Japan Commemorative Surrender metal dish dated
£20 - £25
Japanese Navy / Marines service cap in khaki
£70 - £75
Japanese POW boxed group of 4 medals 1939-45 Star,
Pacific Star and War medals to G A Williams Royal
Artillery comes with various photos of the Burma railway
and Japanese POW guards , interesting letter relating to
his time as a POW and photos as it is today
£100 - £110
John Edward Churchill - East and West Africa Medal
with Benin 1897 clasp (Renamed J.Churchill 181812 AB
HMS Theseus) 541 to ship. China Medal 1900 no bar in
silver (Renamed J.Churchill 181812 AB HMS Terrible)
706 to ship. BWM (correctly named 181812 J E Churchill
AB RN). With copy service papers, born Eastbourne.
Born 1878. He spent several periods in the Cells. VF (3)
Sold a/f
£80 - £85
Kent interest a Boer War era "Royal East Kent Mounted
Rifles" medal, named to Best turned out Troop 1901-
1902-1903 Trooper Harrison, GVF
£60 - £65
Kesteven Emergency Land Corps (poss. WW1 period)
rare badge
£60 - £65
Khedives Star 1882, unnamed as issued nVF
£40 - £45
Khedives Sudan Medal 1896 in silver, with clasps Firket,
Hafir, Abu Hamed, Sudan 1897, The Atbara, Khartoum.
Medal named in Arabic '1128 - 11 T'. The medal is
numbered to a soldier in the famous Sudanese 11th
Battalion. VF sold a/f
£60 - £65
KSA with bars SA01 & SA02, named 4045 Pte R Heaps
E.Lanc Regt. With copy medal roll, served with 3rd Bn.
EF with tiny dig to obverse (1)
£50 - £55
Lancs Artillery Volunteers (9th) Token plus 3 others (2
have field guns on them)
£25 - £30
Large WW1 era Patriotic woven pictures, both glazed
and framed. Buyer collects (2)
£20 - £25
Life Saving related Humane Society old miniature
medals, silver & bronze
£40 - £45
Louth & District Emergency Committee badge (probably
WW1 period)
£45 - £50
Lt (Hon Capt) S M Dawes (86493) Royal Artillery.
Defence & War Medal in named box of issue lived
Northwood, Middlesex. With Efficiency Decoration QE2
(dated 1950 to reverse) with Territorial clasp, in Royal
Mint fitted case. EF (3)
£80 - £85
Madras & S. Mahratta Railway Rifles silver spoon.
Retailer - Barton of Bangalore. Hallmarked L& S
Birmingham 1910. Weight 12.1gms.
£25 - £30
Major (67368) J E Catling RA - a large original collection
of WW2 material housed in his named tin trucks, and
loose. To include desert wear shirts, trousers, shorts,
boots, RA side cap, peaked caps, betls, 1943 Battledress,
Mess Dress, camp bed, etc etc. many documents and
photos. A very large lot (Buyer must collect)
£150 - £200
Manchester Police/Transport/Canal?? Early original
badges. Hat and 2 Collars. (3)
£25 - £35
Marines Beret an RMLI Green Beret dated 1943, minor
wear with cap badge, QGC
£50 - £55
Medal bars for multiple groups, plus a qty of single bars
£25 - £30
Medals - Italian Military - various (10)
£40 - £45
Medals - various - Polish etc. Including replicas (10)
£30 - £35
Mention in Despatches Oak Leaves - 5 in total & a medal
letter which came with the WW2 War medal ribbon and
1 Mention in Dispatches Oak Leaf
£20 - £25
Mentioned In Despatches Certificate to 943658 LAC K
W Mason RAFVR 14 January 1944. With a few other
£24 - £26
Mercantile Marine Medal named James Jurd. With copy
service records, born 1859/60 Southampton. VF
£25 - £30
Merton & Morden Civil Defence Assoc. silver & enamel
President's medal plus 4 Bars 1962-63 to 1965-66. Medal
hallmarked "T&S" Birmingham, 1961.
£20 - £25
Metropolitan police - 1887 Jubilee Medal (PC L
Beauchamp B.Div), and 1902 Coronation Medal in
bronze (PC L Beauchamp B.Div). VF (2)
£25 - £30
Militaria - 1914 Christmas Tin, Binocular 'Cat No
VF2507 JBB 1945' and W/D stamped, WW2 British
Helmet 1939, 1941 Ling & Son rolled saw with W/D
stamp, and a Machete Ottawa 1944 (qty)
£40 - £45
Militaria: An interesting lot of German WW1 & WW2
Militaria including: Nazi clothes peg (Nazi marks)
Enamel swastika badges - 1914-18 widow's Hindenburg
Cross, Copy Iron Cross. Lusitania Medal, WW2 Ash tray,
cloth Nazi Eagle breast badge, Interesting lot. (qty)
£30 - £40
Militaria: four interesting miniature souvenir weapons
used as letter openers. 1) Souvenir miniature copy of a
Belgian Model 1889 bayonet (a popular souvenir) Blade
3.5". 2) A steel model of a WW1 Imperial German
Officers sword (blade 6"). 3) A miniature Bowie knife (2.5"
overall). 4) A letter opener Bowie knife (blade 3.5") All in
good condition. (4)
£20 - £25
Military Cross WW1 (unnamed as issued), BWM &
Victory Medal (Capt T Evans), with MID, India General
Service Medal with Afghanistan NWF 1919 clasp (Capt
T Evans), Defence & War Medals. Tudor Evans served
with the ASC, his MID's are L/G 12/3/1918, and L/G
Mesopotamia 5th June 1919. MC L/G 7/2/1918. Lived
Wimbledon. WW2 14/4/1939 Air Ministry Dept
Clerical Class, 2/5/1941 Pilot Officer on Probation
26/3/1941 (84092). VF (6)
£600 - £700