Apollo XIV limited edition silver mini coin containing
silver that travelled around the moon and back on Apollo
XIV, with certificate. Plus an Apollo XIII cloth patch (2)
£25 - £30
Approx twelve dancing medals from the 1920s & 30s all
awarded to Majorie Long, includes six in silver
£30 - £40
Boxed Goodbye Golly badges (1928-2001) plus Golly tin
badge and early Golly Fruit (Black Currant) badge and a
Golly Trophy (5)
£40 - £45
Boys Brigade - WW2 era badges (5)
£25 - £30
Brass Skittle Ticket for 3 Pence. Ship & Blue Coat Boy,
286 Walworth Road (London) EF. Stone, French Stay
manufacture. A ladies French Stay. GVF
£25 - £30
British Commemorative Medallion : Battle of Trafalgar
150th Anniversary Silver Medal 1955 d.58mm by P.
Vincze, see Eimer 2095 (just 150 issed) EF and rare.
£80 - £90
British Commemorative Medallion : George Frederick
Handel Centenary Festival Bronze Medal, Crystal Palace
1859 d.51mm by W.J. Taylor, named on edge 'C.
HEPWORTH. PERFORMER.', see Eimer 1527, EF
£50 - £60
British Commemorative Medallion : William
Shakespeare 400th Anniversary Silver Medal 1564-1964
d.57mm by P. Vincze, see Eimer 2103, EF
£50 - £60
British Commemorative Medallions (3) Silver d. 32mm.
George V, Silver Jubilee 1935, official Royal Mint small
silver issue by P. Metcalfe, Eimer No. 20296. All GEF in
original dated boxes.
£35 - £40
British Commemorative Medallion, bronze d.36mm.
Obverse: Token of Lincoln's gratitude around Arms of
Lincoln, reverse: Minerva of Victory: Holding wreath
over kneeling soldier in military attire before her, 1914 -
1919 in Exergie. Served in The Great War by Ledgett of
Lincoln. In case of issue inscribed 'Presented by The
Citizens of Lincoln August 30th 1919. GEF.
£30 - £35
British Commemorative Medallion, silver d.34.5mm:
Investiture of Edward Prince of Wales 1911 by W.
Goscombe (Royal Mint) Eimer no. 1925, nicely toned
GEF in box of issue.
£80 - £100
British Commemorative Medallion, silver d.38mm:
Victoria 1887 Imperial Institute medal by G.W. de
Saulles after T. Brock, J. Pinches, see Eimer 1737, lightly
toned GVF
£50 - £60
British Commemorative Medallion, silver d.40mm: The
Beatles 1966 by G. Colley, Eimer no. 2112, rare, nEF a
few small scratches.
£60 - £70