Hammered Coins & Jettons (47) mainly English, from
Tealby Pennies to Stuart and Commonwealth minors.
£300 - £400
Hammered silver, mostly English but Scottish, Irish and
Spanish [one of each noted], some chipped / cracked,
£25 - £30
Henry II silver penny, 'Tealby' Class F, obverse reads:-
+hENRI REX, reverse reads:- +RAVL.ON.S[ ]N:, Bury
St Edmunds Mint, moneyer Raul, a full, well centred
piece and an even strike, GF/NVF
£60 - £80
Henry II silver penny, Short Cross Type Class 1b, Spink
1344, obverse reads:- hENRICVS.R EX, reverse reads:-
RAVL.ON.LVND, London Mint, moneyer Raul, with
old ticket, full, round, well centred, NVF
£40 - £50
Henry III silver penny, Long Cross Issue, without sceptre,
Class 3b, neat round bust, three pellets either side of large
pellet for chin, mm. 3, Spink 1363, full, round, GVF
£80 - £85
Henry VI First Reign 1422-1461, silver groat, Annulet
Issue 1422-1430, Calais Mint with annulet in two
quarters of the reverse, Spink 1836, full, round, NVF
£60 - £70
Henry VI First Reign 1422-1461, silver groat, Annulet
Issue [1422-1430], Calais Mint, annulet in two quarters
of reverse, Spink 1836, full, round, well centred, a little
weakness on outer legend, VF
£80 - £90
Henry VI First Reign [1422-1461], silver groat of Calais,
Pinecone-Mascle Issue [1431-1432/3], Spink 1895, GVF
£140 - £160
Henry VII silver groat of London, Group I, open crown,
mm. Lis upon Half Rose, 1485-1487, Spink 2193, with
old ticket, a little short of flan but probably as issued, GF
£50 - £60
Henry VII silver groat, Facing Bust Issue, mm. Cross-
Crosslet [1504-1505], Class IVa, wide single arch crown
with 4 crockets, Spink 2200, full, round, well centred,
£100 - £150
Henry VII silver groat, of London, Group I, open crown,
mm. Lis upon Half Rose, 1485-1487, Spink 2193, a little
short of flan as is often the case with Type I, good portrait,
£150 - £170
Henry VII silver half-groat, Canterbury Mint, Type IIIc,
no stops mm. Tun [1493-1495], Spink 2211, sharp strike,
£100 - £110
Henry VIII gold Angel First Coinage, 1509-1526, mm.
Castle, obverse reads:- hENRIC ? VIII DI GRA REX
AGL Z FR, with h and rose by ships mast, Spink 2265,
full, round, well centred, lightly crinkled, GF
£700 - £900
Henry VIII gold halfcrown, Second Coinage 1526-1544,
uncrowned h K each side, mm.Rose/Lis, Spink 2286,
found Suffolk, round and well centred, unclipped, centres
flat, legend edges just a little crinkled, GVF
£1700 - £1800
Henry VIII silver groat, Second Coinage 1526-1544,
mm. Arrow, Laker Bust D, Spink 2337E, full, round, well
centred, lightly crinkled, overall very light marks under
magnification, GF
£100 - £140
Henry VIII Silver half groat, Second coinage, York Mint,
Archbishop Thomas Wolsey, mm, Voided Cross, TW by
reverse shield, keys at lower sides & cardinal's hat below,
Spink 2346, full flan, both dies slightly off centre, a little
weakness each side, NVF
£70 - £90
Henry VIII silver halfgroat of Canterbury, WA by reverse
shield, Archbishop Warham, mm. Cross Patonce [1526-
1532], Spink 2343, with old ticket, full, round, well
centred, tone a little uneven, VF
£30 - £35
Henry VIII silver halfgroat, Canterbury Mint, WA beside
reverse shield, Archbishop Warham, mm. Uncertain
mark [Spink 121], 1526-1532, Spink 2343, small area of
edge loss at bottom, very light scuffs under magnification
but a good central strike, VF
£80 - £90
Henry VIII silver halfgroat, Second Coinage 1526-1544,
Canterbury Mint, Archbishop Thomas Cranmer, T - C
beside reverse shield, mm. Catherine Wheel [obverse
only], Spink 2345, GVF
£150 - £180