Philip I silver antoninianus, Rome Mint 246 A.D., reverse
reads:- P M TR P III COS P P, Felicitas standing left,
holding long caduceus and cornucopiae, Sear 8944, with
old ticket, obverse exhibits some of original finish, reverse
weak, as struck, EF/VF
£30 - £40
Philip I silver antoninianus, Rome Mint 248 A.D., reverse
reads:- TRANQVILLITAS AVGG, Tranquillitas
standing left, holding capricorn? and sceptre, 'B' officina
mark in left field, Sear 8968, with old ticket, EF
£30 - £40
Philip II as Caesar under Philip I, 245-246 A.D., silver
antoninianus, Rome Mint 245-246 A.D., reverse reads:-
PRINCIPI IVVENT, Philip II standing right in military
attire, holding spear and globe, Sear 9242, with old ticket
by Richard Swan, almost certainly a hoard coin, much
original finish, near mint state
£55 - £65
Philip II as Caesar under Philip I, silver antoninianus,
Rome Mint 245-246 A.D., reverse reads:- PIETAS
AVGVSTOR, priestly emblems, sprinkler,simpulum,
jug, knife and lituus, Sear 9239, with old ticket, rough
surfaces NVF/GF together with a silver siliqua of Julian
II, mint off flan, reverse reads:- VOTIS V MVLTIS X,
within wreath, Sear p.279, with old ticket, probably
lightly clipped, NVF [2]
£25 - £30
Philip II of Spain [husband of Mary Tudor, 1554-1558],
silver escalin or one fifth ducatoon, of the Spainish
Netherlands, dated below bust 1566, reverse:- Crowned
Arms, legend:- DOMINVS MIHI ADIVTOR ['The
Lord is my Helper' but not in 1588!], very light scuff on
head, date weak but visible, F
£40 - £50
Philip II silver antoninianus, Rome Mint 248 A.D.,
reverse reads:- SAECVLARES AVGG, Elk walking left,
officina mark III in exergue, Sear 9275, with old ticket by
Martin Hewitt, see note in Sear p.187 for attribution of
reverse animal, some original finish, interesting and
scarce, GVF
£65 - £75
Philip II silver antoninianus, struck as Caesar under
Philip I, 244-247 A.D., reverse reads:- PRINCIPI
IVVENT, Phillip II standing in military attire to left,
holding transverse spear and globe, Sear 9240, with old
ticket, with some original finish, NEF
£30 - £40
Quintillus, silver washed antoninianus, Milan Mint 270
A.D., reverse reads:- FIDES MILIT, Fides Militum
standing left, holding standard in each hand, 'S' in
exergue, Sear 11438, just a hint of silvering, flan a little
ragged, superb portrait with much detail, EF/VF
£40 - £45
Roman colonial bronze of 30mm. of Gordian III of
Viminacium, year 3, Provincia Moesia standing left
between bull and lion, Sear 3642, rough surfaces F, a ditto
but Philip I, Sear 3874, rough surfaces F, Byzantine follis
of Justinian I, dig each side, F, a ditto but Justin II, a ditto
but Justin I, F and lastly a contemporary? cast copy of an
as of Trajan, RIC - , Sear - , all with tickets, GF [6]
£30 - £35
Roman Imperial antoniniani of low silver content or
billon of Aurelian, Sear 11539, Tacitas, Sear 11773 and
Probus, Sear 11992, GVF - EF [3]
£50 - £60
Roman Imperial antoniniani of low silver content or
billon of Valerian I, Sear 9950, Gallienus, Sear 10349 and
Saloninus as Caesar, Sear 10775, all VF [3]
£45 - £55
Roman Imperial dupondi of Hadrian, Sear 3670, hard,
even milky-green patina, nice portrait, VF/NVF, ditto
but Commodus, Sear 5839, Liberalitas, good portrait,
NVF/GF [2]
£25 - £30
Roman Imperial folles of Galerius, Nicomedia Mint 308-
311 A.D., Sear 14508 and Maximinus II, Antioch Mint
312 A.D., Sear 14840, GVF-EF [2]
£40 - £45
Roman Imperial sesterti, Trajan, Rome Mint 107 A.D.,
Sear 3198, Antoninus Pius, Rome Mint 148-149 A.D.,
Sear 4162, Diva Faustina, struck by Antoninus Pius,
Rome Mint 147 A.D., Sear 4607 and Divus Marcus
Aurelius, Rome Mint 180 A.D., Sear 5982, all with
tickets, NF to F [4]
£30 - £40
Roman Imperial silver siliqua, reverse VRBS ROMA
type, mint possibly TRS, Trier?, bankers mark on lower
portrait, clipped, NVF/VF
£40 - £45
Roman Republican silver denarius of Appius Claudius
Pulcher, T.Manilus Mancinus and Q.Urbinius of c.111
B.C., Sear 176var? [see note following176], Winged
helmeted head of Roma / Victory in triga, right, Three
horse chariots are rarely depicted on Republican coins,
good metal, VF
£55 - £60
Roman Republican silver denarius of C.Postumius Ta of
c.74 B.C., Draped bust of Diana, right, bow and quiver
over shoulder / Hound running right, spear below, Sear
330, light scuffs, good metal, VF
£60 - £65
Roman Republican silver denarius of L.Antestius
Gragulus of 136 B.C., Winged helmeted bust of Roma,
right / Jupiter in quadriga, right, Sear 115, obverse
slightly off centre, light cabinet tone, good metal, VF
£55 - £60
Roman Republican silver denarius of L.Julius Bursio, 85
B.C., Bust of male, right with attributes of Apollo,
Mercury and Neptune, trident over shoulder, officina
mark a turtle / Victory in quadriga, right, officina KO
below, Sear 268, both dies very slightly off centre, nice
portrait, VF
£55 - £60