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WW1 Mary Tin with 1914 Cigarettes & Tobacco, 1914


£60 - £65


WW1 medals - 1915 Stars to Trace RN, Goult Suffolks.

BWM's to Jones RNVR, Kershaw (part erased), Thomas

RN, Crawley RAF, Evans Suffolks, Grocock (part

erased), Parish Suffolks, Taylor Gordons. Victory Medals

Pluck RNR, Bailey 7th SAI, Nicol R Highlanders. Mostly

VF-EF (13)

£140 - £150


WW1 Mentioned In Despatches Certificates named

Temp Capt A M Davies, Gen List. 7th November 1917.

And another named T/Capt (T/Maj) A M Davies MC

Spec List 7th April 1918 (2)

£60 - £70


WW1 miniature medals, early types (8)

£24 - £26


WW1 unnamed and erased medals including modern

replicas, large job lot: 1914 Star x1, Bronze BWM x1,

1915 Stars x10, BWM's x16, Victory Medals x12. Plus 3x

Aug - Nov bars. VF-EF (approx 40+3)

£250 - £300


WW1 Victory Medal named 17625 Pte H S Clarke

Suffolk Regt. Died of Wounds 28 Sept 1915 with the 9th

Bn. Born Lowestoft. Buried Noeux Les Mines

Communal Cemetery. GVF (1)

£25 - £30


WW1 Victory medal to 327351 Pte. H. Furner Camb. R.


£25 - £30


WW2 Casualty group to LT/MX 121580 Reginald

Holland, Cook, RNPS, HM Trawler Gairsay. Lived

Sidcup, Kent. On the Lowestoft Memorial. Died

3/8/1944. Lot includes original named Casualty Slip,

1939-45 Star, Atlantic Star with F & G clasp, War Medal.

£40 - £45


WW2 group of 3 named in the Boots style : 1939-45 Star,

Africa Star with 8th Army bar, War Medal to 321311

Tpr. W. Johnson RAC. Comes with shoulder titles and

cap / sweetheart badges (qty)

£30 - £35


WW2 group to 2035578 Cpl E J Reeves RE. 1939-45

Star, Africa Star + 1st Army bar, Italy Star, Defence &

War Medals, Efficiency Medal GVI with Territorial

clasp. VF (6)

£50 - £55


WW2 medals - all original, 1939-45 Star x6, F & G Star

x2, Atlantic Star, Burma Star, Italy Star x3, War Medal

x8, Defence Medal x6. Mostly VF-EF (approx 27)

£120 - £130


WW2 Naval Group with box of Issue: 1939-45 Star,

Atlantic Star, Burma Star with Pacific bar, War Medal

issued to Mr. O.C. Everett, 24 Hartington Rd,

Aldeburgh, Suffolk. Plus M/S A/S silver sleeves badge


£50 - £55


WW2 South African group - 91945 C A L Lowings.

1939-45 Star, Africa Star, War Medal, Africa Service

Medal, and Efficiency Medal GVI with Union of South

Africa clasp (Sgt C A L Lowings G.S.C.). All medals

named. VF (5)

£50 - £55

A Second Private Collection

of Medals & Militaria


A collection of pewter (?) models of many different types

of 19th century cannon. These are finely detailed and

well made and include field guns, mountain artillery,

organ volley gun. Civil War canon etc. There are 12

different types in all. An excellent quality collection.

£50 - £60



combat knife used by the German Paratroops. A

captured souvenir. Wood grip with three rivets. Blade

6.5". Iron cross guard. Makers mark to the ricasso. These

knives made by PUMA. In its black painted steel

scabbard. *NOTE: Scratched to back the owners name

'JAGER BECKMANN 35 (or Z) UD?' Unit details

unclear. Looks like '3.ZUD'. Scarce

£200 - £250


A fine Imperial German Officers Deers Foot trench

dagger. Double edged blade 6" with double headed Eagle

motif and the letters 'I.P.'. S Quillons in its leather

scabbard with green 'Jager' Regiment Troddel. Retaining

loop has part detached but no losses & should stitch back.

A lovely quality knife of WW1 vintage.

£150 - £160


A framed French Resistance Medaille Militaire

'Certificate de Liberation' to Andre Vandenbusch (born

1911) for the Department du Nord. Notes his service with

the French Resistance at Mortagne du Nord (Pas de

Calais) from June 1944 to September 1944. The Medaille

Militaire is contained within the frame. The certificate is

also stamped 'FFI' with French Cross, within a circle.

Sold with a ribbon bar 'France, Liberation, Allemagne' &

badge of the bugler (call to Arms & Lion with dates '1865

& 1651' & '51-81'. In original box. An interesting & scarce

French Resistance lot.

£100 - £120


A good framed Croix de Guerre, Medaille Militaire &

French Victory Medal to Emile Quillet 15th Regiment of

Artillerie & 'Mort Au Champ D'Honneur'. The medals

are mounted on a certificate for the issue of the Victory

Medal & mention the award of the Cde G & Medaille

Militaire. Frame is original. Medals & frame in v.g.c. A

fine tribute to a soldier killed in action.

£50 - £60


A good free-standing frame of French WW1 Medals

comprising: Croix de Guerre avec Palme, Medaille

Militaire, Croix du Feu and UNC Veterans medal.

Circular photograph of recipient in uniform with sword.

A good group.

£35 - £40