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19th Century scarce Nepalese Gehendra under lever

Military Rifle in good condition apart from slot milled in

the top

£200 - £220


19th Century single barrel percussion shot gun made by


£160 - £170


19th Century single barrel percussion shot gun made by I

Hollis & Son London

£160 - £170


19th Century single barrel percussion shot guns. (2)

£130 - £140


19th century three band Enfield military smooth bore

musket for service in India

£300 - £350


African clubs: One large with circular offset round head

with brass decoration and carved face. 22" long,

hardwood. The other smaller 17" long with ball head

(possibly bone). Dark wood? Interesting pair of some age.

Viewing recommended. (2)

£30 - £40


African hollow hilted dagger with scabbards, c19th

century (2)

£30 - £40


Bayonets: A good LIA3 bayonet. Ricasso marked 'E69'

and WD Arrow. In its steel scabbard AND a No4 MKII

Spike bayonet in its steel scabbard stamped No4 MKI

with frog. Both in good condition. (2)

£40 - £45


Bayonets: A good U.S. Navy MK3 MOD. O.- 2V376

combat knife in its plastic scabbard with integral frog.

V.G.C. AND a Spanish Model 1941 knife, bayonet,

'BOLO' Pattern. Made at Toledo. In its steel scabbard

(No F/Stud). in above average condition for this model.


£40 - £45


Bayonets: A Model 1866 Sabre bayonets. All three with

very good blades. One bayonet with pitted scabbard and

mounts. Surface rust to the other two. These will clean

up well. A dealer's lot. All have steel scabbards. (3)

£50 - £55


Bayonets: A Model 1874 Gras Epee bayonet. Excellent

blade marked St Etienne 1877. In its home made

scabbard AND a P13 bayonet by Remington dated May

1916. No scabbard. Light rusting overall. (2)

£30 - £35


Bayonets: A pair of Model 1874 French Gras, Epee

bayonets converted into a fireplace set comprising a

poker and coal tongs. Surface rusting overall but will

clean to make a decorative fireplace feature. a/f

£30 - £35


Bayonets: A selection of British EIC socket bayonets

including Martini-Henry, EIC etc, one shortened,

various conditions. No scabbards. (5) a/f

£25 - £30


Bayonets: Swedish Mod: 1896 knife in scabbard w/frog.

Spanish 'Bolo' in steel scabbard. Export Mauser. Siam

Mod 1896 in steel scabbard. Export Mauser. Siam Mod

1896. No scabbard. German 1884/98 type. No

scabbard. Russian bayonet? in scabbard. Various

conditions mostly sound or better. Viewing

recommended. A dealer's lot. (qty)

£60 - £65


Bayonet: A German Fireman's long pattern dress

bayonet. Polished blade 250mm. No makers mark. In its

black painted steel scabbard. Overall V.G.C.

£40 - £50


Bayonet: A good Czech model 1923 Mauser bayonet

(WOW No 125). In its blued steel scabbard. Very good

condition overall.

£30 - £35


Bayonet: A Pattern 1888 MK1 bayonet 2nd type. Blade

12" dated May 1897 and stamped WD. in a MK1

scabbard with tear drop stud. A decent example of this

Boer War bayonet.

£35 - £40


Bayonet: A Pattern 1903 bayonet for the SMLE rifle

dated January 1906. Made by Enfield. In its steel

mounted leather scabbard. Pommel appears marked to

13th Hussars. Some rusting overall, clean blade.

£35 - £40


Bayonet: A Whitworth sword bayonet blade 22.5"

(approx) tip rounded. Ricasso with Crown & V.R. top of

blade " J.B." plus inspection mark. Bar on band with

circular mortise slot. Knurled leather grips, pommel

marked '326'. NO SCABBARD. A decent example,

some file marks to blade.

£40 - £45


Bayonet: French Model 1892 Berthier bayonet with

shortened quillon. Black composite grip, blued steel

scabbard, good blade. A decent example.

£35 - £40


Bayonet: German 3rd Reich Model 1884/98 knife

bayonet. Blade 25cms. Ricasso marked '41 COF' (Carl

Eickhorn Solingen) made in 1941. Ricasso marked '8820'

E matches the steel scabbard. A clean and tidy example,

composition grips, minor dents to scabbard.

£35 - £40


Bayonet: P'07 WW1 SMLE bayonet by Enfield and

dated October 1914. Nice early one with no oil hole in

pommel. In its steel mounted leather scabbard with tear

drop frog stud. Generally good condition. scabbard


£35 - £40


Bayonet: P'07 WW1 SMLE bayonet by scarce maker

REMINGTON made in August 1915. Stained blade in

its steel mounted leather scabbard

£35 - £40


Bayonet: P'07 WW1 SMLE bayonet by Wilkinson. In its

steel mounted leather scabbard with tear drop stud.

Good condition overall, blade stained.

£35 - £40


Bayonet: Pattern 1913 bayonet blade dated 9.15. by

Remington W/D marks to ricasso. In its P.07 steel

mounted leather scabbard. Some rusting, worn overall.

£25 - £35


Bowie Knife: A large Bowie knife by 'Alexander

Sheffield'. Clipped back blade 12'. Slim horn grip, white

metal mounts. No scabbard. Grips replaced & not well


£25 - £35


Bowie style knife (blade approx 10 inches) with leather

scabbard and Red Indian style cover. Blade maker

marked 'I Cut My Way William Rodgers, Sheffield,

England'. Repair to handle

£25 - £30


Box of mixed gun parts ammo clips etc

£40 - £45


British bayonets: Baker type bayonet. Top of blade

marked 'Osborn & Gun...' Worn. Patt 1856 sword

bayonet. Worn overall x2. EIC sword socket bayonet.

Worn overall. All lack scabbards and are in worn but

sound condition. Viewing recommended. (4) a/f

£40 - £50


British WW1 trench dagger win leather scabbard, badge

marked John Watts Sheffield. Showing age

£30 - £35


Canadian Ross bayonet 1907 with a Romanian WW1

bayonet, no scabbards (2)

£40 - £45


Daggers swords Kurri knives collection of far east


£50 - £55


Dagger: A decorative/ceremonial Romanian Army

dagger. Stiletto blade 8" in its gilt scabbard with hanging

strap. Plain brass hilt with composition grip. G.C.


£70 - £75


Deactivated steyr 1911 WW1 carbine front barrel band


£110 - £120


EDVII British Rifle Brigade Sword in its leather

scabbard with leather frog, maker marked Hobson

£100 - £150


European small sword/dagger in leather and brass

scabbard (end of scabbard missing) (blade approx 17")

£50 - £55


German Hitler Youth knife with moto on the blade in its


£140 - £150


German K98 Bayonet with metal scabbard and leather

frog, blade marked 'Mundlos'. Together with K98

German WW2 cleaning kit (2)

£35 - £40


German Naval Dagger with metal scabbard (this with a

dent), blade and scabbard both stamped 'O 45'. a/f

£80 - £85


German Naval Dagger with metal scabbard, blade maker

marked 'Paul Weyersberg & Co Solingen'.

£240 - £260


German NPEA Chained Leaders Dagger, with dark olive

green scabbard, and metal chain, the chain maker

marked 'Ges Gesch', and the engraved blade maker

marked 'Karl Burgsmuller Berlin'. This piece is possibly a

composite piece made directly post-war from original

parts and a later blade ? Sold a/f. Well worth viewing

£300 - £400