Japanese 26 bore Tsutsu matchlock gun. Octagonal barrel approx 20.5". Block Moto Maete rearsight.
Bulbous canon barrelled Suguchi muzzle. Barrel nicely decorated with figures. Brass furniture lock
(Karakuri) in working order, spring weak. Polished wood stock (Dai) with cherry blossom decorations. Ivory
tipped ramrod. Good decorative piece. Overall length 32". Circa 1880. Viewing recommended.
£700 - £800
Japanese Shinto Wakizashi Yoshitsugu - Bitchu 1249. Soshu Den blade 16" Hira-Zukuri (without ridge
line). Cord bound Tsuka with silver Dragon Menuki, Lobster Kozuka
£600 - £650
Japanese sword Katana Nakago signed, blade 29" with Hamon (VGC) Hilt with black Tsuka-ito and same
two menuki. In its lacquered scabbard with ornate shibabiki and Ishizuke. A small Kozuka/scabbard knife
inserted in scabbard and tool to the other side. A quality sword. Viewing recommended. The whole in
excellent condition.
£250 - £300