Fusil: An East India Company percussion fusil with the 'old series sidelock, 1840-41 'Type 1'. Round barrel 33", brass furniture. EIC lock with lion
motif. Flat hook shaped sideplate with central screw. Barrel cleaned and bearing correct proof marks. Action works well on 1st & 2nd cock. Heavy
walnut stock (minor fill behind lock). Completewith steel ramrod (some pitting). A goodoriginal piece.
£350 -£400
Grenade: A relicGreatWar potatomasher grenade with
repaired handle marked '5.5 Sek -GJB' & '2.11.16' AND
An inertGerman 'Discusgranite' in rusted condition. (2)
£20 -£25
Helmet: A Great War French 'Adrian' Pattern steel
helmet with liner, but lacking chin strap. 'RF' grenade
badge to front, horizon blue paint, minor areas of light
rusting.Overall in good condition.
£40 -£45
Helmet: AGreatWarGermanModel 1916 steel helmet.
Fracture to crown, shell solid with traces of original
paint.No liner or chinstrap. Rusting overall.
£25 -£35
Helmet: A Great War Prussian enlisted man's
Pickerhaube. Leather skull, neck guard and visor. Metal
spine & back spine, cockades absent, as is the chinstrap.
Liner absent (small piece still attached). Good metal
Prussian helmet plate. The whole in original & sound
condition. This will make a fine restoration project. An
untouchedhelmet. a/f
£120 -£140
Machine Gun: Vickers .303 Calibre heavy machine gun
in transit box & complete with Tripod. Smooth barrel
jacket, Australian markings for 1942. With wooden box
for spare parts & tools (A number of springs, sights,
feeder blocks, ammo box etc incl. flash hider). A good lot
for the Vickers enthusiast. With certificate of d/act.
£800 -£900
Mask: A WW2 child's gas mask. Cylinder marked
'C.P.1938' & 'C.F.B.- 225-39' Canvas mask marked
'13.4.39.; &T.C - 38P.T.' Perspex eyepieces.
£20 -£25
Matchlock: A good 19th century Matchlock musket. Indian 'Torador'. Heavy steel barrel 50.5". Tulip muzzle, hardwood stock with copper wire
binding. Plain steel breech section. Prickermarked farsi inscription tobarrel. Aplainbut substantial weapon.
£180 -£220
Matchlock: A Southern Arabian matchlock from Yemen or Coorg. Round barrel 37" with circular, rear, peep sight silver barrel bands & buttstock
decoration. Bun shaped wooden attachment to buttstock (sometimes used as a club). Large saddling denoting use by amountedman. Complete with
ramrod.Gun circa 1750-1850.Minor rusting.Overall sound condition for age, lock inworking order.Well used. An interesting item.
£150 -£200
Matchlock: An ArabianMatchlockmusket possibly fromYemen or Coorg circa late 18th century/19th century. Heavy barrel 43". Silver decoration,
rear peep sight. Action with saddle ring denoting use from horseback. Decorated heavy wooden bun shaped attachment to the buttstock typical of
weapons from Yemen and Coorg. Wood stock (minor splitting). This gun has seen long use in the desert. A very interesting Arab artefact. Lock in
working order.Good conditionoverall for its age.
£200 -£250
Matchlock: An Indian Matchlock musket 'Torador'. Barrel 47". Simple lock. Full stocked with straight buttstock. Plain iron sideplates. Arsenal
inventory stamps tobarrel and stock.Overall good condition. Circa 1850.
£80 -£90
Matchlock: An Indian/Arabianmatchlockmusket circa 1750- 1850. Long barrel 55", part octagonal, part round. Silver decorated barrel bands. Iron
ramrod. Slimwooden fore-end. Lock in good working order. Extensions to buttstock including a bun shaped shoulder padmade from a camel's hoof
(?). The musket has an attractive slim profile and is of good quality. Has clearly seen many years of desert use. A collector's lot. (barrel has an
£200 -£250
Musket: ABritishPercussionMusket circa 1845-50. Barrel 35.5". Three leaf sigh (A/F) Lockmarked 'PROVED, TOWERGUN' and '1877' to rear of
lock.Walnut stockwith cheek piece, brass furniture. Barrel pitted, walnut stock, lacks fore-end cap.Musket likely for native service in the last quarter of
the 19th century. Lock in goodworking order.Wornbut sound conditionoverall.
£150 -£160
Musket: An early 19th centuryTrade type Flintlockmusket possibly forNorthAmerica. Long barrel 51" part octagonal part round. Flintlock complete
and in working order but rusted with no visible markings. Iron furniture. Metal parts rusted overall. With its original ramrod. Generally sound
£150 -£160