Bayonet: A German Model 1938 (?) long dress bayonet
by Carl Eickhorn. Good Nazi Eagle & Swastika to r.h.
grip. Blade 9.75" (some wear to tip section). Eickhorn logo
to ricasso. In its black painted steel scabbard (minor rust).
£60 - £65
Bayonet: A Model 1874 French Epée bayonet. Matching
numbers. Made at St Etienne in March 1879. In its steel
scabbard. Good condition overall.
£30 - £35
Bayonet: A P13 British Bayonet for the P14 Rifle. Made
by Remington in October 1917. Later 'U.S.' marked to
ricasso. In its U.S. scabbard with WW2 Home Guard
leather frog. Good condition. Dirty overall.
£35 - £40
Bayonet: A Patt 1888 MKI Bayonet Ricasso marked
'V.R. & 1.'95' (Jan 1895) &WD Rifle no. '136' to pommel.
In its steel mounted leather scabbard. Sound condition
£30 - £35
Bayonet: A P.07 SMLE, WW1 Bayonet by Sanderson
dated January 1916 in its steel mounted leather scabbard.
In good overall (L.H. grip with several deep scratches).
£35 - £40
Bayonet: A scarce French Model 1874 Gras Epee
bayonet with makers name 'L.DENY PARIS 1881' to
blade. In good overall condition. Bayonets by Deny are
£45 - £50
Bayonet: A scarce Israeli knife bayonet for the U21 sub
machine gun. Made in Belgium. In its steel scabbard.
Introduced circa 1952 and used to present day.
£30 - £35
Bayonet: A WW1 French Model 1886/93/16 bayonet
with brass hilt. Sound condition. Worn overall. In its
tubular steel scabbard.
£30 - £35
Bayonet: An 1857 Pattern Sword Bayonet for Volunteers.
Clean blade. In its steel mounted leather scabbard. In
sound to good condition.
£40 - £50
Bayonet: British Pattern 1887 MK IV Sword Bayonet.
Ricasso marked 'WD' & '91 (1891). In its steel mounted
leather scabbard. In worn but sound condition. Farsi
£35 - £40
Bayonet: German 3rd Reich Pattern 1884/98 knife
bayonet. Ricasso marked '5/245' (may be Mauser
Werke). In its matching number steel scabbard dated 36
(1936). Black painted scabbard. G.C overall.
£35 - £40
Bayonet: P.07 made by Sanderson in Dec. 1914 in its steel
mounted leather scabbard. Worn overall, blade tip
£30 - £35
Bayonet: P.07 made by Wilkinson in November 1918 (?).
In its steel mounted round stud, leather scabbard (Throat
stamped '147') A good clean example.
£35 - £40
Bayonet: Thailand - a Mauser Model 98 Siamese
bayonet. Grips secured by rivets S/E fullered blade in its
steel scabbard. Good condition (minor wear to grips).
With museum tag.
£20 - £25
Cannon: A cast iron garden cannon with cascabel &
trunnions. No touch hole and no carriage. Possibly a 19th
century garden decoration. In good overall condition for
age. Barrel 14". (Buyer collects)
£20 - £22
Carbine: a .577 'Zulu War' MKII Martini Henry Carbine
converted from a full length service rifle. Lock by Enfield,
Crown VR. and dated 1872. Profuse WD marks & sold
out service marks. Barrel 20.5" with barleycorn sight.
Rear leaf sight. Original walnut stock (bruising from
service use) ramrod (some pitting). Two barrel bands, one
with bayonet bar for sword bayonet. Enfield storekeepers
mark to stock. Lack of swivels denotes artillery use. These
carbines widely used by Militia units in the 1880-1890s.
Stock with brass markers disc ('DLR 22') Stock marked
'CHARD'. Carbine in good working order & sound to
good condition. Obsolete calibre. No licence required.
(Knox form with usual cut). Nice original piece.
£270 - £280
Colt US Civil War Army percussion revolver with US
Colt America address on the barrel matched numbers
105821 with faint traces of inspectors stamp in grip
£850 - £900
Dagger: A Persian 'PESH KABZ' 'KARUD' dagger. T
section blade (for piercing chainmail). Bone section grip
with brass sheet decoration. In its tooled and decorated
leather scabbard. Dates 19th century. A nice original lot.
Viewing recommended.
£30 - £35
East India Company type percussion holster pistol,
sighted barrel, length 9", plain Enfield type lock with logo
stamp. Captive rammer, dark, hardwood stock with brass
furniture. Lock in w/order. Indian stamp to barrel, worn
overall but a sound original piece circa 1850.
£180 - £200
Epee Swords: A fine pair of French Epee duelling swords.
Ricasso signed 'COLOUX & CIE KLINGENTHAL',
The back circular bowl guards are signed 'E.
LABERDESQUE' Triangular steel blades 34". In their
copper mounted leather scabbards with long frog studs.
Slim wire bound grips with urn pommels. Age uncertain
but likely late 19th century. Excellent condition overall.
AND a decorative Spanish fencing Epee blade 34"
marked 'TOLEDO'. (3)
£40 - £45
George III, 1779, Queen Anne styled duelling pistol by
Lord of Dublin, with long detachable cannon barrel, the
butt depicting in silver a gorgons head with features of a
male lion, extenting up the back with a silver acanthus
leaf and a silver name plack [unused] hand grips of walnut
with silver wire inlay, military items such as drum,
cannon, flags/banners, spears, sword and acanthus leaves
engraved in steel work, makers name and city on right
hand side, London proof marks on the underside of
barrel, a '1' also present probably meaning one of a pair,
central mechanism fully working [PLEASE DO NOT
COCK], overall very lightly pitted but generally in good
working condition.
£1000 - £1200
German Ground Rohm SA Dagger with original leather
scabbard and hanger, blade maker marked 'ANTON
£1500 - £1600