John silver penny Short Cross, Class 5b, Spink 1351,
reverse reads:- +WILLELM.ON.LVN ['VN' ligulate],
London Mint, moneyer Willelm, with two old tickets, Ex.
Seaby's Bulletin November 1969, H2394, reverse very
slightly off centre, nice portrait, GVF/NVF
£90 - £120
John silver penny Short Cross, Class 5c, Spink 1352,
reverse reads:- +
IOhAN.B.ON.CA,Canterbury Mint,
moneyer Iohan B, with old ticket, lightly crinkled, Fair
£40 - £45
John/Henry III silver penny Short Cross, Class 6b/c,
Spink 1354/5 reverse reads:- +ABEL.ON.LVNDE,
Ex.Seaby October 1969, with two old tickets, reverse off
centre, a little flatness on legend each side, F
£40 - £45
Julia Maesa denarius, Rome 220-222A.D., reverse:-
Felicitas, Sear 7757, nice even strike, dull, GVF
£40 - £50
Julia Mamaea silver denarius, Rome Mint 226 A.D.,
reverse reads:- VESTA, Vesta standing to the left, holding
long sceptre and Pallaium, Sear 8217, dark toned but
exhibiting some cabinet gold colour, EF
£70 - £80
Julian II, silver siliqua, struck as Augustus, Trier Mint
361-362 A.D., reverse:- VOTIS V MVLTIS X, in exrgue
T R followed by palm branch, Sear 19129, full flan, very
small piece missing from edge, VF with a ditto but of
Valentinian I, Trier Mint 368-375 A.D., reverse reads:-
VRBS ROMA, in exergue TR PS followed by dot, Sear
19374, both with old tickets by Alan Cherry, three-
quarters of extreme edge gone, VF [2]
£30 - £35
Macrinus silver denarius, Rome Mint 217 A.D. reverse
reads:- PONTIF MAX TR P COS P P, Felicitas standing
left, holding long caduceus and cornucopiae, Sear
7348var., nice portrait, NEF
£90 - £110
Marcus Aurelius sestertius, Rome Mint 169 A.D.,
reverse:- Aequitas seated left, holding scales and
cornucopiae, Sear 5012, GF
£40 - £50
Mariniana Billon Antoninianus. Rome Mint 253-254
AD. Reverse: Consecratio around peacock standing
facing, head right , tail in splendour. Sear 10068. Bust of
charming style, GVF
£90 - £110
Mark Antony d.31 B.C., silver denarius of Legionary
issue, reverse:- Legionary eagle between two standards,
legend LEG XX, with old ticket by Alan Cherry, both
dies off centre, good metal, GF
£30 - £40
Mary silver groat, reverse reads:- VERITAS etc., Spink
2492, crinkled but this has saved the portrait, extreme
edge loss at obverse 4 o'clock, NF
£50 - £60
Maximinus I Silver Denarius, Rome Mint. 235-236AD.
Reverse reads: Victoria Aug. Victory advancing right,
holding wreath & palm. Sear 8317 NEF.
£40 - £50
Merovingian bronze coin, rare, F together with a
Byzantine bronze of Justinian I, with full ticket by Roger
Vezin, F/NVF [2]
£50 - £55
Northumbrian copper stycas, Archiepiscopal Issues,
Wigmund by the moneyer ETHELWEARD, Spink 870,
Fair/F, together with a ditto but moneyer COENRED,
GF/F, both Ex. Spink and Bolton Percy Hoard, tickets
and details added [2]
£50 - £60
Northumbrian copper stycas, Regal Issues, Eanred by the
moneyer BROD[E]R, Spink 862 small amount of ancient
edge loss F/NVF, together with a ditto but of Aethelred
II [First Reign] by the moneyer EANRED, Spink 865,
flan angular but as struck, slightly rough surfaces, GF/F
both Ex Bolton Percy Hoard and both with old tickets [2]
£50 - £60
Otacilia Severa Silver Antoninianus. Rome mint 247 AD.
Reverse reads: Pietas Augustae. Sear 9158. High grade &
much original lustre.
£35 - £45
Penny Cynethryth (Wife of Offa) c.757-796, Light
Coinage Canterbury Mint, moneyer Eoba, S.909, North
339, Chick 138c (this coin), weight 1.12 grammes, About
VF, well-centred with a few very small pitting marks,
extremely rare, Cynethryth being the only Anglo-Saxon
queen to have her name and portrait on coinage, we note
an EF example sold for $42000 in May 2008
£6000 - £7000
Penny Henry VIII Sovereign type, Durham Mint, TW
beside shield, hat below, S.2358 mintmark Star Fine
£35 - £40
Penny Offa, King of Mercia, (757-796) Crosslet obverse,
S.904, North 266, CEB 7, moneyer BABBA approaching
£1000 - £1100