Titus as Caesar under Vespasian 69-79 A.D. silver
denarius, [regular series], Rome Mint 78-79 A.D.,
Laureate bust, right / Annona enthroned, left, holding
sack of corn-ears on lap, Sear 2436, just a hint of original
finish, good metal, GVF/VF
£100 - £120
Trajan Decius silver antoninianus, Rome Mint 250-251
A.D., reverse reads:- DACIA, Dacia standing left, holding
Dacian standard sutmounted by wolf,s head, with old
ticket, very short striking cracks [as produced], NEF
£30 - £40
Trajan Decius, bronze sestertius, Rome Mint 250-251
A.D., reverse reads:- PANNONIAE S C , the Pannoniae
standing side by side, their heads turned away from each
other, both with standards, Sear 9407, oval flan, surfaces
untouched, NVF/ F
£40 - £50
Trajan silver denarius, Rome Mint 107 A.D., reverse:- S
P Q R PRINCIPI, Felicitas standing left, holding
caduceus and cornucopiae, RIC 172, small neat lettering,
well centred, good metal, EF
£100 - £120
Valentinian I silver siliqua, Rome Mint 364-367 A.D.,
reverse reads:- VOT V MVLT X within wreath [variety
with dot in centre], mint officina R T, Sear 19382, with
old ticket, with flan crack and light edge chips, but has
never been clipped, nice portrait, VF/NVF
£20 - £25
Venice silver grosso of Bartolomeo Gradenigo, 1339-
1342 obverse reads:- SM VENETI BA GRADONIGO,
around the Doge on the left, standing right, presenting
banner to St. Mark on right 'DVX' between, reverse:-
Nimbate Christ facing, Scarfea 80, GVF
£45 - £55
Vespasian silver denarius, regular series, Rome Mint 75
A.D., reverse reads:- PON MAX TR P COS VI, Pax
seated left, holding olive-branch, good metal, F
£40 - £50
Viking York CVNNETTI silver penny, Spink 993, the
faint hairline cross in the reverse central field is caused by
this metal being 'forced' upwards to produce the obverse
central cross, a hoard coin in near as struck condition
£600 - £650
Vitellius silver denarius [regular series], Rome Mint
April-May 69 A.D., Laureate bust, right / Concordia
seated left, holding patera and double cornucopiae, RIC
73, Sear 2196, good metal, VF
£250 - £280
William I of Scotland 1165-1214, silver penny, late and
posthumous, Phase B, c.1205-c.1230, reverse reads:-
+HV[E WAL]TER:. without mint name, Spink 5029,
full, very round, weak on legends, portrait visible, GF
£180 - £200
End of Auction in Room 2, Day 1