mentioned In Despatches (98901
Sjt J Last RFA). With much research, born Yoxford,
Suffolk. MM L/G 20/7/1917 for Hill 60, Ypres and
MID L/G 18/5/1917 for Messines Ridge, Ypres. Killed
In Action 26/9/1917 with 'B' Bty/103 Brigade RFA.
Buried The Huts Cemetery. Also entitled to the India
General Service Medal with Hazara 1891 clasp, also
served in the South Africa Campaign. GVF (4)
£400 - £450
Military Medal group mounted as worn - MM (22840 Cpl
W Henderson RFA) and 1915 Star Trio (22840 Gnr W
Henderson RFA) (Cpl on Pair). MM L/G 17/6/1919 for
gallantry during 20/9/18 to 23/10/18. B Battery 82nd
Brigade RFA. Served 18th Eastern Div. Most likely for St
Quentin Canal or Selle. GVF (4)
£300 - £350