Familymedal groups - 1915StarTrio+DeathPlaque to
13715 L/Cpl George Frederick Lilley 9th Bn Suffolk
Regt. Killed In Action 10/10/1916. Born Fornham All
Saints, Suffolk. Listed on the Thiepval Memorial.
Together with a 1915 Star Trio and Defence Medal
named 13713 Pte William R J Lilley Suffolk Regt (his
brother). They enlisted together with almost consecutive
numbers. VF-EF (8)
£280 -£300
Familymedals - BWM&VictoryMedal to 175877SgtC
HGouldRAF, withDefence &WarMedals plus box of
issue to D R Gould of Fisherton St, Salisbury. Plus a
£60 -£65
Family medals - BWM & Victory Medal to T/325431
Pte TMcKimm ASC, plus a superb group to 7010681
Cpl Charles Richard McKimm Royal Ulster Rifles,
medals - GSMGVI with Palestine clasp, IGS GVI with
North West Frontier 1937-39 clasp, 1939-45 Star, Italy
Star, Defence&WarMedals, GVI Regular ArmyLSGC
Medal (7010681 Sjt C RMcKimmM.P.S.C. (surname
corrected), and scarce QE2 Australian Meritorious
Service Medal (engraved 3110428 Sgt C R McKimm
ARA).Gazetted20/2/1958. VF-GVF (10)
£1300 -£1400
Fighter Aces group to Lt. Colonel Andrew "Andy"
BosmanDSODFC a ten victory ace of Desert & Italian
campaigns comprising 39-45,Africa & Italy stars,
Defence & War medals, South African Overseas War
service medal, all named to P.102696 A.C.Bosman
mounted court style forwearwith small remnant of DSO
& DFC ribbons. He was born 16-5-1917 in Bloemhof,
Transvaal, enlisting pre war into the SAAF. By 1941 he
was a Captain with 3 Sqn SAAF in the Western Desert
and became their leading scorer. Awarded the DFC in
1942, he was then posted as Sqn Commander to 2 Sqn
SAAF before having a rest fromOps.Then attached to
72 Sqn RAF.Later he became sweep leader as a Wing
Commander of 7 Sqn SAAF until he completed his
second tour inOctober 1944 andwas awarded theDSO
(one of only 34 South African Airforce personnel to win
theDSO andmuch rarer in a combinationwith aDFC).
Very sadly after such a distinguished career he was killed
with all his Squadrons Pilots on 17th April 1947 whilst
being flown from Khartoum to collect a new batch of
Spitfires for his Squadronwhen theVentura theywere in
dived into the ground. He claimed ME109"s destroyed
on 23-11-1941, 12-5-1941, 12-12-1941 (two), Me109s
damaged 12-12-1941 (two) an Me110 destroyed 16-12-
1941, Me109f damaged 18-12-1941, Ju87s damaged &
destroyed 22-12-1941, a half kill Ju88 30-12-1941, a
probable Me109 7-1-1942, Ju88 destroyed 16-1-1942, a
shared Ju88 4-5-1942, destroyed Me109s (two) 27-5-
1944, a sharedMe109 27-5-1944, destroyedMe210 2-8-
1944 and Fiat 156 9-8-1944 which makes 19 definate
combat reports but in addition he is mentioned several
times in two books which come with the group and has
many mentions on the Internet. A very researchable
group, his DSO &DFC were detached many years ago
but when replacedwouldmake a fine group.GVF
£3000 -£3500
Fire Brigade a set of London Fire Brigade cap badges,
£70 -£75
First World War original 1914 or 1914-15 trio ribbon
approx 18 inches of each (enough for 3x trios) &TFWM
£40 -£45
First World War Victory medals, Portugal, Belgium,
Brasil, SouthAfrica,DvrC.W.T.SWilliams S.A.S.C. VF
£85 -£95
Framed 4th Bn Northamptonshire Regt WW1 Tribute
Certificate named toGGDean.
£20 -£25
Framed Statement re the shooting down of a German
Aircraft on 23rd Jan 1943 at BeachyHead byBrenGuns
mounted for A.A. use. Cpl W S Sansom, Pte C A
Darrock, Pte JAndros
£30 -£35
France - good collectionofMilitary andCommemorative
Medals, all originals (approx 28)
£200 -£250
France 6x various WW1 (mostly) medals inc scarce
Evaders/Escapersmedal with1914-1918Bar,GVF
£80 -£85
France 8x WW1 mostly medals inc Croix de Guerre &
£70 -£75
France a Vichy era Legionaries Croix de Guerre for
Volunteers fighting in Russia, Vichy emblem on ribbon,
£130 -£150
France a Vichy? French Croix de Guerre 1939-1942
dated reverse, Vichy emblemon ribbon, boxed,GVF
£130 -£150
France a "Giraud" North Africa type Croix de Guerre
dated 1943, scarce,GVF
£130 -£150
France an unusual casualty pair, Medaile Militaire &
Croix de Guerre 1939 plus award certificate
(Posthumous) to Jacques Pierre Petit who was Killed in
Action at La Frimbolle,Moselle district of France 20-11-
£85 -£95
France Legion de Honneur WW2, Croix de Guerre
1939, Member of the British Empire attributed to
Edouard JaninVidil withmodern paperwork concerning
the possible recipient who had a most interesting &
eventful life born into a Military French Family his
Grandfather was General Janin who served at the
General Staff School in Mykoliov, Russia 1909-11,
endingWW1 as Commander of Czech Forces in France
& Revolutionary Wars. His Grandson served in the
French Resistance until smuggled to England (see other
Italian decorations attributed to him in this catalogue),
£180 -£200
France Vichy a 1939-40 reverse dated Croix de Guerre
withVichyParty emblem to ribbon,GVF
£85 -£95
France Vichy French "Etat Francais" Croix de Guerre
1944dated, bronze star on ribbon, boxed,GVF
£130 -£150
France, medal for the Expedition to China 1860.
Original silver issuewith ribbon. EF
£40 -£50